Andrew Ewanchyna -> (7/6/2002 3:07:16 AM)
Hi, just ripped this out of the code so it's not the prettiest. Should be able to cut and paste to suite your needs. new AbilityArtifact("Master engineer", "#sce", 0, "Adds a special ability to the unit that activates it. Only one per unit.\n" "The special ability cuts down repair and production times by 10%%.\n" "The production benefit is only applicable to worlds."); new AbilityArtifact("Repair crew", "#rec", 0, "Adds a special ability to the unit that activates it. Only one per unit.\n" "The special ability is to half the time of repairs."); new AbilityArtifact("Point defender", "#pod", 0, "Adds a special ability to the unit that activates it. Only one per unit.\n" "The special ability is to increases point-defense accuracy by 50%%."); new AbilityArtifact("Anti-fighter defender", "#afd", 0, "Adds a special ability to the unit that activates it. Only one per unit.\n" "The special ability is to increases point-defense accuracy against fighters by 50%%."); new AbilityArtifact("Anti-standoff defender", "#asd", 0, "Adds a special ability to the unit that activates it. Only one per unit.\n" "The special ability is to increases point-defense accuracy against standoffs by 50%%."); new AbilityArtifact("Anti-assault pod defender", "#aad", 0, "Adds a special ability to the unit that activates it. Only one per unit.\n" "The special ability is to increases point-defense accuracy against assault pods by 50%%."); new AbilityArtifact("Crack shot", "#crs", 0, "Adds a special ability to the unit that activates it. Only one per unit.\n" "The special ability makes all non-point defense weapon attacks 100% accurate."); new AbilityArtifact("Ace fighter pilots", "#afp", 0, "Adds a special ability to the unit that activates it. Only one per unit.\n" "The special ability makes all fighter squad attacks 100%% accurate."); new AbilityArtifact("Guns Ace", "#agu", 0, "Adds a special ability to the unit that activates it. Only one per unit.\n" "The special ability is to make all gun attacks 100%% accurate."); new AbilityArtifact("Bolt weapons Ace", "#abo", 0, "Adds a special ability to the unit that activates it. Only one per unit.\n" "The special ability makes all non-point defense bolt attacks 100%% accurate."); new AbilityArtifact("Wave weapons Ace", "#awa", 0, "Adds a special ability to the unit that activates it. Only one per unit.\n" "The special ability makes all non-point defense wave attacks 100%% accurate."); new AbilityArtifact("Missiles Ace", "#ami", 0, "Adds a special ability to the unit that activates it. Only one per unit.\n" "The special ability makes all non-point defense missile attacks 100%% accurate."); new AbilityArtifact("Standoff weapons Ace", "#ast", 0, "Adds a special ability to the unit that activates it. Only one per unit.\n" "The special ability makes all non-point defense standoff attacks 100%% accurate (meaning more damage)."); new AbilityArtifact("Torpedoes Ace", "#ato", 0, "Adds a special ability to the unit that activates it. Only one per unit.\n" "The special ability makes all non-point defense torpedo attacks 100%% accurate."); new AbilityArtifact("Beam weapons Ace", "#abe", 0, "Adds a special ability to the unit that activates it. Only one per unit.\n" "The special ability makes all non-point defense beam attacks 100%% accurate."); new AbilityArtifact("Shield-ignoring assault pods", "#sap", AbilityArtifact::GLOBAL, "Adds a special ability to the player that activates it. Only one per player.\n" "The special ability allows the player's assault pods to ignore shields."); new AbilityArtifact("Overload weapons without damage", "#owd", 0, "Adds a special ability to the unit that activates it. Only one per unit.\n" "The special ability is to allow energy weapons to be overloaded (so they\n" "can shoot again that turn) without being damaged in the process."); new AbilityArtifact("Double maximum weapon shots", "#dmw", 0, "Adds a special ability to the unit that activates it. Only one per unit.\n" "The special ability is to double the maximum number of shots for all applicable weapons."); new AbilityArtifact("Two shots per turn for weapons", "#dsw", 0, "Adds a special ability to the unit that activates it. Only one per unit.\n" "The special ability is to give two shots per turn for all applicable weapons."); new AbilityArtifact("Computer specialist", "#cos", AbilityArtifact::GLOBAL, "Adds a special ability to the player that activates it. Only one per player.\n" "The special ability allows the player to research computer technologies 25%% faster."); new AbilityArtifact("Shields specialist", "#shs", AbilityArtifact::GLOBAL, "Adds a special ability to the player that activates it. Only one per player.\n" "The special ability allows the player to research shield technologies 25%% faster."); new AbilityArtifact("Armor specialist", "#ars", AbilityArtifact::GLOBAL, "Adds a special ability to the player that activates it. Only one per player.\n" "The special ability allows the player to research armor technologies 25%% faster."); new AbilityArtifact("Drive specialist", "#drs", AbilityArtifact::GLOBAL, "Adds a special ability to the player that activates it. Only one per player.\n" "The special ability allows the player to research drive technologies 25%% faster."); new AbilityArtifact("Generator specialist", "#ges", AbilityArtifact::GLOBAL, "Adds a special ability to the player that activates it. Only one per player.\n" "The special ability allows the player to research generator technologies 25%% faster."); new AbilityArtifact("Gun specialist", "#gus", AbilityArtifact::GLOBAL, "Adds a special ability to the player that activates it. Only one per player.\n" "The special ability allows the player to research gun technologies 25%% faster."); new AbilityArtifact("Fighter specialist", "#fis", AbilityArtifact::GLOBAL, "Adds a special ability to the player that activates it. Only one per player.\n" "The special ability allows the player to research fighter technologies 25%% faster."); new AbilityArtifact("Bolt specialist", "#bos", AbilityArtifact::GLOBAL, "Adds a special ability to the player that activates it. Only one per player.\n" "The special ability allows the player to research bolt weapon technologies 25%% faster."); new AbilityArtifact("Standoff specialist", "#sts", AbilityArtifact::GLOBAL, "Adds a special ability to the player that activates it. Only one per player.\n" "The special ability allows the player to research standoff weapon technologies 25%% faster."); new AbilityArtifact("Beam specialist", "#bes", AbilityArtifact::GLOBAL, "Adds a special ability to the player that activates it. Only one per player.\n" "The special ability allows the player to research beam weapon technologies 25%% faster."); new AbilityArtifact("Missile specialist", "#mis", AbilityArtifact::GLOBAL, "Adds a special ability to the player that activates it. Only one per player.\n" "The special ability allows the player to research missile weapon technologies 25%% faster."); new AbilityArtifact("Torpedo specialist", "#tos", AbilityArtifact::GLOBAL, "Adds a special ability to the player that activates it. Only one per player.\n" "The special ability allows the player to research torpedo weapon technologies 25%% faster."); new AbilityArtifact("Wave specialist", "#was", AbilityArtifact::GLOBAL, "Adds a special ability to the player that activates it. Only one per player.\n" "The special ability allows the player to research wave weapon technologies 25%% faster.");