michaelm75au -> RE: AV Type ships. Bug or WAD? (2/24/2010 6:16:30 AM)
ORIGINAL: Al Boone Hi Michaelm, Prior to patch 3 Beta, my PBY squadrons were repairing aircraft at Bases with adequate supply and DISBANDED AVD ships which had AV support at least equal to the PBY aircraft numbers. This seemed to change with patch 3 Beta. Quickly increasing numbers of PBYs are accumulating in maintenance to the point that all will be in maintenance. From your reply above, I infer that you only think the problem is due to uncounted AV Support TFs in Bases. If so, I think that disbanded AV ships are also not servicing seaplanes in Bases, even Bases with adequate supplies. I have always assumed that excess AV ship aircraft support did not help general non-seaplane maintenance at a Base. I assume this is still true? You seem to imply that supply also needs to be left at a Dot Base with an AV Tender to assure adequate Seaplane operational support, since AVDs have no inherent supply cargo capability? Alternatively, are you saying that an AV Tender will only support numbers of Seaplanes up to it's AV support capability without supply and will support even more Seaplanes with adequate Base supply even at a Dot Base? Comparing code from 1097 and beta patch03: 1. The change from scanning all ships to just scanning those in the base was introduced in patch03. I thought it was earlier. This would mean pre-beta, any AV type would count. Post-beta, only disbanded AV type would count. Next beta patch will scan both the ship in port (disbanded) AND any AV type in a friendly TF in the same hex. Net affect being the same as pre-beta. 2. If not supported solely from a base, supply wasn't a consideration for seaplanes in pre-beta although it should have been. It was subtracting supply from a non-existent source. Post-beta once the number of repairs exceeds the amount of seaplane tender support in the hex, supply is required from the base to ready the plane. Next beta patch, after the seaplane tender support is exceeded, the supply will come from (a) a tender first and then (b) the base in the hex. Generally, seaplane support should be at least the amount of seaplanes at the base. Seaplane support can try to repair at least that many planes without consuming supply. Supply on the tender or at the base improves the chances of repair/readying seaplanes in the base.