Vista and Windows 7 (Full Version)

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HussarGames -> Vista and Windows 7 (3/17/2010 11:25:37 AM)

Right click on game icon, and choose properties.
Disable visual themes
Disable desktop composition
Check compatibility mode

If this does not help, also switch your resolution to one that is supported by the game (1024x768, 1280x1024, 1280x800).

The game reportedly works on Win7 as well with the above. On Vista, we have tested it ourselves on several computers.

GMeyer -> RE: Vista and Windows 7 (3/17/2010 4:14:43 PM)

Anybody else having problems with PBEM and the password security systems?  I can't get an answer on this from anybody at Matrix or Hussar.  So far it has prevented me from starting games with 3 different potential opponents.  I genuinely like this game but so long as the password problem remains unaddressed I would not be able to recommend the game to anyone thinking of buying it.

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