jacozilla -> RE: Master Wishlist Thread (10/24/2015 5:44:50 PM)
0. My top wishlist - fix or expand retrofit logic so that we dont have current meta of advisor prompt 100% auto mass wave retrofit, or promot off 100% manual retrofit hell. Does not scale well at large empire maps/size. Current Automatic v Manual flags under retrofit column do not work or meaningless for state ships. With advisor prompt off, private sector ships/bases set to manual design but auto retrofit work beautifully. But state ship/bases with advisor promot off and designs set to auto or manual, and retrofit to auto - will not automatically retrofit as per exact same setup for private sector. This is either broke, not working as intended, or not currently supported as intended option. This would be my top wishlist by a mile for a fix / expansion to existing AI. Please, 0.5. My new #2 wishlist item instead of resupply batch below - auto sync button in design screen for mandatory or usual parameter defined items in ship design - players can add more if desired, but when design cant be saved without minimum component A, no point forcing us to constantly tweak manually. E.g. Hab and life support - if sync option enabled, then everytime i add or subtract other modules that increase/decrease hab and life support req, the design screen automatically adds or subtracts hab and life when auto sync pressed. For boarding protection, players may want to manually add more hab modules, but for love of god, just auto sync to minimum since we cant even save the design without that. Same for all other required to design components - resource scanner on explorer, etc For parameter defined items, if auto sync button pressed, auyo sync to fulfill minimum of measured output after the player has added manually at least one component of that type: E.g. If player adds fusion reactor, then auto sync number of them to at least be minimum to meet excess power required for weapons, cruise, amd shield recharge. Player can always add or subtract and not use auto sync button if for some reason desire to have lot less or more energy, but the 90%+ use case is we all usually design to standard energy spec. Make auto sync button do this lot easier than us doing same step over and over manually Same for energy collector added and min static usage, mandatory command center on all designs, construction yard on spaceport, etc, players can always add more, but auto sync should just add one or whatever minimum number needed to save design anyways 1. Class defined automation role for resupply ships - they currently have none and only class that does not have an automation role (escort, patrol, protect planet, etc). Preferably an automation role they will go find and deploy somewhere to be an actual resupply ship than current paperweight in whatver system built until manually ordered to deploy 2. Re-deploy at last location button for resupply ships. Huge hassle to retrofit, then redeploy manually again 3. Hotkey dedicated for resupply ships. Current lumping into Y key with constructors is too large a pool and not helpful 4. Ctrl, Shift, and other numeric selection to allow for more than 10 current fleet quick pick hotkeys. Ctrl and Shift would at least give us 30 fleet hotkeys. 5. Multi-select or entire folder imports of previously saved ship designs. Loading one design at a time is painful. 6. WASD option for moving map along with or replacement option to arrow keys. Right handed players generally use mouse at right and left hand to control movement. Standard arrow keys on normal keyboard placement is awkard for simultaneous kb + mouse. 7. Hotkey remapping support. For the love of god, join the modern era. Awesome game, but non-remappable hotkeys are old, old school. 8. idle at last location or idle at nearest home system checkbox - current meta is when ship goes idle with no further automation missions it can do (e.g. Auto constructors, explorers) they go idle at last location. Give option for player setting to control whether idle ship comes home to nearest system before going idle, or just idle in middle of nowhere 9. Multi select fleets option in fleet screen list - to allow for multiple retrofit orders for example, or multi home colony selection and pick 10. Allow cancel retrofit order - even if means losing assigned resources for last retrofit in process, is hassle to wait for stalled lesser gen refit when a new gen design has just been unlocked. Sometimes refits that got stalled that are now going again are multipke generations behind. Better version or option - allow queuing new retrofit order if new design available - currently have to wait till done before new retrofit order accepted 11. Ship waypoint navigation queue - e.g, for exploers to goto a, b, c, etc 12. Ship/fleet attack order queue - to setup attack chain of multiple targets in order - e.g, fleet X attacks mining station a, mining station b, then planet c