Galactopedia for potential customers to download and browse. (Full Version)

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Wade1000 -> Galactopedia for potential customers to download and browse. (4/1/2010 3:01:14 PM)

Galactopedia for potential customers to download and browse.

Would that be easy to do?
Would it be good idea?

The Distant Worlds Galactopedi is very indepth and well done. It could provide much information to potential customers that want in depth information about the game.
To people uncertain on whether Distant Worlds is for them, the Galactopedia might show them the games great elements and convince them to purchase it.
If anyone is turned off by the Galactopedia well then they probably would not enjoy the game anyway and might talk neagtively about buying a game that was not their type.

JonathanStrange -> RE: Galactopedia for potential customers to download and browse. (4/2/2010 5:03:56 PM)

I think it's an interesting idea. Probably more likely  to intrigue people who are on the fence; I think more lukewarm or skeptical folks might think the game overwhelming.

Wade1000 -> RE: Galactopedia for potential customers to download and browse. (4/2/2010 5:10:59 PM)

Like I said, "If anyone is turned off by the Galactopedia well then they probably would not enjoy the game anyway and might talk neagtively about buying a game that was not their type."

JamesM -> RE: Galactopedia for potential customers to download and browse. (4/3/2010 1:34:26 AM)

How about do it as a members download for those of us who can not get it to work in the game.

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