Grotius -> WITP/AE in 2560x1600: some huge screens (3/4/2010 6:32:21 PM)
Wow, with the new patch, we can play even in 2560x1600, a resolution that is supported by my video card. I have a 30-inch Dell monitor, but even with this big screen, I'm doubtful that 2560 is a practical resolution. I worry I'll miss things, as some icons are very small. But it's still fun to look at for planning purposes! For one thing, at this resolution, you can see Hawaii and the West Coast USA in the same screen. You can adjust TF waypoints between these destinations without scrolling the screen at all. Here's a shot: [image]local://upfiles/7808/ED12E68DC04F43E18784C0B2B6A3CDEE.jpg[/image]