RE: A beautifil new ocean to explore. (Full Version)

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Gertjan -> RE: A beautifil new ocean to explore. (4/2/2010 9:21:18 AM)

Great AAR. Really surprising how many things can happen in this game. No game is ever going to feel the same.
I really like this effect of war weariness and reputation. It adds so much more depth to the game.
Erik, perhaps the AI is currently a bit too predictable as it usually will launch the first/most of the attacks on your home system. I understand why it does this, since success would imply the greatest losses to the enemy and surrender. But I think that it would be good to have more variation. Let the AI also attack some strategic colonies from time to time.
Good suggestion to have some periods of peace in between attacks.

Zarkis -> RE: A beautifil new ocean to explore. (4/2/2010 10:33:54 AM)

An unpleasant end for your empire. But a great AAR, and it made me curious about this game. I hate games where you can't loose.

Kamonrius -> RE: A beautifil new ocean to explore. (4/2/2010 3:33:25 PM)

Beautiful Ending :D pushing a naturally peaceful and progressive race into a war and conditions they are not use too gaining much ground but collapsining after great detestment of your blood thirsty leader ship and their own Hubris and Ambitions when realizing their own strenght :D so Beautiful

HsojVvad -> RE: A beautifil new ocean to explore. (4/2/2010 4:42:48 PM)

Very well done. I enjoyed reading your AAR. Too bad it had to end. Looking forward to your next AAR.

Grotius -> RE: A beautifil new ocean to explore. (4/2/2010 9:36:18 PM)

Great AAR! I hope you play (and report) another game soon.

Nabobalis -> RE: A beautifil new ocean to explore. (4/2/2010 11:35:33 PM)

How much of the AAR background was fiction and how much was actually in game?

Kamonrius -> RE: A beautifil new ocean to explore. (4/3/2010 4:10:04 AM)

Not much was fiction he just added details and reasoning, you can see your Races disposition against other races. as well as anything else going on in the galaxy to elaborate :D

Okim -> RE: A beautifil new ocean to explore. (4/3/2010 8:16:41 AM)

Hi Kamonrius, nice to see you here (if i`m not mistaken we`ve met in SOTS forums) :)

Yes, some details were fiction. People never expressed their bad feelings about Sol 6 incident or there wasn`t any joing project to uncover the secrets of the galaxy - Zenox just shared their lore with me which i believe is their feature. Also there were no bio-study of the monsters - that`s also was a part of galaxy history that i described in a more interesting way. I just thought that plainly telling of whats happens would be less interesting to read :)

Kamonrius -> RE: A beautifil new ocean to explore. (4/3/2010 8:33:55 AM)

Aye we have met :D Your mod is still Sexy, I play from time to time but SOTS has dried my tongue :) so I am hereobserving this little gem and watching where it and if it blossoms into something beyond itself :D

Wade1000 -> RE: A beautifil new ocean to explore. (4/3/2010 5:06:42 PM)

Sometimes AAR's have stories included with the gameplay accounts.

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