BentonGrey -> AI Oversight (11/30/2009 9:26:48 PM)
Hello gentlemen, I am thoroughly enjoying fighting the War of Northern Agression as the CSA, but after my first full run through the campaign, I'm finding my second too easy. After looking into the difficulty settings, it seems that they don't improve the enemy AI any, but instead simply provide them with more resources, while penalizing the player. What I'm finding is mostly a problem with the AI simply not being very challenging. They may manuver around a little in the West, making things somewhat interesting, but their fleet just sits next to Washington, doing absolutely nothing. I'd love to play a game that saw them pay a lot more attention to trying to flank me, maybe menacing New Orleans or Florida, or at least putting together a reasonable blockade. Does anyone have any suggestions for beefing up the AI a bit? Does pumping up their resources have any other effect besides giving them more troops, guns, and what have you?