K.Pooley -> RE: BoB - Kevin v Swift (11/27/2010 2:26:46 AM)
THE STRATEGY what I have wrote This was going to be one of those turns when I carefully worked out a detailed strategy, writing it up as I went along so as to give you all an insight into my thinking on the subject (ie show how clever I am). Unfortunately after two hours plotting and re-writing, but no saving (!!?!) a crash sent the lot tumbling off into the ether. Since I really can't face the thought of re-doing the whole thing in detail, what you're getting is my carefully worked out strategy just described in less detail than I had planned. So it wasn't a complete waste, as I have the plan in my head. You will see the detail when I post the full list of the raids. My Plan (in summary) 0600 Recce of all relevant radar sites and ALL AFs on the map above. All at max. altitude, but crucial targets to get at least one other aircraft assigned to them, at a lower level. 0730 Some decoy and diversionary raids at the SW and E fringes. Also a complex 1-2-3 strike against Martlesham. 1st wave (high MOR/high EXP crews) at ultra-low level. 2nd wave (fighters) timed to meet aircraft taking off from the field. 3rd wave bombing from a more conventional height. 0900 onwards Attacks on 11 Group targets, targets chosen based on the chart above. 1200 Well-escorted attacks on AFs near the coast in radar-clear areas. To be allocated after the night raids (below) have been set up, using resources remaining. 1400 Full recce of everything targetted so far. 2000 onwards A series of night raids, against two distinct areas. The first will be low-level attacks against PRIAFs in the "Bristol Pocket", while the second will be made from more conventional heights against the Cambridge-East Anglia grouping. Cloud allowing there could be 20% illumination until 2230 tonight, so hopefully conditions for both navigation and bombing should be reasonable. It will be interesting to see which type of attack is most useful/less costly.