RE: AE on wide screen - it is possible (Full Version)

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dorjun driver -> RE: AE on wide screen - it is possible (1/27/2010 11:02:04 AM)

If all goes according to plan, we won't need a minimap!
Mwaahaahaahaahaa. MWAAHAA HAA HAA HAA!!!

Admiral Scott -> RE: AE on wide screen - it is possible (1/27/2010 4:56:48 PM)


ORIGINAL: Mistmatz

Well, thats looking awesome and all but... where is the minimap for navigating?

I was wondering about that too.

I'd give up the minimap for widescreen support if I had to choose.

Nomad -> RE: AE on wide screen - it is possible (1/27/2010 5:02:44 PM)

If you scroll the picture and look at the bottom right, it is there.

TOMLABEL -> RE: AE on wide screen - it is possible (1/27/2010 7:44:00 PM)



Will there will be support for multiple monitors????

Don't think so, but you can certainly try it out spanning across both monitors and various resolutions.


ORIGINAL: Mistmatz

Well, thats looking awesome and all but... where is the minimap for navigating?

My screenshots were taken early on. If you look at the ones Joe posted in his AAR, it is there.

kaleun -> RE: AE on wide screen - it is possible (1/27/2010 8:36:06 PM)

So pretty!

koontz -> RE: AE on wide screen - it is possible (1/27/2010 9:00:26 PM)

Will this affect windowed mode to?

I hope 1920x1080 is supported in windoed mode.

Nomad -> RE: AE on wide screen - it is possible (1/27/2010 9:02:10 PM)

I want 1920 x 1200 like Joe has.

FeurerKrieg -> RE: AE on wide screen - it is possible (1/28/2010 6:26:22 AM)



I have been holding off on buying a new montitor at home for years largely because I didn't want to deal with scaling and skewing of my WITP (and AE) game.


Cathartes -> RE: AE on wide screen - it is possible (1/28/2010 7:03:55 AM)

mini map show up just fine. I have only a small 1280x1024 screen...


Akos Gergely -> RE: AE on wide screen - it is possible (1/28/2010 7:24:13 AM)

So judging by Cathartes' screenshot it will support all resolutions, not just 16:9 (his one is 5:4)! This is the next best thing after sliced bread [&o]

Zakhal -> RE: AE on wide screen - it is possible (2/1/2010 11:34:43 PM)


ORIGINAL: koontz

Will this affect windowed mode to?

I hope 1920x1080 is supported in windoed mode.

1920x1080 for me too!

treespider -> RE: AE on wide screen - it is possible (2/1/2010 11:46:51 PM)

Currently using 1440x0900...[:)]


drw61 -> RE: AE on wide screen - it is possible (2/2/2010 2:49:50 AM)

It looks as if the AE team is enjoying torturing us. [:-] [;)]

Reg -> RE: AE on wide screen - it is possible (2/2/2010 9:33:08 AM)



It looks as if the AE team is enjoying torturing us. [:-] [;)]


Just roll out the patch already!!!! [:'(]

Akos Gergely -> RE: AE on wide screen - it is possible (2/2/2010 11:15:26 AM)

Ahha, so it's not autodetect but we can manually select the resolution from predefined settings (judging from treespider's screenshot)?

Admiral Scott -> RE: AE on wide screen - it is possible (2/2/2010 3:52:30 PM)

The waiting is the hard part!

Andy Mac -> RE: AE on wide screen - it is possible (2/2/2010 6:42:36 PM)

Sorry I have some AI tests to run on the new patch so it will be a while yet

It takes a long time to get even AI v AI games out to 44 but I would rather not release a patch without proper testing !!!

fflaguna -> RE: AE on wide screen - it is possible (2/2/2010 7:07:07 PM)

I'm a 1920x1200 computer-savvy laptop user in the Middle East with too much free time lately, if you need some help... NDA okay ;)

Edit: Also willing to donate 8x non-virtual CPU cores worth of overnight/all day AI vs AI tests, if that is what's needed. I run Windows 7.

Andy Mac -> RE: AE on wide screen - it is possible (2/2/2010 7:09:13 PM)

:) Sorry I only know my own bit of the testing thats going on on the patch.

I know others atre testing other bits as well we are going as always as fast as we can.

donkey_roxor -> RE: AE on wide screen - it is possible (2/2/2010 7:13:54 PM)

If the patch will enable scaling up to widescreen, will it also enable scaling down to, say, 1024x600, like for some netbooks?

BigJ62 -> RE: AE on wide screen - it is possible (2/2/2010 8:38:00 PM)


Jones944 -> RE: AE on wide screen - it is possible (2/2/2010 10:19:07 PM)




Hate to bombard you with these types of questions, but will 1280 x 800 be an option? [;)]

BigJ62 -> RE: AE on wide screen - it is possible (2/2/2010 10:37:29 PM)

To use high res I set up two new cmd line switches –pxnnnn and –pynnnn (ex. On my machine for full screen I use –px1920 –py1200 and for windowed I use –px1680 –py1050 so that the window is within desktop).
Px must be greater than 1024 AND py must be greater than 768 to use new code otherwise we use the old code setup,
I know there are some lap tops with wide res but with low height(<=768) so they will continue to use old code.
There is one small caveat when playing small map scenarios, if your res is greater than size of map then selecting bases
is a bit of problem because the code tries to reset view based on selection so your options are make either
map sz extents bigger (ie more margin around bases close to edge) or reduce your res.
I noticed this when trying to play Coral Sea.
Spanning mode is not supported and user should ensure that both the video adapter and monitor support the px and py values.

Jones944 -> RE: AE on wide screen - it is possible (2/2/2010 10:46:39 PM)

Most excellent implementation of this much anticipated feature! Now I can't wait for the patch. I like it when each new patch contains "must have" features!

Excellent work.

Zacktar -> RE: AE on wide screen - it is possible (2/2/2010 11:37:05 PM)

This looks absolutely fantastic. Kudoes for even attempting this, guys! [&o][&o][&o]

Zakhal -> RE: AE on wide screen - it is possible (2/3/2010 12:05:35 AM)

Yes GJ! I thought this was not possible but Im happy to be proven wrong. [:D]

Cerion -> RE: AE on wide screen - it is possible (2/3/2010 12:07:15 AM)

Wooow!! Looks superb.

hunchback77 -> RE: AE on wide screen - it is possible (2/3/2010 6:16:00 PM)

I can't wait to try -px2560 -py1600 on my 30" monitor, lets hope it works.

Behemoth -> RE: AE on wide screen - it is possible (9/5/2010 3:48:47 PM)

Hello World! I have had the pleasure of a little down time and I went to revisit the latest patch for this great game in the hopes of getting my Hanns-G HG281D monitor to show WItp in glorious wide screen. The problem is it appears to be defaulting to the old resolution, even with the Quick start -f -px1920- py1200. I tried resizing the window mode as well and that doesn't work either. Can one of you fine gents clue me in? there must be something I'm doing off on the Target label. The funny thing is on my widescreen lappy the screen is cropped on the edges to give the proper rez albeit minus the wide screen, but on my desktop the game is stretched to the edges, stretched is the operative word here. Any help would be much appreciated.

Behemoth -> RE: AE on wide screen - it is possible (9/5/2010 5:22:29 PM)

Whoops answered my own question, Got my monitor's Rez settings typed in wrong, they were 1920x1200 rather than 1900x1200. Hope that helps someone who overlooks the obvious, like me. Looks NICE now!

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