Harbinger -> RE: Event Questions (1/24/2010 7:18:52 PM)
ORIGINAL: doomtrader You might try to check: WW2 Time of Wrath\data\events\events_list.csv Okay Doomie, this is what the files you suggest players use to get information regarding Events actually contain: event no,event name,file name,country,flag A,flag B,flag C,flag D,flag E,scenario (these are the headers for the information of the Events) 204,Quick victory over Poland,events_02_germany.xml,2,204,,,,, (this is the information for the event Number, Event Name found in the event file titled events_02_germany) Let's take a look at this in the event file since obviously there is no usable gameplay information here other than that the Event exists.... The information contained in the Event folder events_02_germany, #204: <!-- Quick victory over Poland --> - <event eventID="204" countryID="2" visibleByPlayer="1" oneTimeChecking="0"> <title>ZID_204_title</title> <description>ZID_204_desc</description> <beginDate day="1" month="10" year="1939" /> <endDate day="22" month="10" year="1939" /> - <condition> - <and> - <!-- Country is active --> - <expression> <leftOperand method="Country.IsActive" param0="2" /> <operator value="equals" /> <rightOperand constValue="1" /> </expression> - <!-- Poland is not active --> - <expression> <leftOperand method="Country.IsActive" param0="1" /> <operator value="equals" /> <rightOperand constValue="0" /> </expression> - <!-- Event 203 not fired --> - <expression> <leftOperand method="Flag.GetValue" param0="203" /> <operator value="equals" /> <rightOperand constValue="0" /> </expression> - <!-- Flag not fired yet --> - <expression> <leftOperand method="Flag.GetValue" param0="204" /> <operator value="equals" /> <rightOperand constValue="0" /> </expression> </and> </condition> - <options> - <option optionID="1" chanceAI="100"> <description>ZID_204_op1</description> <tooltip>ZID_204_desc1</tooltip> - <effects> - <!-- DP for Gemrany --> <effect method="Country.ChangeDiplomaticPoints" param0="2" param1="10" /> - <!-- PP for Gemrany --> <effect method="Country.ChangeProductionPoints" param0="2" param1="40" /> - <!-- Set flag --> <effect method="Flag.SetValue" param0="204" param1="1" /> </effects> </option> </options> </event> Hmm...well let's see. If one takes the time (or has it) to learn how to read this...language, then one would find this information: GERMANY #204 Quick Victory over Poland If Germany conquers Poland between 1 October 1939 and 22 October 1939 then Germany will receive 10 Diplomatic Points and 40 Production Points. Which method is easier for the player to use? The Code or the written description? Which method would be preferable for the player?