Aircraft damages combat report (Full Version)

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Husky_MatrixForum -> Aircraft damages combat report (4/6/2010 6:56:58 AM)

My infantry Thai unit was attacked by level bombers at Thailand. I have combat report that one Hudson IIIa bomber was damaged during attack when bombing from 13000 feet. But this unit almost have not any AA capabilities. It not in base and no other units near. How this infantrymens was able to damage plane at 13000 feet using rifles or mountain guns?


HexHead -> RE: Aircraft damages combat report (4/6/2010 7:22:22 AM)

Think of it as operational damage. One shouldn't overanalyze sometimes. As one who works in IT, you have to understand that progamming isn't perfect and there's always a level of abstraction involved. In this case, there's probably a pointer to a table or a random number generated, i. e., a "random", and the result is that a rubber band broke on your toy.[;)]

Rainer -> RE: Aircraft damages combat report (4/6/2010 8:40:46 AM)

More likely FOW.
His own people reported they had damaged the Hudson. Meaning they think they have damaged it.

Still, I like your explonation.
Wished more people would think that way. Would make this forum less often overheat [;)]

HexHead -> RE: Aircraft damages combat report (4/6/2010 10:29:07 AM)

I'm not a developer - I write Help and manuals, etc., but I work with developers and have acquired a few tricks over time.

"The map is not the territory." Although AE drills down to an impressive level of detail, it's still just a program.

Thayne -> RE: Aircraft damages combat report (4/6/2010 2:19:29 PM)

That one unit was damaged in the attack does not mean that it was caused by AA.

Perhaps a mechanical failure - a tail section, damaged in a previous attack, broke off. Or the bombay doors blew off when they were opened, or a bomb from one plane clipped the wing of another flying below it.

wdolson -> RE: Aircraft damages combat report (4/7/2010 2:47:30 PM)

Even on "milk runs" with no opposition about 4% of aircraft were damaged or lost.  Planes flying frequent ops break down, pilots have hard landings, clip trees taking off or landing, etc.

The combat reports say damage, but that can be anything from one point of minor damage that will be fixed over night to the plane limping home on one engine with the other one looking a bit dodgy and half the crew dead and the other half wounded.  Next turn you can click on the AIRCRAFT link and see the status of the planes in the group.


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