JudgeDredd -> RE: Victory at Sea vs. The World at War (1/20/2010 9:38:57 PM)
I've never seen Victory at Sea, however I have watched (several times) the World at War series, I bought the boxed VHS set for over £140 and recently bought the boxed DVD set for the bargain price of £28. World at War is a must have for any historical enthusiast interested in the gings on in World War II. It's comprehensive yet light (as in not over burdoning with detail), it's beautifully narrated and has a touching sound score. I don't recall Sir Olivier being sarcastic, but then I haven't watched it in many years. From what I remember he was the epitome of professionalism and called it how it was. Time for a re-watch I think. As for Victory at Seaa, I probably wouldn't be too interested in it. I've never been a naval afn, though I am interested in some carrier battles.