MODELS---A truckload of GRRR (Full Version)

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blemishednicely -> MODELS---A truckload of GRRR (2/26/2010 10:19:19 AM)

So I wanna do a few things. Way too much to go into, so let's just say NEW things.

Can't do it without models as I don't want to recycle same images. Pretty sure models are in skin&skel subfolders of animations (maani above them being 'material animations', I deduce). Either that or I'm an idiot and they're in the folders with mats4skin(or w/e) tools included, but think not & I'm sure the tga's(which are actually png's) just "wrap" the shape, right?

So I would assume that one could just add more models, alter tables, make a skin, fire a few deets up to say it is what it is, and barring any overlooked files all's well, yes?

if so, what did the developers use to create their models? I can't find anything to make them workable, it's just gibberish in varying notepads and nothing in anything else. I got MS Office (yes MS&2007-can't find '03)
notepad(Win's stock AND ++w/plugins),and cuz I'm a "B.A.B"
(don't ask, I won't explain-no need being banned 1st time out) & w/o like $1K-PhotoPlus SE (hoping MS-P-Shop's plugins'll work, dunno-we'll see)

Is this literally their entire kit? a photo, an XML & a Notepad text editor or is there something else you need in order to create models or skeletons?

Also, forgive my inexperience but what is this hardcoding issue? Is this to do w/ source code (which I know zip-all) & some resulting block? Are reported 'hardcode' issues all really so & not just overlooked files2alter (I made a "map"-it's a windy bend down there as you go, easy to see how this'd be able2happen...did it myself a few odd outs-)?
Even so if Matrix(or who-ever) can make updates\patches dealing w/'code' then there MUST be a way, else where's it come from? Feel like a kid looking to play in a sandbox out in middle of ocean, as this info just doesn't seem to be out there(----any ideas/advice... Mraah, Foraven, perhaps you'd know? Game Staff?) wanna play not swim!

I know ppl have already done this but the addition of incomplete/missing equipment (esp the grenade types I saw) were the models already "abandoned" there as a base for u2 work off or did you make them from scratch? If from scratch, again-using what?

In the egotistically catastrophic recreational event I gotta give this brand new all-me thing up PERIOD (to which my Ychrome will harbor unending skepticism) and try the "take 'existing-item-A', copy and name double as 'prior-nonexistant,-but-now-new-item-B'_gambit" (ala cut'npaste), can anyone tell me the effect the copied model would have with the skin?
Say a handgun model, loaded with a rifle skin-does this cause a clash with graphics in any way?
Furthermore, is there a difference between "models" and "skeletons"? I am assuming the models are created from animation's folder's skin and skel subfolders, but as I am no expert I could also see them being the ACTUAL skeleton folders themselves(if not, mb those are used for placing accessory slots as skeleton folders/subfolders appear eveywhere you see a "photo" ingame). I hypothesize I may partially right in either or even both way(s), but some definites would help me form a better analysis , approach & P.O.A. in a specific direction.
If I need only worry about copying models/skels(being1&same) in subfolders & the skin masks the difference, no prob-Reinforce has a real good look going on in 1 shot that seems to match my HGmodl/SRskn query (w/ beretta M99 sniper rifle shot in another thread)
If not, then I have to worry about models, skeletons AND skins (think a visual 3-way & how it'd match very least it'd effect my selections for substitution so the frame looks natural by choosing something resembling my addition & wrapping it up to look fresh & new)

Reinforce, mb your front grip/add-on is a skel issue-think hits model, each box goes somewhere with relative effect, your boxes may go red as the skel doesn't have a slot for you to add it to, even if you were able to create the "item" itself, creating integration issues. Or-don't take offence-if you happen to be trying to add a front grip to an underslung you may need to open a new (2nd) barrel-box, and define it's for a stabiliser or hand/melee (inc. grip/bayo's box mb?) role. even if you aren't trying to use an item that takes up the slot, this box may be assigned a projectile type function or something, mb causing conflict-I dunno...Hard to relate outside of the asylum & I have some ideas (varying complexities), but doing some of my own figuring-would like to see this too and will let you know on forum if I have any luck in this area myself.
Thought I saw something somewhere where you could put mult ammo capabilities, this is also a fix I desire (ie OICW). I would LOVE to see your HK-XM8 (hilarious!), & like your graphics work (any good resources you know of-I'm kinda weak here & need to read, you're like the Athena of modding-pure genius...funny too (I agree Matrix oughtta look you over in a serious way) TEAM PLAYER!!!

I am making what I call my 'BLACKLIGHT' project (so ominous is my little office lamp I work beside, lols), already posting a novel so not getting into details, but I have ambition and time to spare (planning on placing a year of side-time alone), seeing what all I can revamp & run. HATE starting just to stop so asking now. If successful, I'll put it up for all to see (assuming anybody even gives a damn-haha).
Even if the project bottoms out, maybe something somewhere will be of help to someone.

As far as gear I'm good on XML & good on notepad, haven't tried PhotoPlus yet (compatible?)

I also have irfanview(for viewing map borders), DXTBmp(bitmap), XML Notepad(why not?) and some DDS goodies tho largely untried, so not completely familiar here but got plenty to do in my hopes for some major changes---don't get me wrong, love the game but it's like my new favourite toy now & not even any cleanup when I'm done, hehe---

I would like to know if anyone's tried PhotoPlus as it's new to me & don't want incompatibility to get confused for my own mistakes resulting in botches (easy enough 2do if you don't know but I heard PhotoShop's plug-ins can be used in other prog's so fing'sX'd it'll go) otherwise I'll have to find something else or go with trials for legit deal (dragshow but no way am I dropping creative suite $ to mod 1 game-plus photoshop alone is more than a new OS licence-how stupid is that?-so unless I can borrow a buddy's copy (with a crowbar when he's not looking >=0) that's where I'm at. Truly a brilliant sales campaign on MS's part, oh yes!

I still don't get this "hardcode" issue, I assume it's kept to maintain work/protect source code (I dunno not a 'grammer) from theft/plag'sm, but surely they could release a company tool that would enable changes but lay an ID for cpyrght-so drastic changes r still recog'd as mods & not all-new games-if that's not issue I really don't get it as staff can obviously change so-called "hard" issues, some tool MUST exist...not like they hire a Vegas Magician to do it outta a hat (I seem to remember cameras being hailed as hard-coded & they're NOT-think even SeanD thought that/misunderstood the question as matter of angle not range/zoom, which IS a key button function...sometimes impossible's really just unknown in disguise)

I've seen repeated call for a map editor someone (suit or rogue, w/e) really should get on it. Mb I'll take up coding...

What the hell program did they use for the models and where EXACTLY are they? Am I right about the animations folder or is it ALL the skel subfolders (tried making my own skel & could not integrate at all so def missing program or tool-or it's all notepad/russian or something-PS babelfish able to do russ/eng_eng/russ w/o corrupting file or other issues)
if new model entry IS impossible, an editor for this would rock too (see above paragraph) say if you'd need an equivalent of the mats4skin tool for skeletons(and/or models as I still am unsure where this distinction lies ie silencer/suppressor debate---

BTW everyone's right on that...language differences (UK/US, E/W) blur the line but weapon buffs know that there are such things (esp in M-16 series) as "flash suppressors", which differ from "silencers" as they don't mask sound much but disperse muzzle flash to aid in visual masking (minor assistance in some designs where vented flash "fans" escaping pressure directionally {3-5slots}, reducing muzzle-arc & "centering" barrel). Most often used in jungle or dense foliage environments & inhibits enemies ability to pinpoint ambush locations, be neat to see this added as you CAN be all evil Dr. Wiley bout it & use it as a penning lure & cut 'em up when they're in the cross/KZ investigating.

Reinforce -> RE: MODELS---A truckload of GRRR (2/26/2010 1:37:08 PM)

Alot to read. As for adding totaly new models as far as I can tell from the file setup and the weapon/merc/item.xml files you need 3 files. A Skeleton a model and a skin tga file. I have no idea how they work together. Modeling things has always been beyond me.

As for the hardcodeing we keep bringing up. There's alot of stuff thats eather not covered or not found in the text and XML files so anything that we can't change in them we normaly just throw into the hardcoded pile. Like the road block of the forward grip I ran into or when I was messing around with adding an OICW or none lethal ammo... no idea why I wanted none lethal rubber bullets for a shotgun.. I'd be worth the lol. >_>

I've tried adding new slots to the weapons tables to give stuff extra calls but that dosn't work and I never found how to change this spent almost a month trying to get it so I could add custom stocks and stuff to the game so we could trick out our rifles and or body armor.

I never did edit any models there's a mess of them already in the game done just never used so I just added them to the game. Skinning work was hella easier as it was just png files. or Photoshop works wonders for that.

Been awhile since I modded this game and I lost my drive about 3 months back and lost everything... sucks too I had a sweet custom merc. But I'll try and help as much as I can... may need to reinstall this just so I can see what I ramble aboot. -_^

Much Love,

blemishednicely -> RE: MODELS---A truckload of GRRR (2/26/2010 2:54:51 PM)

Awesome...FAST reply too, I'll use and report as best as I can (try to be simple too, sorry-you should try living in there!;)

As for non-lethals, I liked that actually (I wanted to create a baton, Tonpa-I think)
Civvy control? Mb if they get beat they'll run but not die-DO civ's retreat if critical?

Was even consid'g trying to find some similar status value as shock to make taser mb (no such equiv but imagine heavy armored enemies withstanding fire only to nip a shot o the good stuff once they're at the bar)

I had a few thoughts on some of the slot issues on both weap's & mercs (hire & inv)
I don't know but it nags at me it's to do with the skel 'boxes' somehow. The AIM system runs like this for hit locale/damage and weap's must 2 a degree as only certain upgrades are allowed to 'hit' certain areas of the weapon to be installed in it (gren-lnch MUST be on end)this is my 'box' theory.
The OICW you'd think would be simple but mb too much for PhysEng? Baffling...must be some way-box theory2.0?(lol)Add box/add weap steado grip/load both/cease negotiations in a diverse manner haha...doubt s'that easy, but I'd imagine extra cell has no 'box' to match as all other upgrades DO---I'll play with some premise @home & see to a few other theories
Mraah seems to know skel 'boxes' but was applying to diff subject/focus, mb he can say if this theory has any meat

WOW-good work on the skins then...looks so good it seems you did it all on your own so I(& others nailing the MATS Quest's, I susp) assumed you'd added them altogether. Neat (STILL love the 'HK-XM8' tho nev sawit-u ever get it going?) So you can just take~say a pistol skel & make it a rifle by skinning it-nothing hokey,no probs? My brain's on a buffet...happen to remember if there were grenades in there? Someone added more apparently & they worked...may need to hunt that one down to Q&A

So is that also the basic process used to 'activate' incomplete gear left in game files, as far as obtaining a graphic? Breathe easy, I know bout the XML process etc...I'm looking to finish incompletes & mb add but it's the graphic end I'm focused on ATM, so for me (scratch modelling aside) it's really just assigning pictures to files & mb a lick o' paint for some shine, is that a fair guess?

Shame about your rig...always sad-just killed the most brutal attack I ever had, thought my baby was gonna die, like egg-beater in the brains bad. A 1st time crash course in super admin & I thank all I adapt in ULTRAx! Thankfully I got a (main)1Tb&(emerg)250Gb ext-HD's for backup. My life in a little black box-well, I SAY little...

as for the 'pile' I plan to map this in depth via text file tho the visual will be most useful as a printout methinks (got sick of getting "lost" editing same names/diff folders--NO MORE!!) but will also add a seperate reference file with specific deets on function, format& what to use (i.e.-tga/photoshop) and possibly issues encountered. A lot is obvsly already ID'd but still a lotta grey (plus it's such a huge scope it's not even funny), but hope it'll prove invaluable as dig-excedrin to @ least a few

I'll put in a sitrep as results flow but likely will keep it bare and focus on finishing product as a goal. My net presence is patchy/intermittent at best but rest assured, I'll still be here (I mean who puts buckled sleeves on a jacket, anyway? Damn eveningwear)

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR RSVP, it's like buying sandals from Jesus! You're seriously my hero-
and no I don't think you got a beard-lol (past issues, so avoided 'you the man' haha)

"Fools rush in where Angels fear to tread"

Reinforce -> RE: MODELS---A truckload of GRRR (2/26/2010 10:30:05 PM)

Ya all the weapons that I added had all there files I just needed to plug in the values. Some weapons I added were totaly new and I just used an in game weapon that looked as close as I could get to it. Like when I added the RX4 I think it was.

As for the OICW the problem wasn't in getting the weapon into the game that was simple I used the F2000 as its model as I have no idea how to add totaly new models and such to the game skinning I know how to do. The problem with the OICW or any weapon for that matter was makeing it fire more then one ammo type and haveing two clips. OICW would of been a 30 round 5.56mm NATO clip and a 6 round 20mm grenade. But I couldn't get them both to work on the same weapon. I tried messing with added an underslung weapon to make the launcher much like the M203 in the game now but sadly that hit a wall. I was never able to get the game to accept a new underberral weapon. I had afew I wanted to add but never got any to work.

I'd love to show some of the work I had but when I lost my drive I lost my files. Pissed me off too I had almost finished converting all the Malitia over to use recolored Merc outfits so you could tell if they had armor and what level. Oh well just a HD got a new one from my big brother for dirt cheap yay for haveing a PC tech in the family. Only work I still have to show off is whats posted in the thread I started when I was modding publicly as all those files are saved to my photobucket.

Much Love,

blemishednicely -> RE: MODELS---A truckload of GRRR (2/26/2010 10:40:47 PM)

Passed out on LT, kinky (lotsa neck)...

Posted 1st,read later, edit'g now lol...

not pushin but again mb launcher is mapped w/ 'box'2bslot for ammo ergo still only taking 1 thing...I'll have to look into this else is just oral flatulance, but I wonder still.

It's not how it works for OICW (but kinda-Ehh-for Master Key{UB-Shtgn} perhaps as last resort or temp fix to play w/ you could try a interchangeable but still single shot hybrid.
Dunno how pplr that'd be as it's not really TTF for real-life weap's but if clip is issue mb make OICW take varied ammo (i.e. XXX_fmj/XXX_hp/XXXap, etc?) but only 1 'looseloaded' in chamber req'g man.switch to use other? Mb I'll play with it n get back as am bout to buckle down nywy. Your assistance is as invaluable as it is that an armored car in my tactical vest?(taking your recmndt'n on in case Photo+ is NFG/CONFL as back-up plan-thnksX2)
*CRITICAL...NEARLY FORGOT*-are these 'models' the actual contents of the various skel files
in the game? Could just look in XML for path I guess, I've been trying to figure this model/"slang's"(LOBW-sorry) use...animations skel is combat model for in-world, the others 'placeholders'(LOBW#2) for shop and inventory? this would be a break-through for me and my approach, let alone finally make sense-thank anyone nearby I'll be gone awhile while you're at it, you don't need to know them at all- >8o

about to begin enjoying the little things in life. Seems to make perfect sense to me to patch up to the 1.08 I pulled from scroll(something)link in a post I saw 2dys, 4kl's espresso ago, if you recognize you, say so for credit or w/e---not being rude but am on solo RE LARP and guess I'm the bad guy (we all know the brain's 1st to go, so why shoot it?) ergo I truly forgot, but at least I can say link works! (thanks 4that BTW)

only bothering to mention asa segue to query whether patch is still beta or finished prod? Gather focus was prmrly opp's AI, but is it solid or anyone notice it being buggy at all?
I'm on XP OS if that helps, any perform-feedback's welcome but specifically wanting input from anyone who's modded atop 1.08 patch and played to see if it conflicts/holds in any spots so far.

Assuming it's full and good I'll begin, but I am going to formulate a specific POA (PlanOfAttack), likely in graphics/skins turf, likely recce'g the swampland that is fresh models---this I expect to be slow going as no one really seems to know...'less SeanD can toss a bone (or skeleton, per-se) my way.

So if anyone reads this (before I have ago hopefully) any heads on 1.08 patch issues effecting desireability(if any) would be great.

I'll likely stop and read but may even guest it as I don't intend to speak for a while unless a prob arises, result achieved, or (whether email/pm/forum etc.) a direct question is asked/ comment made. Will likely be offline by-and-large...hopefully in the bomb shelter & not the fuze

...The 'Blacklight' Project has been initiated...*TRANSMISSION ENDS*

"You see my mind, it is a LASER!!!"

blemishednicely -> RE: MODELS---A truckload of GRRR (2/26/2010 11:24:15 PM)

How do you stop this thing? Just keeps going dammit!

P.S.2 Reinforce...on Master Key concept, did you try to reskin a ub-grn-lnchr(M203 methinks)
and just make single shot SGammo sub's? This is a small part of 'Blacklight' so I can attempt & report...if you tried this then, wow that's weird-I redid _SP MG ammo and outfitted my dude with a chamber-scaled BAR(y'know from the emplacements?) so he could actually carry but believe me, you'd need more than Folger's to face THIS guy. If I can pull it from the sandbags/environment the other seems miniscule---wonder why???

----------------------------------peace or tip of nuke? You decide--------->|
I'll look at this tho might not be ASAP...little boy with big job to do- /|\

S:"I must admit sir, I've really got to admire your balls" O:"Yes well, perhaps later "

Reinforce -> RE: MODELS---A truckload of GRRR (2/27/2010 1:22:54 PM)

Ahh the master key. Now the problem with that was the game not accepting a new under berral weapon. I couldn't even make a clone for the M203 thats in the game, For whatever reason I could never get it to accept a totaly new under berral weapons.. which sucked I must of spent a week fiddleing with this and that and looking threw files. I do know for a fact there's two calls for it.. one in the weapons file and one in the.. hmm whatchamacallit.. *ps totaly a word rawr!* Bla can't remember the file with the scopes and stuff devices I think then there's the standard shop calls and what not like all other weapons and items. But.. always a but even added new lines to all these copying the old one and just alittle name change wouldn't work for me.. which was annoying as all hell but meh. So I though there must be a call someplace else for it that I was never able to find.

As for the model/skel thing.. hmm Good question. I know what you see in your invantory and the shops an icon file. Which are just image files. The Model I assume would be the same thing as any other game and be the model as for the skeleton file.. I got no idea what that is to be honest. It's nothing to do with animation there is a call for that in the weapons files you'll see the handguns have a field called handgun and the SMGs have almost all have a field with assault rifle in them. That tells the game how your character holds the weapon. So short of being able to unpack/open the file I'm in the dark as to what the skel files for.

My mods open for use so long as you make a note that your useing my work in the readme. Not sure how Foraven feels about his mod, May want to PM him if your going to use some of his work, Solid solid mod imo he did alot of stuff I really wish I was able to do. Also his mods based off mine so its a step up from my work got everything I have plus the AI changes and stuff. As for bugs.. none that I'm aware of I don't remember my game every crashing other then that time I was faceing window mode and playing another game at the same time but I'm sure that wasn't game related.. given the game was never made to run in awindow. >_>

Much Love,

blemishednicely -> RE: MODELS---A truckload of GRRR (2/27/2010 11:30:22 PM)

Hmm...very interesting-

weapon_upgrades I think is the 'whatchamicallit' file (must be a Beta vers u have---mine don't have that file directory ;'lol)......speaking of no such file dir, my confusion in this matter is that I can't seem to find a file marked as 'models' so I can't check it out further till I know where to look...recall a c:\trisyn\HG\---path for me I could investigate by chance?

Figured on leaving animations\maani alone as I gathered it's just a 'map' to show the animations\skel how to properly coordinate its 'moves' in the 'real world'...also what lead to my init assump that either the entire animations folder worked as the models-module (like a cog in a clock-don't reverse that...major pain!haha-sotired) so my key issue is I literally don't know where to look & am left guessing

Did I catch it right you've unpacked/opened the skel files? Did you use XML Notepad 2007? I saw a post somewhere where Mraah showed you a shot-you called it/prog "sexy"---this is also the visual that borne my "box theory' for hitlocales relating like skels in box placement and I suspect, a key to the extra slots issue---either way all I ever got was gibberish/code in plain notepad, mb I could dice this up if I knew a program that at least 'opened' it (somewhat,@least)

I hope I related this well enough for you to see the subsequent cause of my prob/& mb tune in to my own 'logic' path----AKA my box fixation for a workaround on this.

What'd you think of my 'borrowing' HMG emplacements...thirsty? Try this with a tall glass of Bwa-Ha-Haa!

Currently working on a merc that'll look like me(RE-Hunk avatar). God I love that guy! GO 4TH SURVIVOR!!!

I'm also kinda hoping to make my own MOD from ground up (re:'blacklight'), but if I hit a wall (or a header in a doorway) I may have to...if so I'll give up the cred no prob
("cuz credit's no good, when a Hutt's set up shop in your neighbourhood"-MCChris)-love that guy!

P.S-Am I a total idiot...are the models the tga by chance? I'm not there to look right now, but I'm sure these are just photos/skins? I'd have to go back and look. Damn I wanna find those models (but they always ignore me-*sigh*)

Said that bout 3:30, 5:45ish now-just fiddled w/ (WTHF-Plugins!?!) but it's not bad at all once you're over that...I'm really stoked to start (though my GF's getting dangerously close to my Laptop with that jerry-can which we all know = >:/ , basic math,ppl!) I'll send you a pic mb so you can see the base & be all agog later (pls don't spread it tho...I'd be a little choked to see my "brother" (family IS SUCH a pain in the ass y'know?) Pray for me in every whichway folks, I'm looking around in my hockey bag 1st, then going to attempt explaining that somehow fate of world rests on this-------MEDIC!!!!

"I shed a if I could just stop laughing"

Reinforce -> RE: MODELS---A truckload of GRRR (2/28/2010 3:59:56 AM)

TGA is an image format. I personly use MS Office 2007 when I was working on the XML.

The skel files I tried just about everything I could think of short of diveing into my older brothers programing tools... Those things might well be chinese. I ran the normal gambit of files with no luck. I searched around the net alittle but finaly said the heck with it and moved onto other things.

As for files and folders like I said been along time now since I played so my infos alittle... "off" shall we say. x_x

Also ya Weapons_upgrades was the file I was thinking of. Should only been one of them. Not like the weapons that have a file for each and every diffeculty.

Now for useing the HMG or rather the .50 cal browning.. Nice idea but I'm not sure how that'll work.. I don't remember ever seeing it in with the weapon models and skes... Pondering if you could just make it a weapon like any other and plug in how it looks.. If I recall right it's in the weapons table.. would be a simple matter to plug in some words and numbers to see if it worked in game.. or blow the game up.

Much Love,

blemishednicely -> RE: MODELS---A truckload of GRRR (2/28/2010 4:23:21 AM)

Sorry Reinforce, posted that before I saw. Edited it & put at top so you'd see. That sucks, I thought I'd heard you mention you got one open. As for the HMG I mean I ACTUALLY did it. First try, buddy couldn't move as it had emplacement #o/rounds (GOOD luck!), but I DID modify all the files to do it and loaded it up, it played fine-took a while to pare down 2B 'stable' for merc's personal use (scaled down #rnds, modded ammo 4it, blahblahbla)
Pulling a ZAZU outta my *ahem* "pack" was my next goal, but then I came up w/ my 'Blacklight' project & just added2 roster. Game may have used th .50 skin but I didn't even look (pre-skinterest moment in time, lol). It wasn't hard as it IS in the table, wayyy down at the bottom (under 'special' or something), so the skin'd even be default w/e was in there.

I just cropped it for a "before" shot but you likey my Helm? Think it'll be SWEET when done myself. Anyway....prepare yourself---my following post's HUGE!
-soryy, I can't control it-

Thought hit me while brushing teeth...are the models those pictures that look like a 3D image "peeled" & laid flat? I remember seeing those somewhere but forgot all about them, that was before I really thought about skins or skeletons or anything like it.

If anyone can confirm/deny this I'll shut up about the models already (by now ppl must think my real name's Boss Jean-Paul Hugo Lauren, or something-lols), and actually look at bending them to my will. Or a specific file path I can follow (IDEALLY)


Anything to open HG's skels would be good too---tried random prog's but no success integrating them to read ingame skel files (dammit). It acts as a framework (hence name) but ALSO does have boxes (here I go-LAST time I SWEAR-but only as punctuation;). In the skel's for your actor they map the joints n such (I've even made some but no idea how to integrate them to HG, this is the basis of 3d animation-it allows the frames to sequentially flow in line/properly/smoothly)
-I could guess, but don't know, this is also where merc's gear slots are & why no-one can really mod them either. {again I'm just talking framework and boxes within as placeholder kinda-nothing like pictures yet, just like a setup phase TO a picture}-

I also believe team used this in a secondary role for the AIM system's hit locale as per Mraah's chat w/Reinforce (diff post-can't remember where in forum). I'll further guess that these two are even linked somehow so that table values have a logic basis upon which to perform (everything from where you were hit to if you had armor there & what that did for you, etc.)its calc/funct's (enter the CODE---feelin' hard yet?) I'm sure all would agree this would build a block to topical MOD's alone and exp Numerous issues encountered.

For the weapons, likely much the same deal (lines/motion likely applied to assist in rendering 3D weap model so it doesn't look "flat"-like when you stare down a barrel in old-schl games esp/in FPV &it looks like a piece of paper, not "rounded" NIIICE! I really miss those) & mod slots for attach's 'stead of gear(for merc). Suspect this is largely why you can't add your attachments in the existing slots, even if a relevant place in table was made for them, the framework that remains in place wouldn't "believe" you.

Further believe the MAANI file is the stitch that holds them all together to translate the math into gameplay in some way/shape/form (personal belief is it means "MAterial ANImation-S?-). Possibly (if true) something in there MAY define a further function, creating yet another prob, mb not (hopefully-less to curb the easier) as THIS is likely some ridiculous percent coding (gotta happen somewhere, right?), so have fun there.

It is my firm (albeit, admittedly untested/verified) belief that discovering the secrets of skeletons, and HG SKEL file integration is the key to a bundle of your "lock-out" issues, per se, in modifying those certain aspects of gear/weapons & mb even the whole extra underbarrel weap deal.

If anyone can divulge info on WHAT the HG team used to create these, or how a regular skel can be integrated INTO the game, I am certain this is a CRITICAL issue.

I also think that the 'ceramic 'plate or w/e was meant to go IN a box IN the actual armor itself, just as in the JA's but was never finished. I'd bet they didn't get there in time & mb even had issues/debates (say; should we add complex slots like holsters or cartouches like BE5?, which would entail a fair bit of layout/work even just for the menu)
as to where they were going. Or they just built the base skels for test/function and never got to expanding/adding menu B4 release. This lil' paragraph is pure theory/logic tho so mbnot.

Beyond that I think I've said all I can say (everywhichway-LALALA*sorry*) about skeletons (and MAANI folder) until I really dip in there balls-deep, otherwise it's all useless unpracticed theory(kinda like never doing any research in UFO;lotta proposals/no results), so I won't write further bout them unless I find something out. I really doubt I could answer any question bout the above until that time, but if anyone thinks of one, feel free.

AGAIN if anyone knows the name of dev't program used-or is successful- (& HAVE A SOUL), let me/us know P-L-E-A-S-E!!! I am positive this is a critical piece of the game's entire PLATFORM(shangrila, to a MODder-that & a MapEd'r)

Just to be clear the exact location of the folders w/ the models continues to confuse/elude me but I do still have 1 way of looking (longshot tho)on my own w/o any specific folder name/path or real clue what I'm even looking for-as my game has no such named folder/subfolder "model{s}" (ya, I'm resourceful like that), but any help'd be greatly apprc'd.

I'm totally done for a while now so begone your sleepless nights/restless minds. Leave it at least a week before I'm back likely, but DEFINITELY @least3 days(DID God REALLY need 7? Nope-no ego here, folks!) min. Wonder what the stack'll look like? Guess I'll see-

"No, I LOVE people-it's the being around them bit that annoys me, sir"

Reinforce -> RE: MODELS---A truckload of GRRR (3/1/2010 2:44:01 AM)

You know the only thing that comes to mind is that mabye the Skel system is part of the dynamic weapon models I found. See alot of the weapons have models for them when they have scopes and stuff on the model in the game. Now that seems to be cut content so mabye it's a half coded system to handle that.

As for AIM no idea what that is.. I got E5 kicking around someplace but the smart pause was annoying. Got 7.62HC as well but the smart pause again.. annoying. But I do remember them haveing a dynamic weapon system. This might be the same sorta thing for this game.

Much Love,

blemishednicely -> RE: MODELS---A truckload of GRRR (3/5/2010 12:46:05 AM)

I could see that. Specifically if the dynamic weapons conjunct to the upgrades they take, acting as a resource for them to reference...interesting.

Either way I PM'd SeanD to see if he can send some help (filepath/names of 'tools' used etc)
for me to make headway in this arena I hope he is allowed/able to reply/inform me better.

Failing that, I've begun independantly researching skel building (from ground up), and am working on making progress there. (I'm totally inexperienced here, so should be awhile)
I have a decent (but poss. outdated) resource to aid in my understanding/research, but this will be a N00B's attempt to reverse engineer, so breakthroughs may be few/far between (if at all)

I can tell you now that you will need notepad++(maintains various text formats so is vital) AND some other 'tools'(no confirmed compatible app's yet), as I HAVE discovered
that (joy of joys) skels are even MORE complicated than earlier estimates.

They DO run off boxes etc., can be applied to 3-DOF(-x,-y AND -z axis)rotational joints/ball sockets that are likely computed by a program with kinematic computations or capability(w/e) there is more but I am not yet familiar enough with the 'model' aspect of the skel's.

The files you see marked as skel in the folders, are notepad types-using likely c++ code~unverified- (notepad++ preserves their various text formats, so use this if you're havin' a go). This (.skel file) acts as the 'rulebook' or 'governor' for your skeleton. This depicts everything from Range of Motion(each 'limb' given its own param's) to the file name/path as a command line argument (ie. 'boris_head' or w/e you like).

Typically you then need to write a program to seam them(loads a character skeleton from a .skel file and display it in 3D), but the game should already have this in place, else it wouldn't be able to show anything-but remember I am NO pro, just run'n'gunning rught now.

I use this as a basis to expound the files/prog's above are likely all in the 'ANIMATIONS' folder, and further postulate the MAANI sub-folder is this very seam program, the SKEL is the 'rulebook' and the SKIN is the actual model being loaded up-this theory is ONLY in relation to the contents of the 'ANIMATIONS' folder/sub-folder's within, NONE OTHER!- (the others I believe act as shop/inventory/info screen interface implements, w/poss referencing on a 'sub-level/role')

I would also like to take this time to recant my statement SKEL files are 'gibberish'. I think they are actually just text doc's in Russian(which I can't read), and not some whacked out code or algorythm I cannot decipher at all. I extend my sincerest apologies to any offended parties that may have resulted from this brash/frustrated offhand comment

This will be a little tough as it involves the full dynamic of coding AND graphics. In code, likely, any manipulations would have to be (carefully) translated back/forth to be effective, but remains untested at time of post.

This is a (complex, but) minor part of 'blacklight', however I'll compile my solid results in an offline folder and post when it's of tangible substance in a different thread altogether. Shouldn't be hard to spot if I get there as this is my only thread so far...anyway as apology-Nas Drovia & Das Bhidanya for now(sorry if I misspelled that)...

"We're smoking that DangerGirl,
We're smoking that Gem13-
Boss called, you're the man and
Yo they can't stand it back here with stems and seeds...(cut)
...Yo I can't stand no Ecstacy,
Cocaine made a mess of me.
Banned booze and the things that I used to do-
But must construe, I'm still abusing weed...(cut)
...Say no to cutting up blunts, that's 1.21 Giga-Watt jive...(cut)
...I have to show you a friend of mine
Handshake with a prize inside,
As the battle begins; hallucinogens
These whammies are weaponized...(cut)
...Let's get the enemy stoned;
Bring the Ninja's home
-To Hell with Christian zealots!" -MCChris

Reinforce -> RE: MODELS---A truckload of GRRR (3/5/2010 1:54:48 AM)

Well if it is russian you can always try the translator google has. I've had pretty good luck with that in the past. Failing that I got no idea then Russians beyond me.. heck got a hard time with english and it's all I speak. -_^

Much love,

blemishednicely -> RE: MODELS---A truckload of GRRR (3/5/2010 2:52:07 AM)

Well that and the translations are PERFECT in every way...HAHAHAHAAA...Yea, pretty much in the dingy next door with you there, Reinforce-

Minor setback---SeanD answered(VERY quickly, I may add-THANKS, Sean!) but it was:

"Hi there,

Unfortunately I don't have any information that will help you as I never delved into that aspect of modding. The developer isn't particularly talkative either. I appreciate the work you're doing and I hope my lack of help won't scuttle your plans!



Sean Drummy

Marketing and Press Relations Manager"

So it seems I'm left to 'break' into the skel files 'solo/non-perfecto', but this may not be hugely detrimental, as my gathered resource covers skel CREATION period. Should be more than enough to familiarize the principals/conduct of this whole 'process', and my endrun is likely just modifying a system already in place. Although sourcecode DOES enter a mention here and there so w/o that I may be SOL or at least impaired in overall capability/restricted, but this will require further study/execution to assess.

To answer Reinforce a bit better, I totally agree with just the (reverse)distinction that the dynamic weap's are likely just a part of the skel files, each one being a poss. cust'd outcome & these tga's are what they 'look' like(NOT the same dev but sim'lr system in BE5-slightly MORE lev's/o' depth, cartouches etc- where they had a vis'l for every alteration, ie 30/60/90 rnd clip, slncr, scope, w/e; displayed in 'real' world AND item's 'info'/'shop' & 'inventory' screen), with said possibility listed/mapped in skel for a program(MAANI's?)to corroborate/render.

AIM is the 'dynamic targeting system' in the game allowing you to shoot at leg, arm, head etc., if I find the link. I'll paste HERE:(),

But Mraah already figured/displayed how this works in general(using XMLNotepad), and it DEFINITELY seems to have a skel 'map' or placement/association. It is used to calculate/submit the exact damage your merc(s) will deal/receive(w/each landed shot). Due to this, I suspect they're linked(at least in a minor role) to the CHARACTER(or obvious) skel's. The weapons skel's likely operate the same way w/calc's ='ng wear instead of phys. damage, as well as any bonus/penalty incurred by subsqu't add-ons.

JA(we all know relation here) & BE5
---(not same dev, but JA game'creator'{forgot his NAME, sorry!}, had to give permission for C1 to develop, as-tho different-BE5 relied on original 'simplified' dyn.weap's.syst. & numerous other elements SO obviously similar it was basically REQUIRED even tho t'was 'indy' o/series)---all had armor with slots for plates, weap's w/slots for add-ons & mercs w/slots for gear. I only call JA 'simple' & BE5 'complex' as BE5 had armor w/slots, packs w/slots, and cartouches w/slots, so it had more 'optional' functions/possibilities ---(even diff types/armor-same slot space but diff config's/styles), as well as that handy (&Uber-Kewl) display, specifically showing the vis'l change each add-on made...many games rifle looks like rifle n/m what you put on/in it)---
Many people would disagree to BE5 being more 'complex' w/o this definition, as it DID have many drawbacks/cruditee's (I hated the pause-thing too, but eventually adapted & got over it...think you could 'tweak' it a bit to lessen, if I remember right).

Anyway, I'm breaking my vow(s) to shut up about it(or make a new thread), so I'll bail; let you all digest, & appease the 'GF' once more(life's just SO hard, isn't it?LOL).

"Ever notice how the ones always going on about belt-tightening ALL seem to wear suspenders? NOW you know why I'm NO LONGER wearing any pants..."

blemishednicely -> RE: MODELS---A truckload of GRRR (3/28/2010 8:53:58 PM)

JOY-less-ness! I made the rather poor choice of Norton Anti-Virus & it seems to have 1st locked me outta my E-mail & now from connecting online, PERIOD-Damn I HATE that useless-assed, incompetent bungling program...I didn't even tell/allow it to FFS's!

Anyhow, so that's why I haven't been round (can't reverse the bloody thing, won't let me uninstall & I have gobs of various work(s) to finish/swap-out2back-up drives&sort so I can't even just re-boot/start a-la System Disk).

Been messing with a few-odd things, mostly adding things (particularly merc-skins)/mixed results. Made a buncha "Textures" for my "47" guy as well as MATS&SKINS files. First mistake was in how I "pointed" them, so my body totally disappeared, then I figured it out (a look at "boss" file is interesting as his uses some unusual info, showing the Shader as totally different from the Texture...not really sure how/why that works as I'm still new at this), I FINALLY got the e_m_b_elt specular to run/show ("yellowed" out on me, but I managed to cheat failure that time)-wasn't easy as I don't think they're supposed to...I'd just about given up. I was also trying to do a different skin in the "sniper" column (XML layout...forgot file name but it's the one showing "without", "light", "medium" etc.), but nothing I tried worked, not even the EXACT same texture/different colour scheme, not even B&W (which oughtta be simpler)-so unless I totally screwed up, this set is coded to ONLY accept the "shadow" template (unless you WANNA be an Oni-floating head/gun...SPOOKY!) or I completely missed something.

Also added a few HitMan series weap's & essentially they show up/work & so do the special clips I added for them but (enter the down-side), for some odd reason I can't get it to display the proper graphic (just shows original in-game template I based the addition off of-the Colt.45 2b exact) & so far I haven't found a cure. Also, for reasons unknown, the name disappeared for 12-rnd .45(USP) clip, which I find strange as I've left that completely alone.

My biggest disappointment so far is the apparent "template" system. It seems the game wil only use the skin-sets already provided. Tho by/large this was rather obvious/expected, I've ID'd over 50 different template sets, some with up to 5/6 variations-tho since I dunno code & some may be Russian, coupled w/many templates only being used for 1/2 models I doubt this'll be overly useful for awhile-makes you wonder what got left out if that's just what's been used, hmm? Wish I could find more out on adding SKINS/SKELS as game also seems to've left out most of the really BadAss Textures such as "Colonel", "Byron" and "t_mer_s_01" (let alone the ENTIRE "t_mer" SERIES of skeletons that seem to've been abandoned altogether...add a red beret and you've pretty much got Krauser from RE4-SO disappointing!). Until that day comes I'm pretty much limited to simple colour changes/sticking to set "cut-outs".

Still being plagued by an inability to actually PAINT camo (can't seem to find any brushes for Paint.NET---SNARLING RAGE BONUS!), although I CAN/have done an Alpha cut-out, slap it atop a REAL print (scaled into proper size/res)& add creases/shading. Still perfecting last bit, but I've made some bloody fine camo w/sweet resolution (far better than ANYTHING in game...almost too much so-*sigh*)...too bad it's all "cookie-cutter" for now, but I can still play'bout with it.
(NOT ready to give up on my "vision" yet...GOTTA be a way to add/see what I WANT-littany of expletive_deletes HERE:)

Suggestions/advice on skinning is greatly welcomed. If you wanna know specifics on anything (ie "activating" specular skins), just ask-if I know, I'll tell you.

P.S.- Reinforce, what'd you mess with to add new slots in weapons? Find that Uber-interesting-LOVE to mess w/that. Is that skinning walkthrough offer still on the table? Also, in weapons (SKEL's, I think) where it shows all the same-type variations (M-16, M-16_p{scoped}, M-16_gl, etc.), I've seen that all the non-launcher weapons have a "shoot1" line of code, whereas the ones with launchers read "shoot1" & "shoot2"...think they're listed backwards for launcher/shoot2 1st & bullets/shoot1 2nd, FYI...for "Master-Key"-type weapon, have you tried copying/modifying u/barrel gl, then modding line of code in skel to "shoot1"w/bullet info & "shoot2"w/info kyped/copied from shotgun "shoot" codes? Unless you've tried already this may be the bit you missed EVEN if you chambered the Master-Key to use SG-rnds in XML's etc., this may be your prob. Could also poss. be you're prob locking you outta modular OICW-type multi-launcher (have you tried running a "shoot1"/"shoot2"/"shoot3" formula? I haven't tried but it WAS one of my ideas for a work-around to this stumbling-block you've hit. Hope that was a BIT useful & not just irritating/"thanks-for-the-memories" type thing.

BTW, if it seems like I'm slamming the game I'm not. In fact slamming myself for not being smart enough to get around this as soon as I'd like...then again I don't do this & my efforts here are my 1st-time crack at modding, armed only with this forum, my own logic/thought process & 1 (WELL)hidden horseshoe.
Now to beat some sense into my PC & give Norton a well-deserved death so I'm no longer cut-off from...well, everything! What the hell kind of antivirus acts like malware? Just what exactly do the peeps at N-AV think they're doing, & WHO would pay for THAT swill? I so miss AVG 7(free) from GriSoft, but the newer 8/8.5 is totally different & I can't STAND it, either *SIGH* (in stereo/TSX surround)

"The only thing experience teaches us is that we in fact, know nothing."

blemishednicely -> RE: MODELS---A truckload of GRRR (4/4/2010 7:57:12 PM)

I haven't really been able to work on it much this week, so really all I did was add the imp/enemy (body)armors to the game. Really doesn't take/show much as the armors are all set to appear as flak,kevlar or spectra skins/whatnot. Somewhere in these files it seems to also reference body patterns (Danny, I think), so it seems that changing the individual armor's looks would at least require a tweak or two but prolly very possible(Haven't decided yet whether I'll bother/not). Really w/o "reskinning" them it doesn't do much, but I DID play with the other armor's stats so I basically just added these and gave them the original armor's stats-that way if I ever ACTUALLY finish/share (and anyone bothers to try it), if people dislike my changes they have the option of the "vanilla" armor as well. STILL haven't figured a workaround for using ANY other template than shadow when donning "sniper" camouflage (OR found the coding that depicts this), but largely OK with that if there appears to be no other way.

Gotta-lotta outside things to do this next week/two so likely won't pop up much on the forum for a bit, will try at least to have some additional progress to report ('cuz I'm POSITIVE Reinforce will want to know, hahaha!-Think she's the only one actually READING this except for me~LOL's). That's OK...if I actually WAS interesting I'd have even LESS time on my hands & that just wouldn't do now, would it?

"Since I could not stop for Death, He kindly stopped for me..." -Emily Dickinson

blemishednicely -> RE: MODELS---A truckload of GRRR (4/30/2010 10:37:15 PM)

Got a little HG'd out, so I tried messing with some PS2 raw data (tried BOTH NTSC/PAL) for RE-OB:F#2. tried using gamesaves/converting non-compatible formats w/ a PS2 "SaveBuilder" AND even tried making game codes (LUCKY me, I've an ARMAX, which is the ultimaputa of code devices to figure file ascension/code) maybe possible w/GameShark/CodeBreaker, but I'm NOT buyin' for tryin'. All my work washed out but then again it was my 1st attempt EVER, I have the HARDEST device on the market to program/code(ARMAX) AND it's a home-console (pretty-but not totally-"locked-out") AND I was trying to include File#3char's(since File#3 was axed/never coming out...NOT easy stuff!). Oddly, despite "washing out", I WAS able to create a valid PS2 save AND valid AR codes (NTSC/NTSC-J & PAL ver's)-as in they were recognized/accepted...but they seemingly had NO effect(DAMN! Human Unit Never Killed/HUNK MUST be FREED!)-oh well, them's the breaks, interesting practice exercise anyhow. YOU try mking an AR code from raw/having it accept it as a real AR code/having AR recognize the (PS2)GameID AND accepting that it's (again) a real code and oh yes, FOR THIS GAME!!! Whew, and that's BEFORE you even get to see if it actually works...if 2/3's not bad-what's 3/4 worth?LOL

Anyhow, after my "sabbatical" I have some renewed vigor for my HG project (A.K.A.-"BlackLight") so think I'll get back to 'er. Since my page is lonely and ignored (JUST like Daddy...SO proud!), I'm just gonna list off what I've done/as I do it and use my thread as a notepad/checklist. Feel free to read/post/PM, but really-aside from the fact that I really doubt it-I kinda think I've got the hang of replying to myself...and NO I'm NOT just trying to bump my rating or I'd simply be littering the place with forums 'steado keeping my trash all in one bin. *EDIT/ADD-as my status gets bumped from recruit to trooper right afer posting-just like Comedy, it's all in the timing*

Constant and steady, this universe is MINE...even if it's just cuz it exists only in my head-bonus is I've never been more popular! Pretty sure I roughly know why my custom models don't appear as they should in my game (just shows the base weapon I'd used to create it) & think it's due to my sizing's off, either that or it's to do with how I 'pointed' the MATS/SKINS files...there are some REALLY weird settings in there...For Instance: Did you know the "Boss" model is like some modern/rich cowboy/rancher, yet the pointer reads him as an enemy (reg_03, I THINK), yet he shows up ingame wearing white slacks & an Argyle sweater-vest (orange&yellow W/ white sleeves underneath)-tell me how you get THAT outta mixing a guy in bluejeans with a brown vest/tweed-lookin' jacket with a guy in plain green military uni' & I'll sit up and applaud. Point of that spiel is-not every model HAS to match on everything...may be a TON of room to experiment, yes?

Like it'll ever get read to be known, anyway-

"Those who say it cannot be done should just get out of the way of the people who are actually DOING it"
EDIT/ADD*read it on a fridge magnet & thought it was pretty good, dunno who said it*

blemishednicely -> RE: MODELS---A truckload of GRRR (5/1/2010 5:16:27 PM)

BTW-has anybody tried messing about with the "new merc" texture at all? I haven't got to it yet, but it keeps catching my eye...looks to be just a wire-frame cut-out but haven't even tried loading it in to see how/what the image translates in-game (though I remember Carl/Charles'~same guy, just variant spelling in places-he's the Marauder leader in 1st stage in the hut/pink shirt~texture doesn't load an image, this texture has pinkish wire-frames; I wonder if that's it?). If it's NOT how you pull Carl/Charles' image out, I wonder if you can use it to build all-original merc's? Not sure of this texture's exact function, but it's interested me ever since I first noticed it...

"Look, LOOK...over there is a man being indecently assaulted by NINE foreign sailors-and he's STILL got a smile on his face!" -Black Adder

blemishednicely -> RE: MODELS---A truckload of GRRR (5/1/2010 5:47:48 PM)

Also, before I forget, on occasion I had issues doing the whole PNG/TGA thing, and even when it was properly done, it "listed" the filetype differently than the un-MODded files, as anal as I am, this just WOULD NOT DO!!! Also wasn't sure if it'd be a future problem, so if you'd like to know how to MOD/preserve "developer's format", do your thing to your file, open a copy of an original file, put your version overtop in a new layer/same image, merge layers and then either save as or save/rename later (I kinda forgot which-been awhile). Pretty easy, as if you do the orthodox manner it's "blahblahblah.TGA", whereas THIS way it states "blahblahblah-Truevision Graphic Application"...just like matrix does it- can I get a Hoo-Ya, Sargeant? Granted I've no clue how they originally got that 'steado just ".tga"-musta been the program they used or something, but there it is, a reasonable facsimile.

"I'll di-vide you in-to pie-ces, sell them back and raise the price,
Make a pro-fit off your in-terest, you'll in-crease my sales to-night!" -Dethklok, Briefcase Full of Guts (Metalocalypse)

blemishednicely -> RE: MODELS---A truckload of GRRR (5/19/2010 9:41:15 PM)

My best/oldest friend from childhood killed himself the night before Mother's Day, and we just buried him on Saturday. I don't think anyone's reading/following/gives a damn about this thread anyhow but I don't really feel like working right now. I may even scrap the whole project, I dunno. This really ****in' sucks/in case anyone IS reading this & I "disappear", well that's basically why.

An Angel has fallen, the King has been dethroned, there are no strings in the Violin and the Jester is softly weeping amidst it all-VBN

"Don't take life too seriously, you'll never make it out alive...30 million sperm and you're the ****ing winner!"
Geoffrey Allen Parent: Nov.03, 1979-May 08, 2010/R.I.P.

blemishednicely -> RE: MODELS---A truckload of GRRR (7/6/2010 5:25:44 PM)

God, this year gets better and better! Now I'm unemployed, my app. to a better job wasn't passed on (as the lead hand apparently likes PC games herself, so she put it aside for "Supe" 'steado "passing it on" as she said she would), I am now homeless and may even have to (seriously) end up resorting to crime to get by...sweet! Did I mention it hasn't stopped raining all week until today?

Never one to be daunted-blemishednicely bears his scars and is gearing up to ride again! Seems to me the only thing to do is sit under a tree in the park, plug into the "nightlight" they have in there, and MOD my "ever-lovin', what-else-you-got/ you'll-never-take-me-down" ass off. So beyond the point of caring bout life's BS I think it's actually invigorated me-

I've done week-long expeditions +8,000' above the snow-line---you really think downtown Summerland in July is gonna phase me? BWA-HA-Haaa!

So now to figure where I'm gonna pick up. I've made the super-jazzy "specular" elite camo (for enemies) available (for mercs) I WAS thinking of making unique-looking mercs/varying looks/stages of armor, IE different-looking light, medium & heavy sets (still no clue 'bout "sniper"/camo, not even "shadow" in B&W will work-for some reason IT HAS TO BE GREEN...weird!) for EACH merc (except maybe "CC" & "Dump" (Irish sis/bro), Russians, etc.-may make "factions" that look similar simply due to their alignment/origin/country...still musing/mulling that one over. I really doubt I could outdo Reinforce (that girl is a damned goddess! Too bad she seems to have packed it in, she's absolutely Bril[liant]!) but I really keep poppin chubb over that underbarrel theory and I THINK I know the prob at least for "MasterKey" underbarrel shotgun. Now all I gotta do is find where I packed up all my notes---dammit!
Cheer and groan alike-I've decided to stick around a bit longer!

"No just a wild stab in the dark, which is incidentally what you'll soon be getting if you don't start being a little more helpful!" -Black Adder

blemishednicely -> RE: MODELS---A truckload of GRRR (7/19/2010 6:51:49 PM)

So my life rocks-just gearing up to get into it and now I'm enjoying family members being struck by insanity (literally...IT'S BAD!!!), moved all my things to girlfriends (we just had our anniversary), and was helping cheer up a buddy who was about to move and was getting used by his friends for all he had. 1 day after moving into GF's, we go out of town (me, GF, & buddy +extras), floated the channel/drinking all the way-then I had to hang back outta town to pay back some cash/acquire materials, THEN I had to walk home (app. 3 hours), THEN I arrive only to bust said buddy & GF getting...let's just say VERY well acquainted. Now I'm single, devastated, homeless (although crazy bastard I am I've made a flat-out "commando camp" RIGHT downtown (without anyone noticing =) where I've gotta hold out 6 weeks and then my exit-strategy/solution is to take a deal I'd rather not wherein I'll likely end up being part of an illegal network (which I actually DON"T wanna do, but people have to live/eat, right?). Life and it's funny little twists-yet if I'm caught it'll all be put down on the docket as my "choice" (no matter how bad the situation, they always act like there's a bounty of "choices", whereas I'm making mine due to a total LACK of them). Maybe if I go to prison I'll finally get this **** done.

[Funny thing is, for ALL the social/aid programs our country has they all have hoops to jump, criteria and often waiting periods so ridiculously long that you're already set to wait a month or two before anything's going on. Let me just say that for all their effort, it is the criminals of this world that have helped me the most when I've needed it, and so long as you can be trusted, they generally don't care about eligibility, waiting periods, or any of that other Bureaucrap, as long as you hold your own end down and keep it clean. Some of these people are VERY bad, most of them I've found to be MORE functional and effective than what the Govm't (OUR civil servants, BTW-they are to work for US/NOT the other way) offers/provides. So who really is the criminal/thief or enemy? I'd say it's the people in suits, bringing their families abroad on OUR dime (like a vacation) on EVERY trip they do "for us", paying $1 for every $3 WE pay into THEIR retirement fund, netting them high-five/upward to 6-figure salaries, and all they can do is impose more taxes (because for SOME reason there isn't enough $ left after all that...wonder why?), but oh, when I come to ask for help I NEED I'm either treated like a total POS or told I'm not "eligible", or BOTH...such a perfect system, it MUST be me that's doing it all wrong---how is it OK for MY crappy CPP(pension) to be GONE by the time I retire (after 40 years), yet THEY get theirs (WITH $3 paid by us per $1 paid by THEM) after only 2-4 years (with a FAT salary during, to boot). seems like we're chumps in a holding pen while they're in a race to drain the bag using the express lane, but they're hard at work, all for US, right? That's why I'M the criminal-so obvious...everyone gets what they deserve so there's no need to just take it, right? Last I heard destinies weren't served up like desserts after dinner-they were SEIZED...wait around and you can look forward to enjoying whatever scraps may fall from your masters table-and oh, what a greedy, fat bastard he is!]

What does one do when all is lost yet the clock still ticks on? Fight for every inch (NO mercy!) and take it ALL back, I say-

"Be it a rock or a grain of sand, in water they both sink alike"- Old Boy (a film by Chan Wook Park AKA Park Chan Wook)
-parable that basically means that no matter how big or small, an offence is still an offence-

Bachanalia -> RE: MODELS---A truckload of GRRR (8/15/2010 11:44:00 PM)

wow i just made an account to reply this epic thread. Weird i was searching for a JA2 mod for this game and i find this. I think the fact that this post is seen by no-one discards the possiblity of you being a liar.
Im curious, what are you doing for a living?

Foraven -> RE: MODELS---A truckload of GRRR (8/20/2010 5:32:17 AM)

I guess this game is quite dead for having so few replies in the long time i was gone. And blemishednicely, posting about your life is best done in another forum, especially one with more attendance. I'm sorry, i did not have the patience to read it all, i'm too tired right now for that. 

blemishednicely -> RE: MODELS---A truckload of GRRR (2/11/2011 7:21:32 AM)

That's cool-obviously things got rough, but its done now & I'm through it. No worries if you found it tiresome, it'll be gone soon enough-

Useful advice Foraven, noticed you had the energy to type @ least-

"-I want to join up with you!
-Yea, well my boot wants to join up with your ass- and I'm about to throw them a SHOTGUN WEDDING!!!" -Col. Hunter/"The Venture Bro's."

P.S. Apologies to Bachanalia (accidentally mixed up your/Foraven's replies), and I simply survive & get by these days

blemishednicely -> RE: MODELS---A truckload of GRRR (2/11/2011 7:29:35 AM)

Since it is so off-topic and has no real value, this entire thread will be gone by March in order to make way for more productive members. I would like to thank Reinforce as an invaluable asset to my MOD-I miss that girl [genius!]

no more quotes left

(since last posting this I've found I can't exactly delete it-which is odd since I started this forum/thread w/e you call it- so by March I'll just remove MY additions. If you found ANY of my spiel useful to mod, read/remember it soon) ---VBN

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