Happy Birthday B52g!!! (Full Version)

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Supervisor -> Happy Birthday B52g!!! (7/15/2002 11:56:18 AM)

May your current days be less troublesome than those with SAC and may all of your ALCM's fly straight and land on target.:cool:

G_X -> (7/15/2002 2:09:10 PM)

And may all those bombs be guided by Political Correctness.

:) So we all don't have to hear people bitch when they miss :D

Amen, Thank you for all the grand years of service!

B52g -> (7/15/2002 4:35:00 PM)

Thanks Guys!! SAC doesnt exist, I dont play with the bombers anymore, but, I do get to play with the Hercs now! B52g's were the first ever aircraft I worked on, they hold a special place in my heart. There is nothing quite like them. Thanks again!

Supervisor -> (7/15/2002 11:24:19 PM)

I know SAC doesn't exist anymore but looking at your age I thought you would of been around during its existance. It was my first airframe at Barksdale AFB LA, now I find myself on Hercs also MC-130E Combat Talon I's for AFSOC.

B52g -> (7/16/2002 12:47:48 AM)

I was in SAC for two years, Wurtsmith AFB, MI. Then when SAC was folded into ACC, the G models were retired and the base closed down. I could have went to Barkesdale for H models, but chose to go to California and workC-141B's. (Try telling your wife that we are NOT going to California, good luck!) I am now in AFRC working on C-130H's in Youngstown ARS. If I would have chosen Barkesdale, I might have ran into you!

G_X -> (7/16/2002 1:17:15 AM)

Hey B-52g or gmenfan, either of you worked on an AC-130?

I think I left something off, it might bee AC-130u,

the Spectre Gunship version of the Herc.

That's a beautiful bird :)

Hades -> (7/16/2002 1:27:20 AM)

yeah i love the ac-130. I remember in US Navy Fighters, i would go a quick mission with me a ac-130 and about 5 airliners or refuelers, and blow them out of the sky. very fun.:D

Supervisor -> (7/16/2002 1:57:17 AM)

I was a Barksdale Mar 86-Jun 89, beleive it or not the MC-130E here belong to AFRC but because of the war AFSOC owns them. Yes I've worked AC-130's both the AC-130H & AC-130U sometimes I still do when I'm TDY with them or over in the war zones with them. Being in AFSOC for the past 9 years I've worked on every real airframe within it's inventory except for the salad shooters(Helo's I can't stand them). The U-boat is quite a feet of machineary, it's amazing that it even takes flight, it has 6 different waivers on it weighing too much for the structure, a flying tank is how its best described, it so good the Uncle Sam has decided to build and buy 4 more of them. The thing that still puzzles me though is that the U-boat was perfectly suited for the C-130J model structure, which would have given more power and newer everything but they still went on building it on the C-130H stucture.:confused: :confused: :confused:

G_X -> (7/16/2002 4:50:55 AM)

Money I'm sure had a hand in that (IE it's cheaper not to change.)

Which reminds me...Dubya promised the military more funding...uhm....where is it?

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