Phase I Operations in DEI complete (Full Version)

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CapAndGown -> Phase I Operations in DEI complete (1/30/2010 2:54:09 PM)

Jan 11, 1942

Koepang was invaded today. It will be captured tomorrow. With that my thrust south to isolate Java from the east is complete.

I estimate about a week to reach Singapore.

I am launching an attack at Nandi tomorrow with the 156 regiment and 65 Brigade. The 2nd division at Suva has very high disruption, so I will wait a bit. The 38th division is just about to arrive at Truk where it will refuel and head south. Overall, then, I expect the invasion of Pago-Pago to take place in about 10 days.

With the capture of Pago-Pago, assuming it happens, and the investing of Singapore, all my phase I operations will be completed by the end of January. I don't know how long it will take Singapore to fall. I am using 6 divisions. But I believe that operations against Java can commence in February. That still leaves Clark Field and Mindanao, plus filling in the flanks. I am also considering a descent on Darwin in February, March at the latest.

Below is a map detailing my progress in the DEI. The dates may be a little off since Tracker uses turn numbers rather than dates for alerts, which is where I got this info.


CapAndGown -> RE: Phase I Operations in DEI complete (1/31/2010 1:04:38 AM)

Jan. 12, 1942

Nandi was captured. A shock attack is ordered for Suva for tomorrow.

Koepang was captured. An airfleet has landed there and Betties have been rebased to provide an anti-ship capability reaching down to Darwin.

Malaca was captured.

Loayang was captured. Looks like witpqs is bugging out of Nanyang as well. Time to start moving some troops south.

Except for the pending invasion of Pago-Pago, it looks like we have reached an operational pause while we await the capture of Singapore. Some flank securing operations are on tap, but until Singapore falls, I do not have enough forces to launch any major offensives against a determined defense. It may be time to back some forces out of the DEI and begin the conquest of Mindanao. Looks like witpqs has withdrawn all forces there to Cagayan.

CarnageINC -> RE: Phase I Operations in DEI complete (1/31/2010 1:59:03 AM)

Wow, you got some deep penetration drives going down.  Glad my pbem opponent seems more conventional! [:D]  [sm=00000613.gif]

CapAndGown -> RE: Phase I Operations in DEI complete (1/31/2010 2:21:31 AM)



Wow, you got some deep penetration drives going down.  Glad my pbem opponent seems more conventional! [:D]  [sm=00000613.gif]

Yes, I have been following your AAR. Spruance's as well. And I just don't understand these other Japanese players. Speed of advance seems to me to be the key to Japanese success. Grab the bases you eventually want before they can be reinforced, otherwise you are going to get into a long drawn out battle that only benefits the allies as they receive more and more reinforcements. You need to achieve your defensive perimeter quickly or not at all. The last thing I want happening to me is what Q-Ball did to Cuttlefish!

Basically, I believe the Japanese need to emulate German Blitzkrieg strategy, only at sea. Go fast, go deep, ignore the flanks, and hope the enemy is unbalanced by the rapidity of your advance.

I should say, that some of my strategy was influenced by undercovergeek. Except, I did not like the idea of going after PH. It seemed to well defended to me and I am not as well organized as undercovergeek seems to be. So instead, I decided on an alternative method of trying disrupt the LOC between CONUS and Australia: go for the weakly garrisoned islands of the south Pacific before they could be reinforced significantly.

CapAndGown -> RE: Phase I Operations in DEI complete (1/31/2010 5:12:34 AM)

This is just to note my new found paranoia after reading Admiral Spruance's AAR: I am now living in deathly fear of being Midway'ed down around Samoa. I think KB1 and 2 are going to have to mate up after KB1 refuels. The Shoho, which is not very powerful anyway, is still about 5 days sailing from Samoa. Nevertheless, the Siege of Pago-Pago will continue despite my paranoia.

CapAndGown -> RE: Phase I Operations in DEI complete (1/31/2010 4:30:30 PM)

Jan. 13, 1942

Nothing much is happening right now. Or, at least, nothing that I didn't know was going to happen last turn. Mainly, I am just getting ready for the invasion of Pago-Pago, advancing on Singapore, and expanding my hold on the Timor/Flores and Celebes areas.

Japanese forces CAPTURE Malacca !!!
Japanese forces CAPTURE Koumac !!!
Japanese forces CAPTURE Suva !!!
Japanese forces CAPTURE Tanna !!!
Japanese forces CAPTURE Vava'u !!!

I should add: I decided to start playing radio games. I have some divisions in Manchuria prepping for Townsville, Brisbane, and Rockhampton. I do hope witpqs picks up on this. I would like to draw him away from western Australia.

CapAndGown -> RE: Phase I Operations in DEI complete (2/1/2010 12:14:09 AM)

Jan. 14, 1942

Nothing very significant happened this turn. For some reason, my air fleet at Koepang did not have torpedo reloads available. So a Nell attack against an xAKL and an AM sailing between Exmouth and Darwin went in with bombs rather than torpedos. They were able to hit and sink the xAKL, but missed the AM. I have reset the torpedo reload rate to 80, though I found you have to do this in increments of 10 at a time. Also, it does not appear that you can decrement the number of torps available. At any rate, the appearance of Nells over the coast of northern Australia should discourage allied ships from entering that area.

CapAndGown -> RE: Phase I Operations in DEI complete (2/2/2010 12:48:33 AM)

Jan. 15-16, 1942

I don't think anything in particular happened on the 15th, so I will skip right to the 16th.


Kaga made Luganville. Float damage is down to 34. It has refueled and is now headed for Truk via Tulagi, Shortlands, and Rabaul. It won't actually transit these bases, but will pass close by them in case the float damage suddenly starts to increase.

A senatai of Nells rebased from Rabaul to Suva. A Sentai of Zeros rebased from Rabaul to Noumea. Damn, the Japs have it easy when trying to rebase! I have no active airstrips right now between Rabaul and Noumea. (They are building at Tulagi, Shorlands, Luganville, Efate and Tanna.) Nevertheless, I can send my best fighters to the front in one long hop. AFBs must be jealous as h*ll.

I am collecting more engineers and BFs to send south to build up my bases in this region.


Lomblen was captured. I want base an Air HQ here that can provide torpedoes to several nearby bases.

B-17Es showed up over Miri today. They were opposed by Oscars. The E model is definitely better than the D model. A lot of my planes were damaged according to the replay, but apparently were fixed by the end of the turn. Nevertheless, those E's pack a punch. And naturally, the Oscars are hopeless with there pea shooter guns. Despite this, the Flak I moved to Miri did OK. One B-17 was lost to AAA. Several others were damaged.


Well, Moulmein was finally entered and captured. I have two divisions sitting there. However, I forgot to issue move orders to them. I am not sure where they should go. Witpqs has 4 units sitting at Pegu, and 5 units in the hex northwest. Either way, then I will be shock attacking across a river. I suppose I should go for the northern hex, but he will probably see me take that route and respond before my guys can make the river crossing. So perhaps Pegu is the best route. It would be quicker, anyway. And I doubt the that the riff raff he has in Burma can stop 2 IJA divisions.

More on my basing plans in the next two posts.

CapAndGown -> RE: Phase I Operations in DEI complete (2/3/2010 12:17:29 AM)

Jan. 16-17, 1942

Again, nothing much happened. Still getting set up for Pago-Pago, collecting BFs and engineers, and waiting for units to arrive. Mersing will be captured tomorrow.

With this post and the next I thought I would share my defensive plans for the Timor and South Seas regions. Basically, I want to set up a collection of mutually supporting airbases from which I can launch torpedo bomber attacks. Air HQs with the appropriate range will be strategically based so as to provide torpedoes to all the bases around them so that, hopefully, the allies will not be able to shut down all my bases at once with one big airfield attack.

As to the Timor region, in addition to setting a redoubt around Timor/Flores, I plan on further defending this area by capturing the bases of northern Australia, with the aim of making Timor unreachable by all but the very longest range bombers.


CapAndGown -> RE: Phase I Operations in DEI complete (2/3/2010 12:20:03 AM)

And now for my Fiji/Somoa plans. In this case, the allies will be hard pressed to bomb these bases with LBA since the nearest bases have very low max size potentials.


CapAndGown -> RE: Phase I Operations in DEI complete (2/3/2010 4:43:38 AM)

Jan. 19, 1942

The 38th division is one hex out from Suva. The 65th Brigade has embarked at Nandi. The 2nd division, minus the recon battalion has begun loading at Suva. As soon as the 2nd division is done loading, all these forces will set sail for Pago-Pago. That will give me the equivalent of 2 and 1/2 divisions to throw at the island.

A TF of 3 DMS is already heading to Pago-Pago to sweep up the mines there. I wonder if the coastal guns will blow them to pieces? We'll find out.

I also have a number of battleships and cruisers available for bombardment. One TF of 3 older BBs, the 4 fast BBs that are currently escorting KB1 & 2, plus a TF of heavy cruisers.

In some ways, this feels like swatting a fly with a sledgehammer.

And that may be true. The number of troops reported at Pago-Pago is now down to less than 12,000. It had been at 14,000 for a number of days, but it has been dropping lately. I can't believe it is lack of supply, troops just don't go down that fast because of lack of supply. I am speculating that witpqs may be air evacing some of those units using Catalinas from somewhere, though I can't figure out where as there really are no good candidates for a flying boat base. To check on this assumption, I set two of my carrier fighter squadrons to do some LRCAP over Pago-Pago. We will see if this nets us some Cats.


Mersing was captured. We should be in Johore Bahru in a few days. We are, however, probably a week away from actually advancing on Singapore as I am going to wait for the Manchurian division to arrive. It is currently about halfway between Formosa and Saigon.

My first bombing attack on Singapore is scheduled for tomorrow. I have been holding off until I had a decent sized base built that is not at long range before commencing the bombing campaign because I wish to keep ops losses down. Kuala Lumpur has now been built up to size 6 so that will be our main base until Johore Bahru is captured. In addition, I set the altitude to 21,000 feet to cut down on the effectiveness of the flak. I may not hit much, but at least my boys can keep flying rather than dying.

Grotius -> RE: Phase I Operations in DEI complete (2/3/2010 3:51:42 PM)

Sheesh, you seem to be doing great. Diverting one or two divisions to the south seas apparently hasn't affected your progress in Malaya or the Philippines, and you've already taken Port Moresby and much of the DEI -- in January. Has there been any downside to your allocation of resources to the south seas venture? I don't see such a downside so far. If you can manage to take Darwin, then it seems like a clean sweep of what you need to take.

Q-Ball -> RE: Phase I Operations in DEI complete (2/4/2010 3:54:58 AM)

Nice job, you are moving very fast, and I totally agree: This is the key for Japan. You must be doing a terrific job of planning out your logistical tail, because the one thing that will slow you down in the first 6 weeks isn't so much the enemy but lack of fuel, supplies, base forces, and all that stuff.

I also am a proponent of an early move on Koepang; no reason you can't have Timor done in the first month.

CapAndGown -> RE: Phase I Operations in DEI complete (2/4/2010 4:26:10 AM)

Turns have been going by pretty fast, so this post will summarize three days of action.

But first, a reply to Grotius: I have now committed 3 divisions and 1 Brigade to the south seas. The 56 division is split up with one regiment at Port Moresby, one regiment at Noumea, and one regiment at Suva. 38th division, 2nd division, and 65th brigade are currently enroute to Pago-Pago.

How has this effected operations elsewhere? Well, as far as Luzon is concerned, the only thing going on there is a holding action at Clark Field. The front line there is manned by 2 divisions, two tank regiments, and the artillery from the Pescadores, plus some combat engineers which are marching on Clark right now. Using only two divisions could have posed a problem if my opponent had not done a Sir Robin. A more aggressive play here might have caused problems for the IJA. By now, however, it is most likely too late: my forces are sitting behind level two forts and I imagine his supply situation may not be the best since my daily bombing raids require him to constantly put up flak, draining his stock of supply.

I still think Luzon should be viewed as a holding action while more important objectives are secured. Staging bombers out of Clark, while tempting, would drain supply for the allies and with the proper allocation of Zeros and Sallies, the airfield can be shut down. So perhaps three divisions there (instead of the two I am using).

As for Malaya, once the Manchurians arrive I will have 6 divisions. And in Burma, I have 2 divisions. The Burma commitment may be a little light; we will see.

I have also bought a division from Manchuria.

So if I had not gone down to Fiji, I would probably have 2 and 1/2 divisions extra to work with (assuming that one division was still used for Rabaul and Port Moresby). What could these divisions do? Well, the biggest target of opportunity would be Darwin. Taking that early, before it can be reinforced, would be a major plus. I imagine that right now witpqs is rushing a large number of reinforcements to Darwin, and there is nothing I can do about it because I don't have enough troops to go after it right now. One division and one brigade would do very nicely for taking Darwin right about now, maybe even as little as one division.

In addition, all my carriers (minus the Kaga, which is limping back to the HI) are now down around Somoa. If I had not committed to this operation, I would have freed up some CVs for operations in the DEI. This would offer the alternative of using those 2 and 1/2 divisions for an early invasion of Java even before Singapore falls.

Of course, all of this is premised on the idea of a holding action in Luzon rather than a concerted attempt to defeat the allies there early on.

Others will point to the fuel consumption needed to support the south seas offensive, while others will object to the extended supply lines, which also will eat up fuel. We will see. Still others note that only by taking New Zealand can the allied LOC between ConUS and Oz be cut. Otherwise, his supply line is merely lengthened. This, I believe, is the wrong way to look at it. This assumes that interdiction will only be done by LBA flying out of the Tonga Islands, Somoa, Noumea, and Fiji. Having these islands, however, offers the advantage of eliminating these allied search platforms that could otherwise warn of a carrier raid on shipping traveling between the Society Islands and New Zealand. With these islands in Japanese hands, the allies need to continually fret that Japanese CVs might be stationed there and that they might show up in those southern shipping lanes at any moment. This would force the allies to either constantly escort convoys in this area with his own CVs, or else abandon the route altogether.

Of course, the allies can go the other way around. In other words via Capetown to western Australia. PzB has suggested going after Perth. Initially, I did not like that idea, but I have seen some suggestions on how to conduct such a campaign and I am more inclined to consider that option now.

Only time will tell.

Jan. 20, 1942

My first daylight raid on Singapore attacked the port there today. Flak was fairly heavy even though we were flying at 21,000 feet. I lost one Sally to flak outright. In return, two HDMLs sitting in the port were destroyed.

Jan. 21, 1942

This turn saw a strange little combat around Balikpapan. I sent some TBs into the harbor there to attack the PTs and MTBs. Although they were there, no action took place during the night phase. Instead, during the daylight phase, these TFs engaged each other one hex outside of Balikpapan. Two PTs were hit by the TB guns and were sunk out right. Tokyo Rose announce that I had sunk 2 CVs, 1 BB, and numerous cruisers and destroyers. Wow, I didn't see that! [X(]

Jan. 22, 1941

Finally, we have captured Johore Bahru. Almost everyone in Malaysia, which is quite a bit actually, is now heading there via rail. It will still be a while before I can issue the order to move on Singapore. Maybe a week. That still put us on the island by the end of January.

In the south seas, we have reached a similar turning point. All my forces are now sailing for Pago-Pago. Landing should commence in 4 days.

Finally, China has turned into an interesting little war of maneuver around Loayang. It looks like witpqs was able to get a big stack into a hex 90 miles west of Loayang where I have had a division to block the road. I saw them coming and started to bug out. But he got there quicker than I thought he could, so it looks like that division is going to get smacked around pretty good. Oh well. On the other hand, I have a very large stack marching on Nanyang and I doubt he will be able to fend them off. So we will see if I can take Nanyang before his counter thrust against Loayang makes much progress. Loayang is currently defended by 2 divisions while 2 brigades are marching that way from Tsitoa (?) and another division is taking the train to Chengchow to reinforce the area.

CapAndGown -> RE: Phase I Operations in DEI complete (2/4/2010 4:43:44 AM)



Nice job, you are moving very fast, and I totally agree: This is the key for Japan. You must be doing a terrific job of planning out your logistical tail, because the one thing that will slow you down in the first 6 weeks isn't so much the enemy but lack of fuel, supplies, base forces, and all that stuff.

I also am a proponent of an early move on Koepang; no reason you can't have Timor done in the first month.

I hope I have enough supply and fuel for the Somoa/Fiji operations! I have more on the way. And as to base forces, they ain't all there yet. I have been searching all around the Pacific for spare one to send. Engineers too! I stripped Luzon of all the 56+ engineer units and I have bought a whole bunch out of Manchuria with more to follow as soon as Fusan port has reached size 8.

As to the supply situation around Timor, that is pretty good. The fuel situation could be better. One way I have kept of forward momentum here is by a lot of refueling at sea whereby ships that need fuel steal it from the xAKs.

The supply situation in Burma/Malaya is not so hot. I have 50k about 2 days out from Bangkok that should help. That came from Formosa. There ain't no more there to send. So I am going to send another big slug of supply from the HI.

I think the key to my forward momentum has been the refueling from xAKs. Plus, my surface fleets are based right in the theater rather than further back at Badeldoab. I have 2 surface fleets at Kendari, including a 3xBB TF and another at Lautem. This means they are not burning fuel going back to a rear area base. I now have some AKEs at Kendari, but I am not sure I can rearm there. Even with the AKEs, I may need some naval support to help me rearm. I haven't had the chance to find out, since there has been no surface action since the big battle of the Celebes Sea. I think that battle pretty much broke the back of the ABDA fleet. I believe all the Dutch and US cruisers were sunk, along with most of the destroyers. The Brits still have PoW, Repulse, and a number of CLs. But I haven't seen them make an appearance since those early battles.

CapAndGown -> WitP: The Struggle against the Interface (2/4/2010 9:32:09 PM)

Jan. 23, 1942

This turn was extremely frustrating. [sm=Christo_pull_hair.gif] I have three invasion fleets for the Pago-Pago invasion. One carries the 38th division, another the 2nd division, and the third carries the 65th brigade. They had assembled at Lakeba near Suva before heading together to Pago-Pago. I set two TFs to follow the third. I also decided to change from "do not unload" to "unload" to make sure I did not forget to change this later when they got to Pago-Pago and have them just sit there doing nothing.

What happened is that instead of executing the follow order, those two fleets dumped the 38th and 2nd divisions onto Lakeba, an unoccupied dot base!! [sm=Christo_pull_hair.gif]

Now I have to reload those divisions before heading to Pago-Pago. Even though they completely unloaded in one turn, it will take at least two and perhaps up to four turns for them to reload. So my entire invasion is put off while my ships mill about consuming fuel and sit exposed to a possible enemy counter attack. I want to finish off this operation and get those ships out of there.


Well, witpqs did not launch an attack this turn against my exposed division. Maybe he was waiting for more units to arrive. But he may have waited too long. That division has made 38 miles. 8 miles left. So I put it into move mode hoping that this will allow it to cover those last 8 miles before he can launch his attack.

Meanwhile, I have entered Nanyang while witpqs is attemtping to bug out. I wonder how far he has gone. If they were in move mode, then they might be 30 miles down the road and about to exit the hex. If not, there is a chance I can smack them really good. He may have some forts there, but it is open terrain, and I have a lot of fire power.


Q-Ball -> RE: WitP: The Struggle against the Interface (2/4/2010 11:53:34 PM)

Stuff like that is why I ALWAYS have invasion fleets set to DO NOT UNLOAD, until the night before, when they are at sea. I've left too many units behind by accident to do anything else. Still happens though. That is unfortunate; I imagine 2 Div plus 1 BDE should be plenty.

CapAndGown -> The China Two-Step (2/5/2010 1:29:55 AM)

Jan. 24, 1942

A somewhat interesting turn.


Things turned out better than I had hoped with my accidental landing. Turns out it only took one turn to get everybody back on the boats. So, assuming I have not screwed up again somehow, they should all be ready to land at Pago-Pago in about 3 days.

I sent 3xDMS to Pago-Pago to sweep some mines there. I managed to sweep all of 10 before the coastal guns blew my minesweepers out of the water. [8|]

I have ordered three bombardment TFs to blast away at Pago-Pago starting tonight. They will remain there blasting away until a) they run out of ammo or b) the island is taken. 1 TF is composed of 3xBBs (slow) and 2 CLs plus a bunch of DDs. Another TF consists of the 4xBBs that were escorting the carriers. And finally, there is a TF of CAs. For purposes of rearming, there are 3 or 4 AKEs anchored at Suva, so I won't need to go very far for more ammo.

KB 1 & 2 are operating together. KB1 has CVs Soryu, Hiryu, Akagi, and CVL Shoho, while KB2 has CVs Shikaku, Zuikaku, and CVLs Zuiho and Ryujo. Both TFs have a CS conducting naval search.


Nothing really significant. I just thought I would note an interesting result from an engagement between some of my TBs and witpqs's PTs at Balikpapan. During the engagement, one TB scored a "superstructure" hit on a PT. That struck me as odd, since PTs don't really have a structure, much less a SUPERstructure. [:D]

The China Two-Step

Witpqs finally attacked my exposed division. But he only go 1-2 odds. Meanwhile, my attack at Nanyang was repulsed at 1-2 odds, no doubt because of the level 4 forts there. Unfortunately, the engineers did not reduce the fortification level. I wonder how that works now? It used to be, if you had combat engineers in an attack, they would reduce the fortification level. I wonder if that has been made more random in AE?

I have more divisions on the way to Nanyang and my last attack saw the Chinese take twice the casualties as the Japanese. So once disruption comes down, I will do it again. Only next time with and even bigger hammer. [;)]

Ground combat at Nanyang (85,45)
Japanese Deliberate attack

Attacking force 74293 troops, 861 guns, 112 vehicles, Assault Value = 2644
Defending force 59588 troops, 335 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 1838

Japanese adjusted assault: 957
Allied adjusted defense: 1980

Japanese assault odds: 1 to 2 (fort level 4)

Combat modifiers
Defender: forts(+), leaders(+), experience(-)

Japanese ground losses:
1510 casualties reported
Squads: 3 destroyed, 241 disabled
Non Combat: 10 destroyed, 146 disabled
Engineers: 1 destroyed, 23 disabled
Vehicles lost 6 (0 destroyed, 6 disabled)

Allied ground losses:
3602 casualties reported
Squads: 65 destroyed, 158 disabled
Non Combat: 67 destroyed, 202 disabled
Engineers: 1 destroyed, 8 disabled
Guns lost 4 (0 destroyed, 4 disabled)

Ground combat at 85,43
Allied Deliberate attack

Attacking force 37347 troops, 273 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 1566
Defending force 12371 troops, 102 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 457

Allied adjusted assault: 522
Japanese adjusted defense: 688

Allied assault odds: 1 to 2

Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), fatigue(-)

Japanese ground losses:
291 casualties reported
Squads: 2 destroyed, 45 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 30 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 3 disabled

Allied ground losses:
1651 casualties reported
Squads: 19 destroyed, 104 disabled
Non Combat: 11 destroyed, 119 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled


CapAndGown -> RE: The China Two-Step (2/5/2010 2:26:47 PM)

Jan. 25, 1942

Mostly uneventful.

My bombardment TFs at Pago-Pago don't seem to be causing much damage. The coastal gun fire is pretty heavy. Fortunately, it just bounce off my armor. But the invasion TFs are going to get beat up. I am going to take most of the escorts out of them just before the landing. xAKs I can lose, escorts are valuable, especially DMS.

In Burma my 2 divisions crossed the river into Pegu and badly mauled 3 commonwealth battalions. I wonder what witpqs was thinking trying to defend with such a small force. The remnants will now suck down additional supply and his defense has already been weakened by the loss of a regiment equivalent. Now one division heads north while the other goes to Rangoon.

CapAndGown -> RE: The China Two-Step (2/5/2010 3:32:14 PM)

This post is an overview of my resource convoys. They are probably not quite as efficient as they could be. For instance the 2 xAKLs TFs going to the Ryuku's could probably be better served by just one xAK. I am working on expanding a number of these ports, so as to make fewer convoys necessary. For instance, Fusan is already size 7 and is 50% of the way to size 8. Shikku and the northern tip of Hokaido is expanding to size 4. When that happens, those convoys will be redirected to go from Toyama instead of Toyohara. I would very much like to get to the point where I can discontinue the the Port Arthur shuttle. I am hoping the expansion of Fusan will permit this.


Athius -> RE: The China Two-Step (2/5/2010 4:23:42 PM)

How do you calculate the time it takes for a convoy to move between the locations?

CapAndGown -> RE: The China Two-Step (2/5/2010 5:37:31 PM)



How do you calculate the time it takes for a convoy to move between the locations?

Generally, I don't. One rule of thumb might be the number of hexes from where you are to your destination and then divide by how many hexes a TF moves in one day.

For my convoys, it is much easier. Once one convoy reaches its destination, the second convoy on that route starts to load resources.

CapAndGown -> Operation Roundhouse reaches a climax (2/6/2010 12:06:51 AM)

Jan. 26, 1942

This is it: the invasion of Pago-Pago happens tomorrow (assuming I didn't screw something up). I combined the three different invasion forces into one massive TF so that I could combine their escorts while pulling out the SCs and DMSs. My bombardments have not been terribly effective (as far as I can tell). The coastal guns have been pretty fiesty in returning gun fire. The invasion fleet has two CLs with it (the 18 knot ones that really have no other use than to support invasions) and a number of PBs, most of which will probably be sunk.

I expect the unload of the troops to only take one turn. No idea how long it will take to get them sufficient supplies. But I don't think I will need more than one combat load. 2 and 1/2 divisions is a mighty big hammer. I would expect just one shock attack to achieve victory. Level 3 forts maybe? I doubt they are level 4. The terrain is in his favor. I wonder what his supply situation is? Based on the coastal gun fire, it can't be too bad.

In the DEI I lost an xAK to a sub because I forgot to set "remain on station" on a TF delivering engineers to Laumblen. More frustration with the interface.

And my bombers on Luzon have now refused to fly for three turns running. Last turn I switched them to Naval attack with a secondary of airfield attack but still no dice. This turn I put them back to airfield attack. If they still won't fly, I will try changing from Clark to Bataan. If they still don't fly after that, I will move some to Manila and try from there. Some times this game just creates "black hole" bases where planes just refuse to fly turn after turn after turn.

CapAndGown -> Coastal Defense Gun Havoc (2/6/2010 6:47:52 AM)

Jan. 27, 1942

I sat on pins and needles watching this turn play out. Had I messed up? Was the landing going to take place? How would it turn out if it did? Would the troops all land in one turn with enough supplies so I could break off my amphibious forces?

The turn started with an xAKL hitting a mine:
TF 106 encounters mine field at Pago Pago (148,161)
Japanese Ships
PB Myoken Maru
xAK Lima Maru, Mine hits 1

Japanese ground losses:
10 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

1 mine cleared

Ummm . . . yeah . . . I would have to agree. One mine was definitely cleared. [8|]

OK, on with the show. But first the bombardments.

1st bombardment. scroll the map. 2nd bombardment. scroll the map. 3rd bombardment. The nuclear bombardment of WitP is certainly gone. My BBs did not seem to accomplish much.

We have now reached the TF loading and unloading phase. Wait. My invasion force is not unloading! [X(]

Oh, now it is the naval movement phase. Phew. [&o]

Ok, the escort CLs and PBs are engaging the coastal defense guns. So far so good. But what about troops unloading?

Yes, here it comes! But man, what a lot of damage! Down goes one xAKL. Others are getting smacked hard. The CL Kashima takes several hits that penetrate its armor! [sm=scared0008.gif]
Pre-Invasion action off Pago Pago - Coastal Guns Fire Back!

88 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.

Japanese Ships
CL Kashii, Shell hits 1
CL Kashima, Shell hits 2
CL Katori
xAKL Kaisho Maru, Shell hits 2, heavy fires, heavy damage
xAKL Chosen Maru, Shell hits 4, heavy fires, heavy damage
PB Toko Maru #4
PB Suyozai Maru, Shell hits 6, heavy fires
PB Myoken Maru, Shell hits 6, on fire, heavy damage
PB Edo Maru, Shell hits 4, on fire

Japanese ground losses:
66 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 8 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Guns lost 2 (2 destroyed, 0 disabled)
Invasion Support action off Pago Pago - Coastal Guns Fire Back!

114 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.

Japanese Ships
CL Kashii, Shell hits 1, on fire
CL Kashima, Shell hits 6, on fire, heavy damage
CL Katori, Shell hits 4, on fire
AMC Saigon Maru, Shell hits 9, heavy fires
AMC Asaka Maru, Shell hits 10, heavy fires, heavy damage
xAKL Bokuei Maru, Shell hits 1, on fire
xAK Katuragi Maru, Shell hits 5, on fire
xAK Arimasan Maru, Shell hits 7, heavy fires, heavy damage
PB Toko Maru #4, Shell hits 6, on fire
PB Edo Maru, Shell hits 3, heavy fires

Japanese ground losses:
5 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

And here comes the debarkation. Yes, it happening! Hooray! All my troops are ashore and they have plenty of supplies. Disruption is generally in the mid-20s, so not too bad. Still, I will wait a turn before ordering the attack. [&o]

Amphibious Assault at Pago Pago
TF 106 troops unloading over beach at Pago Pago, 148,161
Japanese ground losses:
158 casualties reported
Squads: 11 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 10 destroyed, 0 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Guns lost 1 (1 destroyed, 0 disabled)

And just what is it we are facing? The automatic bombardment reveals the full extent of the opposition:

Ground combat at Pago Pago (148,161)
Allied Bombardment attack

Attacking force 7577 troops, 318 guns, 82 vehicles, Assault Value = 323
Defending force 31766 troops, 265 guns, 69 vehicles, Assault Value = 1103

Japanese ground losses:
159 casualties reported
Squads: 2 destroyed, 7 disabled
Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 11 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
Guns lost 4 (0 destroyed, 4 disabled)

Allied ground losses:
4 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Vehicles lost 1 (0 destroyed, 1 disabled)

Assaulting units:
56th Coastal Artillery Regiment
193rd Tank Battalion
Samoan Marine Battalion
8th Marine Regiment
7th Marine Defense Battalion
47th Construction Regiment
4th Marine Defense Battalion
131st Field Artillery Battalion
104th USN Base Force
147th Field Artillery Regiment
2nd Marine Defense Battalion
148th Field Artillery Battalion

Defending units:
16th Infantry Rgt /1
38th Div /2
2nd Engr Rgt /2
24th Infantry Rgt /1
65th Bde /2
4th Infantry Rgt /3
2nd FA Rgt /1

So, the 8th Marine Reg is there along with three coastal defense battalions along with a goodly amount of artillery. Still, it is only about 2 heavy regiments altogether. I, on the other hand, have the equivalent of 6 elite regiments and one mediocre heavy regiment. The 8th Marine, and perhaps some of the others, are by now 100% prepped. The 38th division and 65th brigade are only about 30% prepped. The regiments from the 2nd division, however, are 75% prepped. That, along with the opening bonus, should stand me in good stead. I see, however, that the leaders of two of the 2nd division regiments suck. They will have to be replaced.

In raw numbers and assault value we have 3-1 odds. He has the terrain (2x) and whatever forts he managed to build: 3 max, more likely 2. Next turn I believe I shall go for a shock attack!

Other than that, there were some minor events such as: Milne Bay was occupied; my bombers on Luzon finally flew; witpqs mined Savii on the very turn where I sent some DMS's there; and witpqs's attack on my exposed division in China achieved 1-1 odds. I, meanwhile, have ordered a deliberate attack at Nanyang for tomorrow.

Below is a picture of the damage caused to my invasion force by the coastal guns at Pago-Pago. It looks like the Kashima is going to sink. These ships are going to Upola where they will disband and hopefully put out the fires. In addition to the ships shown here, one xAKL and one xAK sank outright. I also scuttled another xAKL since it had 99 sys damage. I don't mind scuttling a cargo ship. But I find it hard to bring myself to scuttle a cruiser, no matter how much an antique it is. [sm=00000506.gif]


Q-Ball -> RE: Coastal Defense Gun Havoc (2/6/2010 2:11:40 PM)

Nice job! Actually Kashima is not an antique; those ships are some of the newest cruisers in the IJN. They were built as training cruisers.

That's the right job for them though: Embedded with Invasion TFs. They are perfect for that.

castor troy -> RE: Coastal Defense Gun Havoc (2/6/2010 2:52:38 PM)

edit: disregard

CapAndGown -> RE: Coastal Defense Gun Havoc (2/6/2010 3:08:44 PM)

Jan. 28, 1942

Not much. This turn my troops at Pago-Pago sat on their behinds while they get themselves organized and bleed off disruption. Tomorrow, however, we launch a deliberate attack. I initially ordered a shock attack, but if the had failed, it would be a long time before I could attack again perhaps giving witpqs time to organize a relief operation, but definitely tying down my fleet assets needed to keep up a siege.

Nells from Suva will ground attack as will the full contingent of KB1 & 2. I also ordered Betties at Savii to ground attack, but I don't think they will because it is only a size one base. I don't think that is allowed, but the interface did not grey out those options.

The Kashima sunk, along with 3 other ships. I should have been more proactive in scuttling.

Ground combat at Pago Pago (148,161)
Allied Bombardment attack

Attacking force 7582 troops, 318 guns, 82 vehicles, Assault Value = 323
Defending force 31785 troops, 265 guns, 69 vehicles, Assault Value = 1106

Japanese ground losses:
227 casualties reported
Squads: 3 destroyed, 9 disabled
Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 8 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Guns lost 1 (0 destroyed, 1 disabled)

Assaulting units:
56th Coastal Artillery Regiment
Samoan Marine Battalion
193rd Tank Battalion
8th Marine Regiment
47th Construction Regiment
131st Field Artillery Battalion
147th Field Artillery Regiment
104th USN Base Force
4th Marine Defense Battalion
2nd Marine Defense Battalion
7th Marine Defense Battalion
148th Field Artillery Battalion

Defending units:
16th Infantry Regiment
65th Brigade
2nd Engineer Regiment
38th Division
4th Infantry Regiment
24th Infantry Regiment
2nd Field Artillery Regiment

Over in China, my attack on Nanyang yeilds 1-1 odds and brought down the forts one level. But I need to rest again. 2 more divisions and a brigade are one the way.

Ground combat at Nanyang (85,45)
Japanese Deliberate attack

Attacking force 86184 troops, 952 guns, 400 vehicles, Assault Value = 3020
Defending force 56625 troops, 334 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 1698

Japanese adjusted assault: 1642
Allied adjusted defense: 1626

Japanese assault odds: 1 to 1 (fort level 3)
Japanese Assault reduces fortifications to 3

Combat modifiers
Defender: forts(+), experience(-)

Japanese ground losses:
1809 casualties reported
Squads: 4 destroyed, 98 disabled
Non Combat: 2 destroyed, 159 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 23 disabled
Vehicles lost 7 (0 destroyed, 7 disabled)

Allied ground losses:
4490 casualties reported
Squads: 33 destroyed, 313 disabled
Non Combat: 18 destroyed, 465 disabled
Engineers: 2 destroyed, 11 disabled
Guns lost 1 (0 destroyed, 1 disabled)

Meanwhile, witpqs's attack against my trapped division achieved 1-1 odds:

Ground combat at 85,43
Allied Deliberate attack

Attacking force 54974 troops, 370 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 1854
Defending force 11386 troops, 102 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 385

Allied adjusted assault: 779
Japanese adjusted defense: 550

Allied assault odds: 1 to 1

Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), supply(-)

Japanese ground losses:
381 casualties reported
Squads: 2 destroyed, 20 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 33 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled

Allied ground losses:
1370 casualties reported
Squads: 16 destroyed, 65 disabled
Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 92 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled

CapAndGown -> First ground assault at Pago-Pago (2/7/2010 1:49:58 AM)

Jan. 29, 1942

I launched my first ground assault on Pago-Pago. This was preceded by a full out strike by KBs 1 & 2. The results of the air strike were not worth the cost. Certainly, I will not be ground striking with DBs again!

Afternoon Air attack on 56th Coastal Artillery Regiment, at 148,161 (Pago Pago)
Weather in hex: Moderate rain

Raid detected at 160 NM, estimated altitude 19,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 60 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 10
B5N1 Kate x 41
B5N2 Kate x 116
D3A1 Val x 111

Japanese aircraft losses
B5N1 Kate: 7 damaged
B5N2 Kate: 1 destroyed, 17 damaged
D3A1 Val: 5 destroyed, 64 damaged

Allied ground losses:
16 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Guns lost 5 (0 destroyed, 5 disabled)

I lost 13 Vals and 3 Kates. The Kates were flying at 15000 feet. In the future, I will only use Kates for ground attacks. Fortunately, I have a reserve of bomber pilots and a good number of Vals and Kates in the pool. Where I have no reserves in with IJN fighter pilots. I have yet to graduate anyone from my training squadrons and have been scrounging the map looking for some fighter pilots I can throw into the pool.

Anyway, KB1 is heading back to Suva to refuel, reload, and take on new planes.

Speaking of reloading: AKEs are a wonder! My cruiser TF reloaded at Suva today and is headed back to Pago-Pago. The BBs should make Suva tomorrow and reload and then head back to Pago-Pago themselves. Even if the bombardments are not uber any more, they should still prove useful.

The fort level at Pago-Pago seems to have reached level 3. But my engineers brought it down a notch in our first attack. Thank goodness I did not launch a shock attack.

Ground combat at Pago Pago (148,161)
Japanese Deliberate attack

Attacking force 31735 troops, 265 guns, 69 vehicles, Assault Value = 1102
Defending force 9852 troops, 326 guns, 263 vehicles, Assault Value = 323

Japanese engineers reduce fortifications to 2

Japanese adjusted assault: 481
Allied adjusted defense: 839

Japanese assault odds: 1 to 2 (fort level 2)

Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), forts(+), experience(-)

Japanese ground losses:
1594 casualties reported
Squads: 15 destroyed, 120 disabled
Non Combat: 10 destroyed, 70 disabled
Engineers: 1 destroyed, 11 disabled
Guns lost 5 (1 destroyed, 4 disabled)
Vehicles lost 5 (0 destroyed, 5 disabled)

Allied ground losses:
896 casualties reported
Squads: 2 destroyed, 48 disabled
Non Combat: 15 destroyed, 96 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 7 disabled
Guns lost 2 (0 destroyed, 2 disabled)
Vehicles lost 53 (7 destroyed, 46 disabled)

Ground combat at Pago Pago (148,161)
Allied Bombardment attack

Attacking force 6911 troops, 318 guns, 81 vehicles, Assault Value = 268
Defending force 30184 troops, 264 guns, 69 vehicles, Assault Value = 997

Japanese ground losses:
14 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

Between the air attack and the ground attack, we clearly did some damage. Only 14 casualties today from his bombardment vs 227 yesterday and 600 fewer enemy troops. Of course there a lot fewer of my guys as well. [;)]

So, we rest up for a day or two to reduce disruption and then we do it again. If I can get the forts down to level one after the next attack, his days are numbered. I will also be returning with my bombardment TFs to help out.


Rangoon fell today. An interesting note about the Burma campaign has been the lack of any action in the air. For my part, I have been both a) reluctant to do anything there, fearing that I might encounter parts of the AVG (at least one part is based at Sian in China) b) a desire to concentrate on Singapore; and c) a general lack of fighters (Oscars) with the appropriate range.

This brings up a note about my division of responsibilities for my air force. The JAAF has responsibility for the DEI/Malaysia/Burma/Luzon. The IJNAF has responsibility for the Pacific theater. Netties are based at Noumea, Rabaul, Roi/Namur, Suva and Savii. These bomber squadrons are tasked with attacking naval assets, not ground ones. Each Netty squadron is paired with a Zero Squadron to provide escort. There are three Nettie squadrons in the DEI/Malaysia theater, but their orders are limited to naval attack and naval search. They are based a Victoria Point, Makassar, and Koepang. The squadrons at Makassar and Koepang are each teamed up with a squadron of Oscars (using drop tanks) to provide escort. Thus, all my Zeros have been moved to bases around the Pacific; none are in the DEI/Malaysia region.

Overall, I would say the pace of air activity in this game is probably more restrained than in many other people's games.


My trapped division was finally defeated. But next turn I launch another deliberate attack at Nanyang. This time against level 3 forts.

Ground combat at 85,43
Allied Shock attack

Attacking force 53829 troops, 370 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 1753
Defending force 10949 troops, 102 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 355

Allied adjusted assault: 1859
Japanese adjusted defense: 826

Allied assault odds: 2 to 1

Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), leaders(+)
Attacker: shock(+)

Japanese ground losses:
3396 casualties reported
Squads: 113 destroyed, 52 disabled
Non Combat: 118 destroyed, 41 disabled
Engineers: 12 destroyed, 9 disabled
Guns lost 12 (7 destroyed, 5 disabled)
Units retreated 1

Allied ground losses:
1602 casualties reported
Squads: 33 destroyed, 91 disabled
Non Combat: 4 destroyed, 71 disabled
Engineers: 1 destroyed, 1 disabled


CapAndGown -> RE: First ground assault at Pago-Pago (2/8/2010 4:10:29 AM)

Several turns have gone by since the last update.

Jan. 30, 1942

Aside from the usual airfield attacks on Clark Field and Singapore, I launched a ground attack at Nanyang that dropped the fort level to 2.

Ground combat at Nanyang (85,45)
Japanese Deliberate attack

Attacking force 84748 troops, 957 guns, 402 vehicles, Assault Value = 2909
Defending force 52797 troops, 334 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 1445

Japanese engineers reduce fortifications to 2
Japanese adjusted assault: 1319
Allied adjusted defense: 1176

Japanese assault odds: 1 to 1 (fort level 2)

Japanese Assault reduces fortifications to 2

Combat modifiers
Defender: forts(+), leaders(+), experience(-)

Japanese ground losses:
3400 casualties reported
Squads: 7 destroyed, 104 disabled
Non Combat: 7 destroyed, 193 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 20 disabled
Guns lost 1 (0 destroyed, 1 disabled)
Vehicles lost 51 (2 destroyed, 49 disabled)

Allied ground losses:
4549 casualties reported
Squads: 140 destroyed, 77 disabled
Non Combat: 107 destroyed, 157 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 7 disabled
Guns lost 5 (0 destroyed, 5 disabled)

It now looks like witpqs is bugging out.

Jan. 31, 1942

The action in Burma is taking place across a wide front. Bassien was captured today.

Ground combat at Bassein (54,52)
Japanese Shock attack

Attacking force 675 troops, 0 guns, 102 vehicles, Assault Value = 185
Defending force 2560 troops, 29 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 79

Japanese adjusted assault: 82
Allied adjusted defense: 13
Japanese assault odds: 6 to 1 (fort level 2)

Japanese forces CAPTURE Bassein !!!

Combat modifiers
Defender: op mode(-), disruption(-), preparation(-), morale(-)
Attacker: shock(+)

Allied ground losses:
741 casualties reported
Squads: 27 destroyed, 10 disabled
Non Combat: 73 destroyed, 12 disabled
Engineers: 8 destroyed, 0 disabled
Guns lost 3 (3 destroyed, 0 disabled)
Units retreated 3
Defeated Allied Units Retreating!

Assaulting units:
112th Infantry Regiment
6th Tank Regiment

Defending units:
9/11th Sikh Battalion
16th Indian Brigade
100th RAF Base Force

Feb. 1, 1942

I was going to launch an attack at Pago-Pago today but put it off until tomorrow since two bombardment TFs have almost made it back after having rearmed at Suva. (AKEs rule!) Might as well try to disrupt the defenders as much as possible before the ground attack goes in. Plus KB1 will be back on station tomorrow after having rearmed, refueled and taken on replacement aircraft. KBs 1 & 2 will contribute to the attack tomorrow by having the Kates do a ground attack at 15000 feet. After tomorrow, KB2 will head back to Suva to do the rearm/refuel/refit thing.

Kaga finally made it to Hiroshima. It is the only ship in the shipyard. It has 29 major float damage. And yet the estimated time to repair is 111 days. 3 months! Yeesh. Well, at least I can be thankful she's still afloat. Now that I think about it, I wonder if maybe I should take the airgroups off, dump their pilots into the reserve pools, and start training a new batch? I haven't taken them off before because of all my bad experiences in UV with taking CV squadrons off their ships. Not sure how that works now.

Another attack at Nanyang. Forts are down to level one. But I can't attack because disruption is so high, even though this means I will probably miss out on spanking the Chinese pretty good: they appear to be bugging out.

Ground combat at Nanyang (85,45)
Japanese Deliberate attack

Attacking force 82623 troops, 957 guns, 400 vehicles, Assault Value = 2761
Defending force 49109 troops, 334 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 1288

Japanese adjusted assault: 857
Allied adjusted defense: 483

Japanese assault odds: 1 to 1 (fort level 2)
Japanese Assault reduces fortifications to 1

Combat modifiers
Defender: leaders(+), experience(-)

Japanese ground losses:
1421 casualties reported
Squads: 1 destroyed, 105 disabled
Non Combat: 6 destroyed, 140 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 19 disabled
Vehicles lost 23 (0 destroyed, 23 disabled)

Allied ground losses:
2569 casualties reported
Squads: 108 destroyed, 392 disabled
Non Combat: 122 destroyed, 341 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 36 disabled
Guns lost 5 (1 destroyed, 4 disabled)


As I mentioned, action in Burma is taking place across a wide front. I have three seperate thrusts going on up the Irrawady valley, soon to be four thrusts.

Ground combat at 56,51
Japanese Deliberate attack

Attacking force 12805 troops, 120 guns, 32 vehicles, Assault Value = 444
Defending force 2976 troops, 22 guns, 8 vehicles, Assault Value = 130

Japanese adjusted assault: 371
Allied adjusted defense: 37

Japanese assault odds: 10 to 1

Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), experience(-), supply(-)

Japanese ground losses:
93 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 6 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 11 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

Allied ground losses:
1442 casualties reported
Squads: 19 destroyed, 20 disabled
Non Combat: 56 destroyed, 29 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
Vehicles lost 5 (4 destroyed, 1 disabled)
Units retreated 4
Defeated Allied Units Retreating!

Assaulting units:
33rd Division

Defending units:
1st Gloucestershire Battalion
12th Burma Rifles Battalion
6th Burma Rifles Battalion
Rangoon BAF Battalion
4/8th Gurkha Battalion

Since one of the units here failed to retreat, this gives me a chance to attack it again. So I have split the 33rd division into 3 regiments. Only one regiment will attack while the other two are set to pursue toward Tongoo. The attacking regiment will then form the fourth column of my advance, bypassing Tongoo and heading up the road to Tuang Gyi.

Meanwhile, in the center of my advance:
Ground combat at 55,52
Japanese Deliberate attack

Attacking force 5837 troops, 95 guns, 10 vehicles, Assault Value = 187
Defending force 1504 troops, 16 guns, 1 vehicles, Assault Value = 56

Japanese adjusted assault: 111
Allied adjusted defense: 25

Japanese assault odds: 4 to 1

Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), leaders(+), fatigue(-), morale(-)
experience(-), supply(-)

Japanese ground losses:
50 casualties reported
Squads: 1 destroyed, 2 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 5 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

Allied ground losses:
834 casualties reported
Squads: 6 destroyed, 15 disabled
Non Combat: 38 destroyed, 29 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Guns lost 1 (1 destroyed, 0 disabled)
Units retreated 3
Defeated Allied Units Retreating!

Assaulting units:
144th Infantry Regiment
55th Engineer Regiment
55th Mountain Gun Regiment
21st Medium Field Artillery Battalion

Defending units:
4/14th Punjab Battalion
2nd King Own YLI Battalion
27th Indian Mountain Gun Regiment


CapAndGown -> Second ground attack at Pago-Pago (2/8/2010 10:16:14 PM)

Feb. 2, 1942

Today saw the second ground attack at Pago-Pago. It managed to bring the forts down to level one. I was thinking about attacking again next turn, but my troop disruption is somewhat high and I only have one combat load of supply left. I am going to have to face the coastal artillery again to load some more supply. On the other hand, his coastal gun fire seems to be much reduced.

Before attacking, I had two TFs bombard and the KB Kates ground attack:

Naval bombardment of Pago Pago at 148,161 - Coastal Guns Fire Back!
14 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.

Japanese Ships
CA Atago
CA Takao
CL Jintsu

Allied ground losses:
37 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 8 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Guns lost 7 (1 destroyed, 6 disabled)
Vehicles lost 4 (0 destroyed, 4 disabled)

Airbase hits 1
Airbase supply hits 1
Runway hits 6
Port hits 5
Port supply hits 2
Naval bombardment of Pago Pago at 148,161

Japanese Ships
BB Hyuga
BB Ise
BB Yamashiro
CL Kiso
CL Tama

Allied ground losses:
25 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 3 destroyed, 5 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Guns lost 9 (3 destroyed, 6 disabled)
Vehicles lost 6 (2 destroyed, 4 disabled)

Airbase hits 2
Airbase supply hits 2
Runway hits 11
Port hits 6
Port supply hits 1
Afternoon Air attack on 2nd Marine Defense Battalion, at 148,161 (Pago Pago)
Weather in hex: Moderate rain

Raid detected at 120 NM, estimated altitude 20,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 51 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 11
B5N1 Kate x 12
B5N2 Kate x 62

Japanese aircraft losses
B5N1 Kate: 6 damaged
B5N2 Kate: 1 destroyed, 18 damaged

Allied ground losses:
Vehicles lost 1 (0 destroyed, 1 disabled)
Afternoon Air attack on 8th Marine Regiment, at 148,161 (Pago Pago)
Weather in hex: Moderate rain

Raid detected at 120 NM, estimated altitude 19,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 51 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 10
B5N1 Kate x 29
B5N2 Kate x 52

Japanese aircraft losses
B5N1 Kate: 1 destroyed, 9 damaged
B5N2 Kate: 1 destroyed, 7 damaged

Allied ground losses:
3 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Guns lost 1 (0 destroyed, 1 disabled)

Even though I set my Kates to bomb at 15000 feet, the combat report says that bombed from between 3000 and 5000 feet. I lost several because of this

Between the naval bombardments and the air attacks, allied disruption was very high as was shown by the combat modifiers:

Ground combat at Pago Pago (148,161)
Japanese Deliberate attack

Attacking force 30920 troops, 264 guns, 68 vehicles, Assault Value = 1067
Defending force 9112 troops, 322 guns, 252 vehicles, Assault Value = 286

Japanese adjusted assault: 634
Allied adjusted defense: 349

Japanese assault odds: 1 to 1 (fort level 2)
Japanese Assault reduces fortifications to 1

Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), disruption(-), experience(-)

Japanese ground losses:
1340 casualties reported
Squads: 6 destroyed, 89 disabled
Non Combat: 8 destroyed, 81 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 13 disabled
Guns lost 2 (0 destroyed, 2 disabled)
Vehicles lost 1 (0 destroyed, 1 disabled)

Allied ground losses:
295 casualties reported
Squads: 6 destroyed, 7 disabled
Non Combat: 22 destroyed, 59 disabled
Engineers: 1 destroyed, 2 disabled
Guns lost 1 (0 destroyed, 1 disabled)
Vehicles lost 41 (12 destroyed, 29 disabled)

Now let us compare allied strength from their first bombardment to now: (note I am doing this for my own reference.)

Jan. 27:
Attacking force 7577 troops, 318 guns, 82 vehicles, Assault Value = 323
Defending force 31766 troops, 265 guns, 69 vehicles, Assault Value = 1103
Feb. 2:
Attacking force 6722 troops, 314 guns, 79 vehicles, Assault Value = 265
Defending force 29756 troops, 264 guns, 68 vehicles, Assault Value = 989

About 850 fewer troops participate in this last bombardment. Only 4 fewer guns and 3 fewer vehicles. Not so good. Allied AV has fallen 58 points. Jap AV has fallen 114 points. Troop levels for the Japs have fallen about about 2000.

Does that add up?
First ground attack:
allied loses: 900
jap loses: 1600
Second ground attack:
allied loses: 300
jap loses 1350

Allies should be down 1200 troops, Japs should be down 2950.

defending force in first ground attack: 9850
defending force in second ground attack: 9100

So between the first ground attack and the second the allies were down about 750 troops compared to the 900 reported. So some must have recovered.

Hmm. I'll have to think about this. (The above was really just a thought experiment and a tallying of what I know as of now.)

At any rate, my troops are to go back to resting and wait for more supplies and for the bombardment TFs to go back to Suva to reload. The bombardments were obviously well worth it. Not so the ground strike. At any rate, KB2 now heads back to Suva to reload, rearm and refit.


All my assault forces are now gathered at Johore Bahru. 2 division are unpacking and will be ready to march in 2 days. I have 6 divisions (all set to rest mode right now) scads of artillery, and numerous assault engineers. 100s of Sallys and Lillys have been bombing Singapore for a week or two. So on Feb. 4 the movement order will be issued. 3 days to move to the island. So on Feb. 8 we can expect our first shock attack at Singapore. I am afraid it will not go that well since I was so late in getting my bombing runs going. He will have at least level 3 forts and perhaps level four. Nevertheless, 6 divisions is a lot of fire power. Can I make the Feb. 15th historical date? No, probably not. But not too long after I would say. I am already thinking about Java.

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