entemedor -> Computer-controlled subs enter a loop (6/27/2002 2:36:04 PM)
Hi, playing IJN in long scenario, I had no problem with the computer-controlling my subs under historical restrictions, until three of them returned to Truk with slight damage within a few days. They are on the range 11-13 sys damage. Now the routine forming new submarine TFs and sending them on patrol has entered a loop! Every day, one of the damaged submarines is put into a new TF and sent on patrol; next day, the same TF aborts and returns to Truk (obviously the AI detects she has above 10 sys damage and cancels her orders). The TF disbands herself, and next day the sub is out again in a new TF, and the proccess goes on and on... Even stranger, at the same time there are undamaged subs in Truk, which are never assigned to patrol (apparently the AI forms just a new sub TF every turn). Curiously enough, the damaged submarines are I-21, I-24 and I-29, and the undamaged ones I-123 and I-175: perhaps the AI is choosing them in numerical order. For now, the only solution is to send these slightly damaged boats back to Japan for repairs. Even so, the AI prefers to send on patrol one of the remaining subs with 10 sys damage rather than one with 0 damage. Hope this arrives in time for next patch!