Anti-Virus Hotfix (Full Version)

All Forums >> [Current Games From Matrix.] >> [World War II] >> Officers - The Matrix Edition


Andrew Loveridge -> Anti-Virus Hotfix (1/14/2010 9:35:05 PM)

A number of players have had issues with Officers ME and their Anti-Virus Software.
The Officers.exe does not contain a virus.
There are a couple files in the original install with names similar to those associated with a known virus. We have a new update in the Members Club that should resolve these issues. This update changes the names of those files and replaces the exe with one that references the new names.

Please sign in and Register your game, if you haven't already, and download the file called Then unzip it, and run the installer. This is a Beta, so please give us feedback on how it works for you.

aerosky -> RE: Anti-Virus Hotfix (12/17/2021 8:02:28 AM)

To avoid antivirus software's warning, sign the *.exe

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