Community has saved this game for me (Full Version)

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Mercury199 -> Community has saved this game for me (2/9/2010 9:10:46 AM)

Hello to all, this is my first post and I would like to say that this community has saved this game as far as I am concerned.

I bought the game about 2 weeks ago, installed it (ver 1.07) played it for a couple of hours. I could not believe how hard it was even on the easy setting and so uninstalled it and put the box to the bottom of my collection annoyed I had just spent £10 on a dud.

Whilst bored at work I started looking for information and came across this community and found out about patches and mods. I installed ver 1.08 and gave it another go, better, but still pretty hard. I then installed the Fine Tuned v1.7 mod and hey presto a fantastic game!

Well done and thanks very much for the hard work that has made this game a little gem that I have been playing as often as possible.

I am currently playing through the JANUS campaign and have taken SAFARI, ROADBLOCK, TRAIN STATION and last night smashed the ROAD TO AIRPORT! Sweet.

whitezen -> RE: Community has saved this game for me (2/10/2010 1:09:26 PM)

Good ! Me too .
I cheated - -`
Use a software change ME all ability to 85 and own 100M($100,000,000),and yet i select the hardest lvl[:D]
I want to know where i could find the manager of the mines ?[&:]

Mercury199 -> RE: Community has saved this game for me (2/11/2010 2:28:15 PM)

There is a guide to the miner strike at the link below:

whitezen -> RE: Community has saved this game for me (2/12/2010 6:35:12 AM)

Thanks. then , how many kind of endings in game ? where can i sell my weapon and eq ? where are these branch taskes (such as Box game . save girl . kill terriorists and so on in JA2 )?[&:]

Mercury199 -> RE: Community has saved this game for me (2/12/2010 1:40:49 PM)

Unfortunately you cannot, as far as I am aware, sell any extra wpns or eqpt.

Through reading the forums I believe there are four possible endings:

1) Working for the Client (Janus) if you just keep performing all the tasks he sets by email. I believe there is a twist at the end but won't spoil it if you don't know (I haven't got that far either BTW)

2) Switching to the Butsi.  You can start this storyline during the safari map by speaking to the named civilian character (not the one you are supposed to rescue) but if you don't you can still switch at the RR stn by speaking to Louis and he will initiate the tribal storyline and new locations will be revealed. I think you have to speak to someone at the village and free 'Shammy' from somewhere. Haven't done this either!!

3) Marauders. In the Safari map if you speak to the marauder leader and have sufficient intimidation skills he may offer you the chance to join and open up that line of events.  If you do then you will have to kill all the civvies including the fella you are supposed to rescue thus setting Janus against you. Not sure how this pans out later in the game.

4) Dictator.  It is possible from the first map, once you have the passport from the Officer, to navigate your way to the Palace and speak to the Dictator who will offer you 500k to switch allegiance and work for him instead. I think you can do this at any time during the game, unless you kill him of course.  This alienates the faction you were currently working for.  You get another interesting ending for this one too. Waitress, service please!

Also you need to be aware that if you switch sides all the areas you have taken, except the N road and Safari, will stay with the faction you captured them for, meaning you will have to recapture in order to get the income back.

This is all based on what I have read on the forum as I am still on my first campaign.  Currently, I am following the JANUS storyline and have taken N Road, Safari, Roadblock, RR Station, Road to Airport and the Airport. He is so pleased with me, surely he will reward me!!

I hope my collation of other peoples' work helps

whitezen -> RE: Community has saved this game for me (2/14/2010 12:22:01 PM)

thanks !
i wonder if there is a 5th way that you can own the country([:D])[&:]
maybe ....

Reinforce -> RE: Community has saved this game for me (2/15/2010 2:46:01 AM)

I recall someone saying there was an ending with you as the leader... I don't remember where it was posted on here though. Hmmm.. I think I'll need to try that. Just go crazy and shoot everyone and see what happends.

Much Love,

whitezen -> RE: Community has saved this game for me (2/15/2010 7:12:07 AM)

[:D]congratulate !
i hope so too [;)]

Stealth_Hitman -> RE: Community has saved this game for me (3/4/2010 12:16:05 AM)

there is only 4 endings and you can see them all in one of the game folders.

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