windows 7 vs vista (Full Version)

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panzers -> windows 7 vs vista (1/13/2010 3:36:35 AM)

I recently purchased the full version of 7 even though I had vista( didn't ever want anything to do with vista again). I have the 32 bit version. The question I have is that even though the drivers are the same as vista, I am noticing that I am having a hard time finding games that are as compatible as vista. Not so much with matrix games as much as others. Can anyone explain any of this?

wworld7 -> RE: windows 7 vs vista (1/13/2010 5:35:18 AM)

I am not sure what you are asking here? If you can give an example someone may be able to help.

Hertston -> RE: windows 7 vs vista (1/13/2010 7:53:48 AM)

Examples would be good. I haven't yet encountered anything that won't run on Windows 7 Home Premium that did run on Vista although, of course, I can't generalize beyond my own experience.

The only Windows 7 incompatibility problems I've come across is with the dreaded Starter version that shipped with my netbook. The usual, and expected, problem was screen resolution as it has a max of 1024 x 600, but there is still stuff I expected to run that won't (and vice versa, come to that)

htuna -> RE: windows 7 vs vista (1/13/2010 12:06:14 PM)


ORIGINAL: Hertston

The only Windows 7 incompatibility problems I've come across is with the dreaded Starter version that shipped with my netbook. The usual, and expected, problem was screen resolution as it has a max of 1024 x 600, but there is still stuff I expected to run that won't (and vice versa, come to that)

That's not not an issue with Windows 7.. that's the netbook's resolution limitation.... Anything that works with Vista should work with 7.. I haven't run into a game yet, that I can't get to run on 7.... some tweaks are needed now and then, but so far so good..

hgilmer3 -> RE: windows 7 vs vista (1/13/2010 12:56:40 PM)

I jumped straight from XP to 7, so I can't discuss a comparison but I have had no issues on 7.

PILA -> RE: windows 7 vs vista (1/16/2010 6:55:31 AM)

Well just found another case where Microshaft has screwed us again..If you for some reason want to install xp mode in win7 but your processor is not vt compatible lol nice you cant use it ..nor can you install virt pc 2007 on win 7 which is something you can do on Vista...nice some nice hype you cant have by spending more ultimate extras (nice games) xp mode unless you got dual core processor even with 32 bit OS...Keep pissin me off Microsoft I will use my big mouth to convert the world to Linux and you can keep your BS operating ala carte systems.
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Aurelian -> RE: windows 7 vs vista (1/16/2010 10:00:31 AM)

I'll stick with win 7.

The only game I've had a problem with is Lost Empires: Immortals. Doesn't seem to like 64 bit.

But then again, I have XP on the D drive......

I fail to see how MS "screwed" us re XP mode, since the requirements to use it are listed.

killroyishere -> RE: windows 7 vs vista (1/16/2010 10:53:06 AM)

Hopefully someone will make a WinBox program that will run all windows programs XP and previous. That compatibility wizard certainly is a crock as it only works about 1/2 the time if that with older windows games.

GoodGuy -> RE: windows 7 vs vista (1/16/2010 12:15:03 PM)



Well just found another case where Microshaft has screwed us again..If you for some reason want to install xp mode in win7 but your processor is not vt compatible lol nice you cant use it ..nor can you install virt pc 2007 on win 7 which is something you can do on Vista...nice some nice hype you cant have by spending more ultimate extras (nice games) xp mode unless you got dual core processor even with 32 bit OS...Keep pissin me off Microsoft I will use my big mouth to convert the world to Linux and you can keep your BS operating ala carte systems.

Even spambots do have a point, once in a while. [;)]

Peter Fisla -> RE: windows 7 vs vista (1/16/2010 1:47:22 PM)





Well just found another case where Microshaft has screwed us again..If you for some reason want to install xp mode in win7 but your processor is not vt compatible lol nice you cant use it ..nor can you install virt pc 2007 on win 7 which is something you can do on Vista...nice some nice hype you cant have by spending more ultimate extras (nice games) xp mode unless you got dual core processor even with 32 bit OS...Keep pissin me off Microsoft I will use my big mouth to convert the world to Linux and you can keep your BS operating ala carte systems.

Even spambots do have a point, once in a while. [;)]

I'm not so sure, you can use VMWare 6.x Workstation software just fine...and you don't even need CPU with VT on hardware level either. I have 64bit CPU that support VT on hardware level but I found out that VMWare 6.0 workstation runs faster than Microsoft VM so I didn't bother. The only advantage of using MS VM is that you don't need XP license as MS is giving it to you for free with thier VM...but I could care less about that.

Actually Win 7 has been great since the day it came out...not a single crash so far, runs 98% of my games (doesn't like Tages DRM but I can live with that happily) and it's very fast.


GoodGuy -> RE: windows 7 vs vista (1/16/2010 2:41:22 PM)

I was just joking, actually, as I find it amusing how some spam posts hit the bulls eye (= hit the thread topic) by making some sense, at least.
Actually, from what I read, I am looking forward to switch to Win7 some time in the future, as it seems to be anything than an incomplete patchwork system (XP).

I just don't feel like switching right now, I can't be arsed to reinstall stuff atm. I had to do that a few weeks ago, and I'm still pissy. [:)]

Peter Fisla -> RE: windows 7 vs vista (1/16/2010 3:30:43 PM)



I was just joking, actually, as I find it amusing how some spam posts hit the bulls eye (= hit the thread topic) by making some sense, at least.
Actually, from what I read, I am looking forward to switch to Win7 some time in the future, as it seems to be anything than an incomplete patchwork system (XP).

I just don't feel like switching right now, I can't be arsed to reinstall stuff atm. I had to do that a few weeks ago, and I'm still pissy. [:)]

I understood your comment, I was just trying to say that there are other ways to run virtualization besides MS VM, you just need your own XP license. :)

Zakhal -> RE: windows 7 vs vista (1/16/2010 11:14:08 PM)

Windows764 is the only OS I use. Allthough I have Vista64 and XP32 installed too on the same PC.

Vista actually went bluescreen after sp3 update few weeks ago thanks to faulty windows patch before it. But I dont really need it anymore so I havent even bothered to fix it.

ilovestrategy -> RE: windows 7 vs vista (1/17/2010 4:17:47 AM)

I have a 3 year old gaming rig with Vista 64 and never once had any problems. My laptop came with Windows7 64 bit and it runs like a charm.

I've been hearing the "this windows version sucks" line for almost 20 years and I really cannot remember having an issue with any version of Windows since it came out in the early 90s.

Man, I'm glad DOS is gone. Installing games was a pain!

wworld7 -> RE: windows 7 vs vista (1/17/2010 4:35:01 AM)


ORIGINAL: ilovestrategy

Man, I'm glad DOS is gone. Installing games was a pain!

DOS was great, if you knew how to use it.

SlickWilhelm -> RE: windows 7 vs vista (1/17/2010 3:55:11 PM)


ORIGINAL: flipperwasirish


ORIGINAL: ilovestrategy

Man, I'm glad DOS is gone. Installing games was a pain!

DOS was great, if you knew how to use it.

DOS and other command line OS's are great for admins, not for your typical end user. And patronizing people who aren't highly technical is just showing your own insecurity.

I'm highly technical now, because that's what I do for a living. But back in the day when I was a young lad, trying to get a computer game to run by editing the config.sys and autoexec.bat was a bloody nightmare. Anyone remember trying to get enough memory into "high" memory so that your game would run?

Warts and all, Windows is a godsend to computer gaming.

leastonh1 -> RE: windows 7 vs vista (1/17/2010 4:32:40 PM)


ORIGINAL: Slick Wilhelm
I'm highly technical now, because that's what I do for a living. But back in the day when I was a young lad, trying to get a computer game to run by editing the config.sys and autoexec.bat was a bloody nightmare. Anyone remember trying to get enough memory into "high" memory so that your game would run?

Warts and all, Windows is a godsend to computer gaming.

Yep, I remember spending many, many hours trying to squeeze a couple of kilobytes of mem to run games and having to reboot into DOS with a floppy disk in order to reduce overhead and make sure my custom autoexec and config.sys ran exclusively. I don't miss it at all! DOS was a great tool for many things (and still is), but gaming was a royal pita with it.

wworld7 -> RE: windows 7 vs vista (1/17/2010 6:28:27 PM)


ORIGINAL: Slick Wilhelm


ORIGINAL: flipperwasirish


ORIGINAL: ilovestrategy

Man, I'm glad DOS is gone. Installing games was a pain!

DOS was great, if you knew how to use it.

DOS and other command line OS's are great for admins, not for your typical end user. And patronizing people who aren't highly technical is just showing your own insecurity.

I'm highly technical now, because that's what I do for a living. But back in the day when I was a young lad, trying to get a computer game to run by editing the config.sys and autoexec.bat was a bloody nightmare. Anyone remember trying to get enough memory into "high" memory so that your game would run?

Warts and all, Windows is a godsend to computer gaming.

Slick Wilhelm,

I was a kid too when I started with DOS. I knew nothing, but the joy of playing games and learning by trial and error actually led me into the portion of my career involving computers at a small software company (Tech Support, LAN Manager and then Manager, Information Systems). What you call a bloody nightmare to me was a great learning experiance. Sure there were nights that I "failed", but they became fewer as time went on.

Many people found Windows easier. For me, I had more difficulty with early Windows than I ever had with DOS. Only until Windows-98 came along could I say I was comfortable with it. Windows XP was a blast, Vista had no problems I couldn't overcome, and now with Windows 7 things are even better. But, for me, DOS was my greatest joy. That it was not the same for others is fine. In part, that's what keeps me employed.

Even today some network problems come up and I find a solution using some technique I learned "playing" with DOS over twenty-five year ago. To me learning is fun, and more fun if you are trying to play a game.

GoodGuy -> RE: windows 7 vs vista (1/17/2010 8:28:37 PM)

Btw, are you sure Flipper was Irish? [;)]


ORIGINAL: flipperwasirish

But, for me, DOS was my greatest joy. That it was not the same for others is fine. In part, that's what keeps me employed.

I'd rather say that's what brought you to the path leading to your current position. You don't need to have any DOS knowledge these days. Well UNIX and Linux may be an advantage, but not DOS. A youngster who knows everything about OS's from say NT server to Win7 server and UNIX, including programming in C++, UNIX and whatnot, may outperform you easily. [:)]

I think you are romanticizing a bit here.
At a time when I thanked the Lord that AMIGAs had SCSI harddrives and that I could create and mount RAMdisks so games and apps would load in no time, my neighbor, a carpenter, had to dance with the task to get his games running on his PC, and was desperately trying to free up enough memory to launch some darn game executable.
I didn't know that much about PCs back then, but I got him alt mouse drivers, rewrote his bat and sys files, so that the poor chap could play his beloved games. He just wanted to play, and not play "trial and error" in his spare time.


To me learning is fun, and more fun if you are trying to play a game.

I love to learn. But I never really liked the fact that DOS turned you into a slave, although a PC was meant to be a human's slave. AMIGAs with harddisk still needed some scripting knowledge, as the games were usually designed for floppy users, but it was an easy task, as you just had to mount drives and assign game disks to HD volumes. No hassle at all, brilliant desktop.

In turn, DOS was primitive, the MEM-bottleneck showed the lack of vision at MS and IBM. I completely moved to the PC around 1994, but I always missed Amiga/Mac desktops, DOS rather turned me off. Win 95 was a terrible OS, I'd call that one Vaporware, in terms of having the tendency to disintegrate itself, even if you'd just tried to install a driver. [:D]
Win98 SE was actually relatively good, but still demanded maintenance (eg. regedit) to keep it clean and smooth.

Nikademus -> RE: windows 7 vs vista (1/17/2010 8:35:07 PM)


ORIGINAL: panzers

I recently purchased the full version of 7 even though I had vista( didn't ever want anything to do with vista again). I have the 32 bit version. The question I have is that even though the drivers are the same as vista, I am noticing that I am having a hard time finding games that are as compatible as vista. Not so much with matrix games as much as others. Can anyone explain any of this?

The drivers are not all the same. I had a friend upgrade from Vista to 7 and his Netgear wireless modem stopped functioning. I had to scrounge up a home-made driver pkg for it as Netgear hadn't come out with one yet! On games, I've yet to come across one that won't run on 7 vs. Vista with one cavet. 7 can be picky about game exe's running as Administrator. I recently had that experience with Mass Effect. 7 gave me no indication of what the problem was...just got a "program has stopped running" msg and the MS diagnostics were of little use (suprise!). I patched and even messed with Direct X versions before seeing a forum suggestion to "run as Administrator" Sure enough....once did that it ran fine. Why it needed this i don't know. No other program thus far needs to be run "as Administrator" but there you have it. Other than that i've had zero issues. Didn't really have any serious issues with Vista either save for the fact that it was a mighty resource hog and 7 is an improvement there. In the end a primary motivation for me was i wanted to go 64bit with 4 more Gigs of RAM so Win7 was a natural choice over Vista64.

SlickWilhelm -> RE: windows 7 vs vista (1/17/2010 8:45:13 PM)


ORIGINAL: flipperwasirish
To me learning is fun, and more fun if you are trying to play a game.

I agree with you, flipper. I love learning, too.

But not everyone wants to be a geek and enjoy the mental challenge that computers can provide. To them, they just want their game to work when they start it.

Kind of like when I've had a long week at work, and I sit down with a quality Belgian ale to watch a good movie. I pop the Blue-Ray disk into my PS/3. At this point, I couldn't care less about all the technical engineering and programming that went into getting those bits up onto the screen in beautiful 1080P. I just want it to work. [:)]

wworld7 -> RE: windows 7 vs vista (1/18/2010 1:37:57 AM)



Btw, are you sure Flipper was Irish? [;)]


Yup,yup, yup!!!

wworld7 -> RE: windows 7 vs vista (1/18/2010 1:42:20 AM)


ORIGINAL: Slick Wilhelm

At this point, I couldn't care less about all the technical engineering and programming that went into getting those bits up onto the screen in beautiful 1080P. I just want it to work. [:)]

I absolutely agree with your desires here. Blu-ray is fantastic.

Alfred -> RE: windows 7 vs vista (1/18/2010 3:43:12 AM)


ORIGINAL: flipperwasirish


ORIGINAL: Slick Wilhelm


ORIGINAL: flipperwasirish


ORIGINAL: ilovestrategy

Man, I'm glad DOS is gone. Installing games was a pain!

DOS was great, if you knew how to use it.

DOS and other command line OS's are great for admins, not for your typical end user. And patronizing people who aren't highly technical is just showing your own insecurity.

I'm highly technical now, because that's what I do for a living. But back in the day when I was a young lad, trying to get a computer game to run by editing the config.sys and autoexec.bat was a bloody nightmare. Anyone remember trying to get enough memory into "high" memory so that your game would run?

Warts and all, Windows is a godsend to computer gaming.

Slick Wilhelm,

I was a kid too when I started with DOS. I knew nothing, but the joy of playing games and learning by trial and error actually led me into the portion of my career involving computers at a small software company (Tech Support, LAN Manager and then Manager, Information Systems). What you call a bloody nightmare to me was a great learning experiance. Sure there were nights that I "failed", but they became fewer as time went on.

Many people found Windows easier. For me, I had more difficulty with early Windows than I ever had with DOS. Only until Windows-98 came along could I say I was comfortable with it. Windows XP was a blast, Vista had no problems I couldn't overcome, and now with Windows 7 things are even better. But, for me, DOS was my greatest joy. That it was not the same for others is fine. In part, that's what keeps me employed.

Even today some network problems come up and I find a solution using some technique I learned "playing" with DOS over twenty-five year ago. To me learning is fun, and more fun if you are trying to play a game.

Yep, I like to scare people and see their reactions when I say I miss good old DOS 5.0 (got to keep them honest, DOS 6.1 would too easy). Usual reaction is a blank stare and even after 2-3 minutes they still haven't recognised what it is/was.

Oh and about himem. Still remember having to use the keyboard shortcuts in order to access CV airgroups in PacWar.


leena -> RE: windows 7 vs vista (1/18/2010 11:10:59 AM)

Windows Vista consumes ALOT OF RESOURCES. Which means, that it takes up alot of your RAM and the operating system itself is slow and less secure than Windows 7. When i mean it takes up alot of resources, i mean that it takes up alot of RAM. Basically what RAM (Random Access Memory) is the stuff that you have open, like applications, web browsers, games and the operating system etc. Things like your operating system may take up to 500MB of your RAM. If you have insufficient RAM or less RAM your computer will run really slow. Vista itself, is slow and Windows 7 is by far THE BEST Operating System that is out there. It is fast reliable, WAY MORE STABLE than Vista and XP AND Is extremely faster and EXTREMELY SECURE!!! Also, Windows XP used to be the best operating system and better than windows vista but now Windows 7 is the best and by far the best ever operating system for a long time! Need more info or got any more questions please email me :) Click my profile to email xD
Glass Blocks
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SlickWilhelm -> RE: windows 7 vs vista (1/18/2010 8:41:55 PM)



Windows Vista consumes ALOT OF RESOURCES. Which means, that it takes up alot of your RAM and the operating system itself is slow and less secure than Windows 7. When i mean it takes up alot of resources, i mean that it takes up alot of RAM. Basically what RAM (Random Access Memory) is the stuff that you have open, like applications, web browsers, games and the operating system etc. Things like your operating system may take up to 500MB of your RAM. If you have insufficient RAM or less RAM your computer will run really slow. Vista itself, is slow and Windows 7 is by far THE BEST Operating System that is out there. It is fast reliable, WAY MORE STABLE than Vista and XP AND Is extremely faster and EXTREMELY SECURE!!! Also, Windows XP used to be the best operating system and better than windows vista but now Windows 7 is the best and by far the best ever operating system for a long time! Need more info or got any more questions please email me :) Click my profile to email xD
Glass Blocks
how to get rid of mice naturally

Oh leena, you are such a knowledgable and beautiful spambot. If you could cook I'd probably propose.


gowtham -> RE: windows 7 vs vista (2/23/2010 4:19:23 AM)

Way too soon to tell. PCWorld did a review recently that stated the differences were very slim as far as speed was concerned. Also, there are many people screwing up their computers trying to install and uninstall Win7. There's no support for it, it's still unstable, and even Microsoft says to make sure you back everything up in case you need to reinstall your existing OS. I realize that's the same advice given when doing any installation, but yet again, it's still too new.
My prediction? People will complain about it just as much as they did about Vista. I'll wait at least a year before even considering changing over from Vista.

Also, how can anyone say Win7, when the full version isn't even out yet?? Like I said, I'll wait.
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Knavery -> RE: windows 7 vs vista (2/23/2010 6:00:53 AM)


ORIGINAL: gowtham

Way too soon to tell. PCWorld did a review recently that stated the differences were very slim as far as speed was concerned. Also, there are many people screwing up their computers trying to install and uninstall Win7. There's no support for it, it's still unstable, and even Microsoft says to make sure you back everything up in case you need to reinstall your existing OS. I realize that's the same advice given when doing any installation, but yet again, it's still too new.
My prediction? People will complain about it just as much as they did about Vista. I'll wait at least a year before even considering changing over from Vista.

Also, how can anyone say Win7, when the full version isn't even out yet?? Like I said, I'll wait.
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That's a very pessimistic viewpoint, but I guess Microsoft deserves it witht their track record. I'm not saying their OS's have been horrible. I mean... I've always gotten them to work with what I needed to accomplish. But then it's nothing for me to format my hard drive and start from scratch in the middle of the week. I will say though that I think it's much more stable than XP. I have run into a few driver issues, but, I haven't had any OS crashes to speak of, and that's saying a lot with a MS product.

wodin -> RE: windows 7 vs vista (2/23/2010 7:50:34 AM)

Just installed Win 7 from XP and much prefer it. Far quicker and my games play faster, some even look better due to bumpmapping.

My only gripe is the size of the icons on the desktop are massive. I can get them down to a 16 but they still look huge. Ive shoved them on my taskbar.

martok -> RE: windows 7 vs vista (2/23/2010 8:24:57 AM)



That's a very pessimistic viewpoint, but I guess Microsoft deserves it witht their track record. I'm not saying their OS's have been horrible. I mean... I've always gotten them to work with what I needed to accomplish. But then it's nothing for me to format my hard drive and start from scratch in the middle of the week. I will say though that I think it's much more stable than XP. I have run into a few driver issues, but, I haven't had any OS crashes to speak of, and that's saying a lot with a MS product.

Psst. Knavery, you've responded to a spambot. Just an FYI....

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