LoBaron -> RE: Strange CAP results (3/31/2010 8:03:18 AM)
ORIGINAL: TheElf quote:
ORIGINAL: AcePylut I love the AE CAP. To address stratosphere cap: If I were to change anything about the game wrt to aircraft, it would be to make the "normal and extended range" based upon the aircraft altitude. Every aircraft has a "best range" airspeed and "best range" altitude. We can pretty much discount consideration for the the "best airspeed for range" in the combat die rolls, because as soon as you sight the enemy those throttles get adjusted. We have altitude based maneauver bands - perhaps having altitude based range bands would be a thought.... because an aircraft that flies to max altitude is going to take "forever" to get to altitude, and max flight altitude is not your 'max range' altitude. Also, 100ft is not going maximum range altitude either. So, like we have different maneauver ratings at altitudes for each aircraft... having different ranges for each altitude band might address the "Stratosphere Altitudes for Fighters". If you want to fly all your aircraft on a sweep of Rangoon at 38k feet.... grats, you have enough fuel to barely get there, make one pass at the enemy, then fly home. If you flew at 15k feet, you have fuel to get there, fight for 10-15 mins, then go home. For CAP - then I'd suggest that the higher the altitude setting, the "less planes" are available on CAP (cuz to get to 38k feet, you might be flying for an hour burning up all your fuel, and only have 10 minutes of patrol-time, before you have to come down and land.) All these numbers and ranges I've spoken of are hypothetical - I dunno how long it'll take for a P40 to reach max altitude, and how long it can patrol at that alt. Etc. I considered this originally. But at some point you have to draw a line between tactical wargame and operational, and there is little doubt we lean heavily toward the tactical side, often to the chagrin of those who prefer the "simpler" Operational aspects of WitP as it was originally envisioned. It has also been discussed as a possible fix for the Strato-sweep, but Fixes for code tweaks are turned off right now, and I am not actually 100% convinced that anything is really wrong. But I have not played in some time. It would be a whole other thing to figure out how to display to the players...essentially the UI would be affected and more room would be needed to display the range figures either graphically or in text on the AC Unit display. Overall more complication in an area that is already more complicated than the Non-Airminded want it. Very interesting points. You are right, there is nothing wrong with the alt and A2A models. Air combat is very close to real with a small bit of imagination. On the other hand, if you could implement it as simple as possible - like setting only two range groups (e.g. a reduced range for the top 2 alt bands) this could add tactical falvour to the alt game that is already represented in other air combat aspects. I wouldnīt even include 100ft because then the discussion starts if the planes donīt use higher altitude on cruise anyway... Simulating the fuel consumption caused by a climb to for 25-30 and 31+ bands is a very interesting idea. High sweeps would be a valid strategy but a bit harder to achieve. (I like your idea of a HR that limits the planesī alt on sweep to the optimum band - but I think that its not needed with the current air model and split CAP).