mikemike -> RE: Tojo or Tony (3/17/2010 4:38:51 AM)
ORIGINAL: Carl Rugenstein I like a mix of Oscars and Tojos. Each has some advantages that make it very useful to use them in a mission specific manner. Hands down though for killing allied aircraft my preference is the Tojo. With it's speed and heavier firepower it can allow the IJA to compete in the air until better models come along. Also, a big advantage is that the Tojo, Oscar as well as the Zero all use the Nakajima Ha-35 engine. Very useful to use the heck out of these designs until the next generation engine Nakajima Ha-45 come available. The Shoki ("Tojo") didn't use the Ha-35 Sakae like the Oscar or Zero, but the Ha-34 like the Ki-49 Helen. Major difference. This should be corrected. On the armament, I quote a post on aviastar.org by Hiroyuki Takeuchi: quote:
Also, the widespread error in subtype defintion should be corrected. The IIb is armed by two 12.7mm nose guns only and could carry two 40mm cannons in the wings as "special equipment". The IIc was armed with four 12.7mm guns. No 20mm guns were ever fitted in any production Ki44s. Concerning the Ho-301 cannon that is so admired by other posters, it fires a heavy and probably very effective projectile, but has a muzzle velocity of only 245 m/s (about 800 fps) which is half that of the MK108 which was heavily criticized for having too short an effective range when attacking US bombers, so I think the Ho-301 with its effective range of 150 m, 500 feet, would have forced the fighter to close to an altogether unhealthily short distance with the target, probably the reason why this weapon wasn't used in later versions. A conventional 30mm cannon would have served better (and weighed only a third). Both the Ki-61 (especially the aircraft that were armed with MG151/20s) and most versions of the Zero were actually better armed than any Ki-44.