tocaff -> RE: advice for buying (3/19/2010 12:43:57 PM)
Back in 2002 when UV was released it was a very detailed and complex game. Later along comes WITP and the learning curve was trashed and called the learning cliff. WITP is intimidating and gets easier, as all things do, as you use it. AE addresses some of the bug issues of WITP and refines other things. There is a lot more technical and micro management in AE than WITP. Automated searches are now manual settings of search arcs, way points for TF are available to be set manually, loading and unloading of shipping is much more complicated, repair of ships is not computer driven any longer and well you get the idea. If you're into micromanaging a war on a vast scale dive in and don't forget about withdrawing those units on schedule. There are many other differences between WITP and WITPAE that I haven't mentioned and some people thing they are good and others disagree.