RE: Understanding the Economic Model (Full Version)

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boogaboo -> RE: Understanding the Economic Model (4/1/2010 3:57:27 PM)

Sloops - I find it odd that bases were the issue.
Theya re listed as part of teh fleet/base maintenance which is in turn part of the annual report.
I had positive cash flow, yet negative cash balance and going more negative until I experimented wit tax rates and agreements etc (See post above)

I may try to delete my bases one at a time to see the impact.

A much better report of the economy drivers and impacts is needed considering how much is relying on it.

Erik Rutins -> RE: Understanding the Economic Model (4/1/2010 4:41:14 PM)


ORIGINAL: ductape
how much do agents cost to upkeep?I cant seem to find this anywhere.

You can see your agent upkeep in your empire summary.

Erik Rutins -> RE: Understanding the Economic Model (4/1/2010 4:45:05 PM)

Boogaboo and Autarkis,

Was this with 1.0.2 for both of you?

The cash flow figure you see in the top right is an annual estimate, whereas as some have noted the pirate alliances are a monthly fee that is not currently listed in the Empire Summary (we plan to add that). There are also unpredictable cost and revenue sources, but Free Trade and such is actually shown in the Empire Summary as well and reflected in your Private Sector's revenues too. For Free Trade in the diplomacy screen you can also see the amount and percentage (which should rise over time if you maintain the agreement)

boogaboo -> RE: Understanding the Economic Model (4/1/2010 5:12:13 PM)

Hi Erik,

Yep 1.02 for me.
I did not see Free Trade in the summary. I will reload that save and look again.
I am still finding the behaviour odd though.

There is no real reason I should have neg. cash with a positive annual cash flow if I have no pirate agreements?


boogaboo -> RE: Understanding the Economic Model (4/1/2010 5:20:25 PM)

Hi Erik,

Ok I reloaded my game from the point when I started the discussion:

Here is my summary income statement

Cash -38k

Tax 68k
Foeign Trade 1k (free trade?)
Tribute 0k
Port Income 3k
Resort Income 15k

Ships/bases 47k
Fuel 0
Troops 13k
Agents 1k
Subjegation 0k

Net: +25k

Why would I see cash continue to slide negative with this set-up?


forsaken1111 -> RE: Understanding the Economic Model (4/1/2010 6:05:27 PM)


ORIGINAL: boogaboo

Hi Erik,

Ok I reloaded my game from the point when I started the discussion:

Here is my summary income statement

Cash -38k

Tax 68k
Foeign Trade 1k (free trade?)
Tribute 0k
Port Income 3k
Resort Income 15k

Ships/bases 47k
Fuel 0
Troops 13k
Agents 1k
Subjegation 0k

Net: +25k

Why would I see cash continue to slide negative with this set-up?


Well are you building anything? It says you are making 25k a year but if you build 50k worth of ships and bases that will put you negative.

Resan -> RE: Understanding the Economic Model (4/1/2010 6:17:27 PM)

I've also been having some economy problems. After looking at the numbers it turned out I had like 100k in upkeep, and any new mining station I could build would add another 6 - 10k.

Restarted a game and rechecked the upkeep figures. Now upkeep is only about 1k pr mining station... so a resource prize problem right?

What resources do I need to mine more of to lower that prize?

Jim D Burns -> RE: Understanding the Economic Model (4/1/2010 6:28:27 PM)


I`ve noticed that too. While my colonies were not taxed at all my homeworld was assigned a tax of 50%! I wonder why my people did not rebel against such tax!

Unfortunately 50% tax isn’t an uncommon occurrence in the real world, so why should it be in a game. Here in the US we pay about 30% federal tax, 10% state tax and then another 5%-7% sales tax, so that’s almost 50% right there.

But then when you add in all the little goodies congress and states have added to special items like fuel, energy, booze, cigarettes, licensing fees for vehicles, etc. etc. etc., we all pay well over half our incomes to the government. And the current government here is going to crank it up even more here real soon to pay for their orgy of recent spending.

So 50% in game should make your people mad, but I don’t think it should necessarily cause rebellions unless there are a lot of other mitigating circumstances.


jnpoint -> RE: Understanding the Economic Model (4/1/2010 7:26:11 PM)


ORIGINAL: boogaboo

Way more detailed MONTHLY financial report page.


I had the same problems, now they are solved, but I'm not sure how I managed it - so I like your idea.

autarkis1967 -> RE: Understanding the Economic Model (4/2/2010 12:44:12 AM)

Erik if you look at my second post I am at 1.02 as well.

Sarissofoi -> RE: Understanding the Economic Model (4/2/2010 1:52:07 AM)

In Poland we have total tax about 70-80%. Yeah this sucks. A lot. No wonder that many educated peoples go to London to make any dirty job they get.
But real world asaide.

Something like that happen to me too. I have cash flow at +25k or something. And get red numbers. Remember that you pay for any your production on start. You cant buy ships when you dont have money.
I suspect deal with pirates. I pay one pirate faction for alliance(something about 2-3K for month) . I suspeced some bug here. Wheen I broke deal my finances get to normal almost instant.

boogaboo -> RE: Understanding the Economic Model (4/2/2010 1:57:02 AM)

Hi Erik,

I spent a lot of today playing with the economy to gain an uderstanding of the issues (if any).
I managed to get my econ booming again by elimination of alliance w/ pirates (Very exepnsive and not caluclated in the annual budget report).
I also stopped some queued builds and this seems to help for some reason.

All in all I have a suggestion for the resolution of the econ issue.

It is a matter of a lack of transparencu around what contribues to and from the econ model.
A couple ideas that will help that should be pretty easy are as follows:

- Make a report that is inclusive of all of the cash flow activities on as close to real time basic as you can (I.e. ship builds and so on). Maybe tie this in with a nice resouce requirement/cost info (think others wanted that).

- Add the pirate costs and any other costs that are "hidden" to the reports

- Pick a report standard (I.e. Annual or monthly) not both.

Once people see a Cash Flow (different from a annual budget) report they will see what is affecting thier empire right now.

Just suggestions.
If I get more info I will let you know.

PS- Anyone else comment on my ideas??

Gertjan -> RE: Understanding the Economic Model (4/2/2010 10:19:47 AM)

@Saris, so Poland is going back to communism?

Jim D Burns -> RE: Understanding the Economic Model (4/2/2010 4:51:22 PM)


ORIGINAL: Sarissofoi

In Poland we have total tax about 70-80%. Yeah this sucks. A lot. No wonder that many educated peoples go to London to make any dirty job they get.
But real world asaide.

Something like that happen to me too. I have cash flow at +25k or something. And get red numbers. Remember that you pay for any your production on start. You cant buy ships when you dont have money.
I suspect deal with pirates. I pay one pirate faction for alliance(something about 2-3K for month) . I suspeced some bug here. Wheen I broke deal my finances get to normal almost instant.

I think the numbers displayed on the top right are annual (yearly) numbers, so a 25K+ income is just over 2k a month. So a 2k-3k deal with the pirates is eating up all your income and probably sending you into the red.

Erik mentioned somewhere that pirate deals will be included in the economic reports in a future patch, so the displayed incomes will hopefully then match realities in game after that.


licker -> RE: Understanding the Economic Model (4/2/2010 5:20:26 PM)

Is there a place to see the developmental level of your colonies?

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