Anthropoid -> Any EUIII Fans in the House? (12/5/2009 9:16:00 PM)
Any of you guys players of Europa Universalis III? If not, you might seriously want to give it a try. Operates at a lower-resolution scale than CoGEE does, and offers considerably less detailed economic control, etc., but overall I think it is the type of game that CoGEE players will like. Curious to hear if any of you guys play it, and your thoughts, rants, or bravado. I've only learned about it the last couple weeks, and it has been my only game for the past week or so. I've got a game as French started in 1399 Grand Campaign and I'm up to about 1468 or so. Just started New World exploration and the Spanish and Portugese seem to be at least one step ahead of me. Have finally got my inflation down where I am happy with it (~1.7 or 1.8). Have kicked England off the continent except for Calais, annexed most of Burgundy and some of Lorraine, and annexed most of my vassals (except Bearn and Provence. So France has nearly taken on its "modern" geographical silhouette, though perhaps with a bit more extent in Belgium than in the Pyrennees. Also have not moved into Rousillon. The historical reality that this game achieves is amazing, though it might seem to a non-history buff to just be unfun, cause you are constantly hammered by random events that force you to adapt and which undermine your megalomaniac expansionism. I was a big Civ player for a long time, and what I love about this game is how much closer it seems to modeling the real challenges of a nation expanding than Sid's game's have done. I have to applaud Paradox for making a game that is this inherently 'difficult' (though the AI is still a moron of course).