Paul Vebber -> Shockwave auto-plug-in and "virus" reports (9/25/2001 3:42:00 AM)
Looking into the page source, it seems that some virus checkers are confusing the shockwave auto-plug-in that is used to play the opening animation at with a virus.
THis program is not a virus, but as with other browser plugins, registers itself upon installation if it is not already installed.
If you don;t want to mess withit, just bookmark the forum or whatsnew page and don;t use it.
It is a "registered" microsoft app using the digital signature:"clsid: D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" Explorer will only run registered scripting apps with a valid digital signature.
Because the plug-in logs itself into the registry, older (or more conservative) AV programs may misinterpret that as an attack.
[ September 24, 2001: Message edited by: Paul Vebber ]