JohnK -> (6/27/2002 10:17:43 AM)
It's right on the squadron screen, upper left corner, second line. It will say something like "93rd Squadron" on the first line, than "Squadron - US (16) on the second line. 16 is the maximum number. Why are people so motivated to disband and consolidate squadrons? There's no particular reason to do so. ONLY times I've done it is early as the US, when you have a bunch of B-17 squadrons and no replacements...once a couple get down to 4-5 planes I'll disband one so the other has 10-12 planes or whatever. And if you've got some squadron with 12 aircraft in reserve those aircraft are going to be useless for quite along time...nothing you can do to take it back or undo it, you have to wait for that squadron to lose 12 planes.