segorn -> (7/2/2002 8:14:10 AM)
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Joe 98 [B]On a related issue, I have the following problem regularly: For example, I have 4 transports with a capacity of 6,000 troops. I start to load a number of units totalling 4,000 troops and receive a message that the transports are full – cannot load any more! I read somewhere that 4 ships = a total of 4 units irrespective of the number of troops so I figured that was my problem. As the transports were not full I decided to take some cargo on board. At which point the troops started to disembark. So it seems that if you are carrying troops it is not possible to totally fill a transport. Am I missing something? [/B][/QUOTE] The deal with units and ships is this: Any given unit will be broken up into as many "ship sized" units as necessary to get it onto a collection of transports. Example: A Regment with a size 3,000 will be loaded as follows: 3 X 1000 Load Transports 1/Regiment on first transport (1000 load) 2/Regiment on second (1000 load) 3/Regiment on third (1000 load) 1X 1000 Transport and 1 X 2000 transport 1/Regiment on first transport (1000 load) 2/Regiment on second (2000 load) A regiment can end up in > 1 transport. *However* you cannot mix regiments on the same transport. Thus putting a regiment on 3 transports is fine, but putting 3 regiments on one transport won't work even if there's space. Example: 1 X AA Battalion Size 1000 1 X Base Force Size 2000 Will fit on: 3 X 1000 transport 1 X 1000 tranport and 1 X 2000 transport will *not* fit on: 1 X 3000 transport (b/c troops from both regiments would have to share space on the same transport)