Platoon_Michael -> RE: next patch.......... (3/13/2010 4:12:00 PM)
All you have to do is remove your current BG from the map and bring in a new BG right where the AI's last deployment was. Totally ruins the AI's(and/or)Opponents deployment in your favor. I don't know if thats the case with CCIV,care to give it a shot and let us know? I now see a lot of graphic errors on the maps,most are minor but after awhile it just becomes very discouraging. Case in point,Buildings have white lines outside when the roof is removed,Building level #'s are inconsistant and in some cases sloppy,borrowed buildings are blurry/out of focus,and in some cases you can see lines on the map from poor blending of textures.The background is the original Bastogne map. [image]local://upfiles/8753/A2215982E9044EE289B704873D0B78E0.jpg[/image]