Q-Ball -> RE: For the allies...Defend Bataan or Manila? (2/19/2010 6:17:13 PM)
Clark has better defensive terrain than either Bataan or Manila. As a bonus, it's important. The Allies should defend THERE. Splitting forces between Manila and Clark is not smart for the Allies IMO. The Japanese can quickly concentrate most forces at Clark, and split your army. Or, you expose a wing of your Army at Manila to attack on less-favorable defensive terrain. Not to mention that you risk losing supplies when Manila falls (I don't 100% trust the land routines there) Why defend Manila? What are you denying to the Japanese by doing so? Use of the port? They can't use it anyway if you have Clark/Bataan. All you deny them is use of the light industry; big deal. Defending Manila is unwise. Let the Japanese have it. Against a decent Japanese player who brings a reasonable amount of force, the best thing to do is probably prep everyone, day one, for Clark, and start digging/moving everyone there.