HsojVvad -> Solar panels on ships (4/2/2010 6:00:53 AM)
Well I tried the solar panel on all my ships. What I did, was told them to stop, and they don't use up any fuel. They dont need to be fallowing planets since if there is pirates in the sytem ( I only battled pirates so far) they get there in time. And they don't use up an fuel waiting for them. So if you get tired of your ships wasting fuel just orbiting or fallowing a planet or star base, but solar panels on them and tell them to stop. If you don't have solar panels on your ships, and tell them to stop they still use up fuel to power up the reactors. This make less micro managing them and when you really need them, they will have almos full fuel unless you tell them move and no refuel at a star base. Once they are refuel and then stop after wards they will not be using up any fuel. Later on when I am able to buy bigger ships, I will see if they can gather their own fuel source from a star without using a refueling base or what ever they are called. ( me brain dead again, can't remember what anything is called tonight.) Well I hope this works for some of you, so if you don't like wasting fuel, put solar panels on your ships. By that go into the desgin screen, click on a ship you want to redesing and select copy as new. Then all you have to do is put solar panels in, one should be enough since it's the only static usage you need, and then click on your name, delete the "copy of" in the ship name and either rename it, or what I do is put the "II" at the end of the name if I don't change anythign else.