Diplomacy Question (Full Version)

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Deomrve -> Diplomacy Question (3/31/2010 5:11:34 PM)

I had a satisfactory rating in diplomacy and now I'm of dubious standing. I was wondering why? I didn't attack or back stab another empire, yet. I can't remember if I said no to one of their offers and I usually trade with them after I dicker a bit. The only thing I remember doing is sending a fleet out to destroy a pirate base. Any Ideas why I'm now a dubious character? Any ideas on this will be helpful.

Erik Rutins -> RE: Diplomacy Question (3/31/2010 5:24:51 PM)

Destroying a pirate base will generally improve your standing and negative ratings will generally tend to trend back towards neutral over time if you don't do anything else that the other empires find objectionable. Are you trespassing in other systems on a regular basis? Did you issue any ultimatums? Haggling or rejecting an offer is not going to cause a hit, but any kind of threat or ultimatum would (i.e. give me that tech for this tech or I'll impose trade sanctions).

tgb -> RE: Diplomacy Question (3/31/2010 5:26:55 PM)

Failed espionage missions will also bring your reputation down real fast.

Gertjan -> RE: Diplomacy Question (3/31/2010 9:57:23 PM)

That's what happened in my game recently, I got down to -100 relations with many races. Not good I can tell you :)

Deomrve -> RE: Diplomacy Question (3/31/2010 10:00:21 PM)

I may trespassing in other systems because my explorer ships are automated and they are discovering other civilizations and I think I remember sending an agent into deep cover in one nation. Thanks for the ideas.

tuser -> RE: Diplomacy Question (3/31/2010 11:10:48 PM)

Only military ships can be trespassing, explorers and freighters don't matter. Military ships escorting your civilians can get you into all sorts of trouble though.
I'm not using espionage anymore. Repution is much too important, can't throw it away just to incite a rebellion, or some such trivial matter.

Flaviusx -> RE: Diplomacy Question (3/31/2010 11:16:23 PM)

I only use spies to run counterintel myself at this point. It's one of the reasons I've stopped playing the humans, the spy bonus is extremely meh because I'm taking a pass on the spy game for diplomatic reasons.

tgb -> RE: Diplomacy Question (3/31/2010 11:46:12 PM)

With a little luck, and a couple of successful missions, you can develop an agent that can do almost anything, given enough time.  And when that happens, it's awesome.

Gertjan -> RE: Diplomacy Question (4/1/2010 10:51:43 AM)

I think the whole diplomacy thing needs some tweaking. In particular, trading techs is not easy as there is no option to ask what the other empire wants in return for your offer. Furthermore, the diplomacy hit for friendly empires when they have a joint system is far too high imho.

rhohltjr -> RE: Diplomacy Question (4/1/2010 2:14:44 PM)

Is it possible some AIs are using spys on other AIs and framing YOU for their deeds?

Yeah, its all just math between the AIs. Perhaps a Dev or Erik can answer.

forsaken1111 -> RE: Diplomacy Question (4/1/2010 2:26:26 PM)



I think the whole diplomacy thing needs some tweaking. In particular, trading techs is not easy as there is no option to ask what the other empire wants in return for your offer. Furthermore, the diplomacy hit for friendly empires when they have a joint system is far too high imho.
This is possibly my greatest concern with the current diplomacy system. If I have a free trade agreement with an empire and am extremely friendly with them with no hostilities ever occurring, why are they upset that we have a colony in the same system? Doesn't this facilitate trade?

Webbco -> RE: Diplomacy Question (4/1/2010 6:25:29 PM)

This isn't quite the same as having a colony in an empires system, but it's on a similar note:

I was massively friendly with one empire and one of their construction ships was lurking around one of my home worlds randomly for aaaages, so I..ahem...disposed of it. Then straight away I'm at war. No moderate reduction in rep, no slapping of the wrist, no trade sanctions. Total war.

They had 3 colonies in their empire, I had 35.

forsaken1111 -> RE: Diplomacy Question (4/1/2010 6:38:19 PM)



This isn't quite the same as having a colony in an empires system, but it's on a similar note:

I was massively friendly with one empire and one of their construction ships was lurking around one of my home worlds randomly for aaaages, so I..ahem...disposed of it. Then straight away I'm at war. No moderate reduction in rep, no slapping of the wrist, no trade sanctions. Total war.

They had 3 colonies in their empire, I had 35.
And you're surprised? You attacked and destroyed a ship full of innocent construction workers while at peace... that is at the very least a major political incident.

Webbco -> RE: Diplomacy Question (4/1/2010 7:18:37 PM)

The key part was the last bit. Why go to war against an empire so much larger than you?

If they sent me a message saying they were displeased and barred trade, that's acceptable.

They certainly weren't thinking about the consequences of an all-out war!

I tried to say sorry by giving them a million credits (over a few months) and free tech, but to no avail.

forsaken1111 -> RE: Diplomacy Question (4/1/2010 7:33:48 PM)

Well you did commit mass murder... I don't think I would be your friend either, no matter how much you paid me.

Webbco -> RE: Diplomacy Question (4/1/2010 7:39:00 PM)

Is declaring war going to resolve a case of mass murder? Hmmm. Revenge isn't always sweet.

However, I see what you are saying. Maybe I just have a guilty conscience? [:D]

Either way, they were fickle friends...I just hope my citizens will forgive this act of brutality on my part.

forsaken1111 -> RE: Diplomacy Question (4/1/2010 7:44:32 PM)



Is declaring war going to resolve a case of mass murder? Hmmm. Revenge isn't always sweet.

However, I see what you are saying. Maybe I just have a guilty conscience? [:D]

Either way, they were fickle friends...I just hope my citizens will forgive this act of brutality on my part.

It depends on what sort of culture the race has really. If they are a people who worship at the altar of honor and duty, then what you did is a heinous crime deserving of berserker rage.

Gertjan -> RE: Diplomacy Question (4/2/2010 9:56:27 AM)

Erik, if you have the time, could you please comment on the issue Forsaken and I have a shared concern. Thanks in advance!

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