avdpos -> RE: Master Wishlist Thread (9/22/2010 7:27:00 PM)
Quote: Shark 7 1. Empire Alien Relations: What you do with the aliens that you conquer/colonize. I currently suggest the following categories: a. Assimilation: Basically the DW default as it is now. The Alien race is accepted into your empire and you gain their bonuses. Aliens are free to leave their 'home' planets and intermingle with your people on all colonies. Can colonize new planets. b. Quarantine: The Aliens are allowed to live on their home planet, but may not leave it and may not intermingle with other races of the empire. You gain their bonuses only for that planet, and only at 25% of normal. Can colonize new planets. c. Forced labour: The aliens are herded up into camps and forced to work for your people. You gain no bonuses from their race, but you do get a 30% increase in mining efficiency on the planet the aliens are located on. Not allowed to colonize. d. Annihilation: Aliens are slowly reduced over time until they are no more...self explanatory. I'd avoid eating the soylent green. On the policies, they should not only do what is described, but also have an effect on reputation. An empire that assimilates would recieve a small reputation boost, quarantine would be a reputation nuetral policy, Forced labour would be a small negative effect, and annihilation would make you evil. Obviously the policy would best be tied into the goverment type. Way of Darkness can annihilate away without too much worry, Republic would want to assimilate. Also could be tied into the love/hate suggestion. Obviously if you hate the Boskara, you would actually approve of the Securans wiping off the galactic map and vice-versa. Again, a simple table or number setting would suffice. Policy could be set by the player in game, but for the AI, policy would be set in a table for each race...IE just because you hate the Boskara doesn't mean you wouldn't like to assimilate the Sluken. A table just like the love/hate table suggestion would suffice. 0 = Assimilate 1 = Quarantine 2 = Forced Labor 3 = Annihilate I do also miss something like this. Even if we ainīt racistīs between humans that dosenīt meen that I would like my spacerace to like aliens. Some sort of Machiavellian ways to rule your empireīs conquers, and maybe more rebellios becouse of that I have conquered a planet of a empire.. Machiavelli wrote of different ways to rule a new land. Assimilate do I think was one, Force labour wouldnīt I be suprised it was one and I know that kill all and recolonize was one (donīt remember all 10 years since I read his book). quote:
quote: Brainsucker Why not just erase the corvette, destroyer thing from the design and let the player to create their own type of ships? Well, we have already free Tonnage Ship, so we could create our own type of ship. The most important is not to limit the ship tonnage, but to create a condition that there is a limit that a ship has a battle efficiency weight. Yes, a 10.000 KTon ship will be bad ass, just imagine the death star in Star Wars. It can become a mobile fortress. Buuut, just like in reality, It won't be very efficient to used in a battle. In reality, big ships always escorted by the smaller ones. In World War 2, a battleship is the biggest, bad ass ship in the navy, but it won't be able to stand against smaller ships alone. Sooo rather than limit the KTon of the ship type, the developer should create is a limit for the battle efficiency weight. I have a suggestion although it require a lot of editing. What if you add "SHIP MANOUVER" You don't need to give a lot. Just put three or four types of manouvers. Just like hit and run, etc. This way, a smaller but fast ship will able to out-manouver the big one. The problem for DW and other 4x game is that the game mechanic favors the bigger ships more than the smaller one. So player will create the biggest ship possible that the construction yard can create. Usually, to limit this, the developer will limit the ship Tonnage for each ship types. But it will force the players to create the biggest ship type available in the game. To prevent this and make DW different to the other previous game, weapon arc should be implemented. My idea is like this : -Limit the Torpedo arc to only forward and backward. - Split the energy weapon to several type. Blaster and turret for example. Turret will be given 360 degree arc but with short range and weaker fire power, while blaster will be limited to spesific arc, but has longer range than the turret. This way, you can create several ship type for battle. A small but fast frigate with blaster, a capital ship with a lot of turret, a combined ship with torpedoes and turrets, etc. What if a player decide to create a super fast ship? I mean a ship with the biggest KTon possible but equiped with a lot of engine? Or... to create the biggest ship possible for every ship type? Balancing the speed to the KTon is the answer. a 200 KT ship should be faster and agile than a 330 KTon Ship. In order for 330 KTon Ship to match the 200 KTon Ship speed, enormous truster and the manouver engine is needed. But it will reduce the space for other equipment. But it up to the player to decide their ship design. They want to create a super fast gigantic ship with only a blaster? why not? To prevent the player creating only one single type of ship, add more support equipments to the design. This equipments will give great deal benefit to the player in combat but need a lot of weight to put into all ship. There is already one of this. The Long Range Scanner. But we need a lot more to create a big support ship that we called a flag ship.