RE: MWIF Monthly Reports (Full Version)

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Shannon V. OKeets -> RE: MWIF Monthly Reports (12/31/2021 7:12:47 PM)

Second attachment for the end of year status report.

Shannon V. OKeets -> RE: MWIF Monthly Reports (2/12/2022 1:43:03 AM)

February 10, 2022 Status Report for Matrix Games’ MWIF Forum

Product Releases
A public beta (version was made available in late January.

I did almost no work on bugs in January. Perhaps I made a few cosmetic changes to form layouts.

Missing Optional Rules & Half Map Scenarios
Nothing new in January.

AI Opponent (AIO)
I completed the parser for decoding the LAIO scripts (which are simple ASCII files) into Delphi data structures. Most of these are now being ‘echoed’ back to the screen so I can check that the data structures correctly reflect the intent of the script. Once I have completed the code for echoing the data structures, I’ll move on to the third task for processing LAIO scripts. That is, to execute them for the game state changes in accordance to the script ‘instructions’.

Attached is a screen shot of the form I use when testing LAIO scripts. As each button on the left is executed, the echo of the decoded script appears in the two panels on the right. Which panel receives the next ‘echo’ alternates, so the before and after echos are always visible.

For the screenshot, I have merged several screenshots. The first 6 buttons on the left generate the 6 distinct panels shown.


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