DasTactic -> RE: Thank you for getting the formula right! (2/20/2010 9:30:20 AM)
I bought this game last night so haven't really been playing it for very long. I am a long term 4X player starting with a game on the TRS80 called Stellar Empires (ASCII but I still think of this fondly), Stars! on the early nineties, MOO2, MOO3 (which was disappointing), rebound to GalCiv 1 and 2, Supremacy (Matrix game that didn't go anywhere but I thought had a lot of promise), SOTS (which didn't grab me), SEIV, SE5, Sins, and recently, AI War and Gratuitous Space Battles. Initially when I started playing Armada I was disappointed and 'couldn't get into it'. It flagged itself as a 'Space Opera' style game and I was expecting more immersion and less abstraction. I had had issues with the nVidia battle screen but once the shadows were reduced it fixed that issue. After the tutorial I tried a number of custom games but struggled to understand what my short term objectives should have been. The hints were great but i wasn't sure what sort of fleet build-up was required etc etc but that really only comes with playing the game. It appeared very open ended without the MOO style warp points between planets - similar to GalCiv2 (I like constraints of warp points so I can build at my own pace). So after a couple of hours I was experiencing some mis-givings. But there was just enough I liked to keep me trying to play. Finally, a few hours ago, I tried the second scenario (Twelve Races) and things started to click. I wish I had read the intro to this after trying the Tutorial because - like it claimed - playing this scenario eased me through the choices and objectives. I found I was getting drawn in to the relationships of each race I found and it was indeed living up to it's claim as a 'Space Opera'. Do I make friends for now or are they controlling a choke-point I need access through to expand? It was fantastic! There is no real way to 'personalise' ships or planets and my initial misgivings that this would hinder the RPG aspects and strategic appeal were completely unfounded. The simplicity of each turn is sooooo refreshing! In GalCiv (which is a great game!) you are often analyzing what you need to build on your ships to overcome a specific weapon of an enemy. It works for GalCiv but not needing to delve into this level of complexity is great here for Armada. Each turn takes a minute or two so the game takes hours rather than days or weeks to play out. I am really seeing now how the developers have struck a very nice balance between immersing the player in the plot on one hand, but keeping it simple and fast on the other hand. It isn't quite right yet, but the latest patch looks to address many more issues. As has been mentioned by others, this game is just starting out so can only get better and better. Things I still find annoying (or can't find if they are part of the game) are: not being able to get quick and easy feedback on where I have idle fleets (this should be a feature of the main map); not being able to really gauge the composition of fleets at a planet (perhaps in the roll-over dialog); micromanagement of transports (I'm not sure how to set them to repeat pickups and set-downs - only to move them repeatedly); not being able to alt-tab to hide the game; not having multiple autosaves that go back a number of turns; I would also like to have more say in the layout of the galaxy like in the Space Empires games as I think it would work nicely here. So I also want to express my appreciation for where this game is heading and like the thread title, wanted to second that the formula looks to be 'right'. :) I'm hoping it gets the required support and sales (I am concerned with the lack of reviews for a game that has been out since November) and doesn't head down the drain like Supremacy did. The forum seems quite healthy so that is a good indicator I hope. :)