Bases being starved (Full Version)

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hermanhum -> Bases being starved (2/1/2010 7:04:07 AM)

I have an odd logistical situation. I am Japan and have captured all of China (except for being tied up with a huge army group in Chungking), all of Burma, and up to Calcutta/Diamond Harbour. Two of my bases in China (Kweiyang and Ichang) continue to register 0 supplies while others seem to be in proper/adequate supply. I have tried everything to increase their supply levels from moving Command HQs, land units, and aircraft to their bases, but it does not change.

I have no airfields/ports/fortifications in expansion mode at this time but am repairing a few resources/heavy industry factories that were damaged. Anyone have any suggestions on how I might rectify the situation?

Alfred -> RE: Bases being starved (2/1/2010 12:32:26 PM)

Repairing Resource Centres and Heavy Industry will consume supplies at that particular base.


Local Yokel -> RE: Bases being starved (2/1/2010 2:23:29 PM)

I think I'm right in saying that repairs to damaged HI or resource centres will only take place if supply at the base in question =>10,000 when the repair attempt is evaluated.  If that condition is satisfied then one damaged centre is repaired at a cost of 1,000 supply.  If the supply deducted as a result of a successful repair takes the base's supply total below the 10,000 threshold then further repairs will not take place until that threshold is again exceeded.  If your bases at Ichang and Kweiyang are at zero supply then your prospects of repairing any resource centres/HI at either appear to be negligible, but OTOH your are not going to sustain any drop in supply level as the cost of repairs taking place.

My subjective impression is that the further Japan penetrates the interior of China, the fewer supplies find their way to the front.  I know that there's a cost per hex to be paid for moving supply to its destination, but in China the effects of this seem to be worse than elsewhere.  Perhaps there's some 'China multiplier' at work to simulate the morass the country proved to be for the Japanese.  Oh, and my experience is with CHS and the Andrew Brown map, so different factors may be at work if your game is stock.

hermanhum -> Problem (2/1/2010 6:12:24 PM)

Thank you for the ideas.  However, since neither Kweiyang nor Ichang bases boast any production facilities, I think that this theory is moot.

Alfred -> RE: Problem (2/2/2010 4:38:13 AM)

As those bases have no local supply generation capacity, then the next thing to check is whether they have a valid supply path back to a base which has more than 2x times its own required supplies.


hermanhum -> Problem (2/2/2010 7:39:32 AM)

The paths are no problem as I own all of China with the exception of Chungking.

The nearest cities/bases do not have double their required supply needs.  What can I do to get those nearest bases to take on more supply?  Bases a little more distant easily have over 2x their minimum supply requirements.

Alfred -> RE: Problem (2/2/2010 12:05:10 PM)

Firstly, it does not suffice to say that you own all of China.  The last unit which moves through an hex claims ownership.  You should check that your supply paths show white "J" only.

Secondly, a base will only forward on supply to a base lacking supply, if it itself has more than 2x times its own local supply requirements.

Thirdly, supply will flow from abundant to deficient base in accordance with the supply path formula, and in doing so a portion of the supply will be lost in transit.  Accordingly it is better for supply to flow between two bases which are 5-7 hexes apart but on a railway line, than if they were 2 hexes apart but using only cross country trails.

Fourthly, if you have intermediate bases between Ichang and a 2x time supply base, then try the moves you previously tried at Ichang, such as use of HQs.


hermanhum -> Problem (2/2/2010 12:45:36 PM)

I checked with the Hex Ownership function and nearly every hex in China is marked with a J (except for a few X-country hexes and Chungking with has an AJ).  Thanks for the tip.

I seemed to have broken the log-jam by shuffling units around.  I don't know the reason behind it or exactly what I did to change things, but I think that the supplies are flowing once again.  Thanks for all your help.

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