packerpete -> cv airgroup top offs? (2/27/2010 5:38:23 PM)
A couple of questions from the FNG/long time lurker. I am currently attempting to learn the combat mechanics as the Americans first before I attempt logistics as the Japanese. 1. Can CV airgroups get topped off while underway from another CV? A historical example, USS Yorktown, comming in from Pearl, topped off Lex before the Lae/Salamua strikes and vice/versa when Lex went to Pearl leaving the Yorktown in the Coral Sea. If this cannot be done presently could it be added latter in a patch please? 2. I know there is another thread dedicated to this but, can someone give a step by step on how to use the AV's/AVD's to support the Catalinas from a dot base hex? Is there an easy way to make an enemy base like Rennel Is. a friendly hex for float plane purposes short of an invasion of the hex?