RE: Just got my iPad! (Full Version)

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Crimguy -> RE: Just got my iPad! (4/9/2010 6:39:55 AM)

I had no idea this forum was populated by a band of luddites.

jackx -> RE: Just got my iPad! (4/9/2010 12:02:59 PM)

Personally, I don't mind the availability of these gadgets as much as I dislike the fact that they're marketed as essential, and you're supposed to feel incomplete and like an inferior being if you don't use them...

And while they may be status symbols, that only works when they add to a show of wealth, not when your clothes look like they're trash and you can barely afford a second pair of jeans... but maybe that's just my old-fashioned priorities clashing with current values.
Still, everytime I see one of these Bafög-sponsored jerks touting their i-crap but failing to have 5€ on their account and subsequently holding up the entire line at the cashier, I just want to lash out...

Greybriar -> RE: Just got my iPad! (4/9/2010 2:40:33 PM)

Paul Miller says that "iPad app prices are out of control and will kill us all."

GoodGuy -> RE: Just got my iPad! (4/9/2010 4:10:15 PM)



You're about 4 hours too late for that comment. Apple just announced multitasking for both the iphone and the ipad today. Ipod this summer. iPad this fall.

It won't be real multitasking though. In the future, Once you'll open app "B", app "A" will freeze and be moved to the background (means it will be paused), and if you then switch back from "B" to "A", then B will be paused.

Currently, listening to some tunes and writing an SMS on an I-phone will work (because the music-player is a part of the OS), but if you want activate a 3rd party app AND then an Apple utility, the 3rd party app will be closed.
Also, listening to music and using facebook or other 3rd-party apps won't work, unlike on OS's with real multitasking - like Android.

Multitasking is a core element of the Android OS.
Apple used to dismiss multitasking in the past, as they claimed it would be an unnecessary burden for the battery.

Well, Google showed that you can do it, so Apple tries to counter Google's attack with their half-assed version of multitasking, now.

Apple = Overpriced, restrictive, missing functions or functionality, limited RAM, imho.

Their only advantage: The design is top-notch.



I had no idea this forum was populated by a band of luddites.

Luddite? Nah. It's just like Apple doesn't seem to catch up with the technical possibilities/progress, once they create a forerunner. It's been like that with the I-Cube, the I-Mac, and the I-Phone just follows that path. The competition uses to pass Apple after a while, sometimes picking up one or another idea or enhancing ideas, but always adding many more features, sometimes the competition passes and breaks new ground.

The I-cube, for example, was really neat: small, no fans inside (passive cooling), integrated CD-ROM drive, but you couldn't upgrade it. It had one or 2 memory banks, that was it. It was 10-20% more expensive than the other G4 machines, and you could only put in bigger HDs (>128 GB) if you installed OS X with special drivers. The cube let Apple stocks drop, and it took an iPod to solve this crisis. After Apple released the I-Cube, other companies came up with those "barebone" PCs, the awesome looking MacBook Air (reportedly overheating at 66° Celsius [150° F] already) was passed by even smaller eeePCs with Intel's Atom CPU.

They keep doing stuff like that.

bairdlander2 -> RE: Just got my iPad! (4/9/2010 4:26:05 PM)



Personally, I don't mind the availability of these gadgets as much as I dislike the fact that they're marketed as essential, and you're supposed to feel incomplete and like an inferior being if you don't use them.

A lot of people will go for this just to be cool

JudgeDredd -> RE: Just got my iPad! (4/9/2010 4:37:31 PM)

I hate Apple and their rip off prices for music, their rip off prices for movies and their rip off prices for their over priced hardware with every breath of my dying body!

Toby42 -> RE: Just got my iPad! (4/9/2010 5:40:10 PM)


ORIGINAL: JudgeDredd

I hate Apple and their rip off prices for music, their rip off prices for movies and their rip off prices for their over priced hardware with every breath of my dying body!

Gee Judge. It would be nice if you had an opinion instead of being so wishy-washy..[:'(]

JudgeDredd -> RE: Just got my iPad! (4/9/2010 6:30:04 PM)

lol - sorry. Was I not clear? [:D]

a7v -> RE: Just got my iPad! (4/9/2010 8:18:59 PM)

I don´t have anything of this iStuff either. I got a 4-year-old cellphone from my company which I rarely use. The trick is to keep your number more or less secret [:D].

Here in Germany I have made this observation: The lower the social class of the user the more sophisicated are the electronic devices. I always wonder how they pay their bill[8|]

jackx -> RE: Just got my iPad! (4/9/2010 8:56:16 PM)

Low income/class, expensive gadgets and an incessant and compulsory urge to communicate... what a wonderful combination indeed, and a mutually reinforcing download spiral of ever more meaningless communication and ever more sophisticated devices to facilitate the former... the fruit of modern civilization indeed.[:@]

@GoodGuy: I don't think Apple is dropping the ball on being truly innovative and progressive, to me it looks more like they're not even trying (and quite deliberately, why put in some effort when you can cash in easily without), but just looking for something "fresh" to hype up their latest fashionable iCrap.

Lützow -> RE: Just got my iPad! (4/9/2010 9:17:57 PM)

The iPhone is not just an overpriced and stylish cell phone, but a computer for the shirt pocket. Once you got one, you wonder how you could live without it for so long.

I'm usually in the boat with Apple haters, but this device it the most versatile tool I ever acquired.

jackx -> RE: Just got my iPad! (4/9/2010 9:57:28 PM)

I know what it is, and when I need that functionality, I'll get one (or a similar product from another manufacturer).
But I don't need it as a gameboy/video player/music player/general time-waster, which seems to be the main method of use that I'm seeing from others... and I don't think I'll ever wonder how I could live without that. It's easy enough to kill time on my PC/notebook, I'll gladly pass on the opporunity to carry this useful "ability" around with me all day...

Besides, I'd still need a regular (and thus much smaller) cellphone for when I'm outdoors, same for the music player - I'd rather use a 20€ no-name device where I don't have to worry much about it being damaged...
But then, smart phones, by being actually useful in certain (work/productivity-related) contexts, are an exception among the whole bunch of electronic gadgets that we only need because we let others tell us how we should be spending our time (and money, though it's really the time aspect that angers me - people aren't wasting time with social networking or their assorted crappy devices because they chose to, but because these days, one apparently has to. [:@])

Enough ranting from me for one day, I'll shut up now.

GoodGuy -> RE: Just got my iPad! (4/9/2010 10:57:00 PM)



@GoodGuy: I don't think Apple is dropping the ball on being truly innovative and progressive, to me it looks more like they're not even trying (and quite deliberately, why put in some effort when you can cash in easily without), but just looking for something "fresh" to hype up their latest fashionable iCrap.

Wait a sec, you're saying they're innovative/progressive, but then they're not even trying? Umm.... yeah? [:)]

LG and HTC had worked on touchscreen phones as well, and LG released the first touchscreen phone (LG Prada KE850) ever, around 2 months before the iPhone hit the streets. It was just like the iPhone's design was a tick better, and Apple's menus/look&feel were more thought-out. I'm not sure whether the iPhone would have received such a hype, if the amount of apps would have remained low, and if the screen wouldn't have accepted finger gestures. Still, smartphones are more productive, imho. I got a Milestone. I'd never trade it for an iPhone, not even for 5 of 'em. [:D]

Microsoft came up with their IntelliMouse (with mouse wheel) in 1995, and it took Apple 10 years to introduce the MightyMouse (where they then used a scroll ball).

The first MacIntosh was built around a "borrowed" invention: the mouse. Doug Engelbart (Stanford, SRI) developed it ~1968 (the NASA didn't think it was useful in space :P), the guys at Xerox PARC picked it up again 10 years later, Steve Jobs saw it during a presentation at X-PARC, and he then made some external company develop a refined version that could be mass-produced at the cost of 10 bucks/piece. Refining/tuning (well, and stealing hehe) other people's inventions may be successful/receive some hype, but it's not innovative, imho.

Lützow -> RE: Just got my iPad! (4/9/2010 11:11:21 PM)


I don't care about the multimedia funcionality, but use this device mainly as connectivity tool. When I'm away from home, the iPhone gives me access to my desktop pc (teamviewer), tv settop-box (t-home) and google docs. The camera is handy for scanning documents and other stuff. I can read newspapers and also carry some books with me. And of course it provides all available internet- and communication service.

There are bazillion possibilities due to third-party applications. The US army even utilize it as sniper tool and for tracking down terrorists.

Crimguy -> RE: Just got my iPad! (4/9/2010 11:33:06 PM)

I'm not sure where you're getting your information about multitasking being half-assed. I have read scarcely a bad word about it. Admittedly they're pretty late to the party but who cares?

Quoth Paul Thurrott (runs winsupersite, tech pundit, and generally pretty hard on apple products):

"Multitasking. Obvious and necessary, multitasking has been sorely lacking in the iPhone OS but Apple is finally adding it three years after the fact. The good news? They’re doing it right. It looks like the implementation is good, both for users and developers. This one warrants praise, though it’s unclear what took so long. From a competitive standpoint, Windows Phone may very well ship with no multitasking (beyond notifications), though of course Microsoft plans to add it over time, just like Apple is doing."

From what I understand about it, it does not pause your application. The API specifies shutting down part of the application except what needs to run in the background, such as downloading, waiting for a job to finish, listening for messages, playing audio, etc.

I'm not encoding audio on my phone - who needs more? What on earth do you care if it's a full pre-emptive multitasking or not? You running SETI@home on your droid or something?

Currently I just opened up the ipod app on my phone and started an audio track. I closed it up, leaving the music running, and am now checking facebook for messages . That works, but as you said running two 3rd party apps will not. That will change with the next OS.

BTW, I love the Android OS - my para has one and it is awesome. She only has the Motorola and it is much faster than my iPhone 3G in many ways. App store and google searches are much faster. the new voice to text is impressive. Browsing is still much better on the iphone. Both app stores are filled with crap.

The ram is anemic on my 3G, but only rarely do I hit a snag. Go figure they're not letting me multitask with OS4. The 3GS has 2x as much. Don't see a problem there.


It won't be real multitasking though. In the future, Once you'll open app "B", app "A" will freeze and be moved to the background (means it will be paused), and if you then switch back from "B" to "A", then B will be paused.

Currently, listening to some tunes and writing an SMS on an I-phone will work (because the music-player is a part of the OS), but if you want activate a 3rd party app AND then an Apple utility, the 3rd party app will be closed.
Also, listening to music and using facebook or other 3rd-party apps won't work, unlike on OS's with real multitasking - like Android.

Multitasking is a core element of the Android OS.
Apple used to dismiss multitasking in the past, as they claimed it would be an unnecessary burden for the battery.

Well, Google showed that you can do it, so Apple tries to counter Google's attack with their half-assed version of multitasking, now.

Apple = Overpriced, restrictive, missing functions or functionality, limited RAM, imho.

Their only advantage: The design is top-notch.



I had no idea this forum was populated by a band of luddites.

Luddite? Nah. It's just like Apple doesn't seem to catch up with the technical possibilities/progress, once they create a forerunner. It's been like that with the I-Cube, the I-Mac, and the I-Phone just follows that path. The competition uses to pass Apple after a while, sometimes picking up one or another idea or enhancing ideas, but always adding many more features, sometimes the competition passes and breaks new ground.

The I-cube, for example, was really neat: small, no fans inside (passive cooling), integrated CD-ROM drive, but you couldn't upgrade it. It had one or 2 memory banks, that was it. It was 10-20% more expensive than the other G4 machines, and you could only put in bigger HDs (>128 GB) if you installed OS X with special drivers. The cube let Apple stocks drop, and it took an iPod to solve this crisis. After Apple released the I-Cube, other companies came up with those "barebone" PCs, the awesome looking MacBook Air (reportedly overheating at 66° Celsius [150° F] already) was passed by even smaller eeePCs with Intel's Atom CPU.

They keep doing stuff like that.

Crimguy -> RE: Just got my iPad! (4/9/2010 11:37:46 PM)

I would also point out that, without Apple, you'd all be using CLI, floppies, parallel ports, and thinking your blackberry was "amazing." The iPhone has done more in 20 years to redirect computing than any other device since the original Mac OS. Not hyperbole. Just happy to see Google could see a good thing. . .

GoodGuy -> RE: Just got my iPad! (4/10/2010 12:26:38 AM)



From what I understand about it, it does not pause your application. The API specifies shutting down part of the application except what needs to run in the background, such as downloading, waiting for a job to finish, listening for messages, playing audio, etc.

OS 4.0 does pause apps. Apple defined 7 services that will take over core functions from apps being paused in the background. These services are:

  • Background-Audio,
  • VoIP,
  • (GPS) positioning,
  • push-news (already available in old OS)
  • local news (new)
  • task-completion (eg. you're downloading something in a browser, but you want to switch to another app, then your browser will be paused, but the task [download of a given file] will be handed over to this service), and
  • quick task changer (which will reactivate the frozen apps "sleeping" in the background).

    If there are apps where none of these services would apply/could take over (and my bet is that there are a lot of those apps), the app in the background will freeze completely.

    So, I'm not sure where you're getting your info [;)], but i'd call that half-assed, as it's not real multi-tasking. Let me know how it turns out on a 3GS, though. [:)]

jomni -> RE: Just got my iPad! (4/10/2010 1:08:30 AM)

Can I play War in the Pacific on-the-go with the iPad?

Or better yet, how is the wargaming experience with iPad and iPhone?
I believe there is no serious grognard war game in these platforms.

Crimguy -> RE: Just got my iPad! (4/10/2010 2:59:15 AM)

And the market is flooded with grognard-level games on other PHONE platforms? Gimme a break.

As for the ipad - it would make a great platform for those kinds of games. I wouldn't hold your breath though for any titles coming out. These guys are lucky to sell 10000 copies on the PC platform . . .

Motomouse -> RE: Just got my iPad! (4/10/2010 3:25:26 PM)

Remember! This thread was started by a silly spambot. Let´s keep this a clean fruit bashing thread. NO FANBOYS PLEASE! ;-)

Luddite? I love to spend my money on silly game experience enhancing electronic devices. I am a lunatic for gadgets. But an Ipad? Please, go away :-) I have been there, done that. They are late with their device, used a similar device nearly 15 years ago and even then I did´nt like it and prefered a magnadoodle :-)

P.S. I looked it up, it was nearly 20 years ago (and it aint was no Newton) :-)
P.S.S. I think The fruity toys appeal to their users the same way the little round boxes with holes appeal to toddlers putting plastic objects in the holes [;)]
P.S.S.S. Wargame developers should have a look at the UI of the fruity toys from time to time.

freeboy -> RE: Just got my iPad! (4/10/2010 5:07:43 PM)

iphone, os does NOT allow MT, BUT it allows you to open the aps simutaniously, they do not run in the background pe rS Jobs in recient interview, too bad, you would think they would load it up with mem and run the softwear from mac or mac a new one combining os from iphone .. too bad, I am looking at the hp unit, again, too bad they have lower res, as its got things that are like, DUH, u want a usb or a functioning os? lol
but we digress from the real threat to our time.. I- glasses.. remeber these will enhance all your vviewing, pputting the wordl in high defas well as running EITHER windows or the lattest MAC ware!
multitasking, a 500 gig mem limit and bt compatibility so your cell, and desktop are a blink away! release date 04 01 2012

Crimguy -> RE: Just got my iPad! (4/10/2010 5:15:44 PM)

I might be a bit of a fanboy, but not at the expense of all others. I dropped Apple like a bad habit when they were putting out crap, i.e. the 90's. Since their adoption of OS X they have made the best computers, unless all you want to do is play games. Hmmmm, which are the toys again? [:D]

My only gripe in this thread is the statement that the OS on the iphone is lousy compared to Android. For a phone, I think either are about equal. I'm still waiting to hear what the big deal-breaking application is on a phone that needs to run in the background that won't be able to run on their OS4.

Moving to the iPad, I think it's pretty cool, but do acknowledge that it's way too closed, has a wonky file management system, and the Android-based offerings should blow it out of the park.

I have used a newton. This ain't no newton.

Motomouse -> RE: Just got my iPad! (4/10/2010 6:42:33 PM)

I just do not want to put my money where my mouth is, therefore I have to emphasize the shortcomings. :-)

Easy like a toy, this is not bad, but a welcome feature! It shurely will also be an ideal ebook reader.

But the one and only reason I will definitly not buy one is the vendor locked content market. I am old enough to know that I will not accept such nonsense anymore. I recently decided not to reinstall a naval wargame and a realtime wargame (after computer upgrade and a defect hd two weeks later) by two competitors (very good games), because I am not ready anymore to accept any hazzle due to DRM.

Have fun with your Ipad :-)

Crimguy -> RE: Just got my iPad! (4/10/2010 8:10:34 PM)

Hmmm - we wouldn't be talking about a naval wargame that involves ships, er, boats in WWII that happen to submerge to about 250ft, er meters, would we? It will be the first game I've boycotted solely because of drm (and what sounds like a lousy simulation as well).

Motomouse -> RE: Just got my iPad! (4/10/2010 9:27:21 PM)

No I was talking about a different one, but I don´t buy the one with the submerged boats for the same reasons. (Although I played the earlier parts of the series). But I was actually talking about two naval simulations. (No the name is not "Remote Canons" it was something like "Distant ..."). And the creators of the realtime strategy one got their DRM servers hacked recently.)

I miss the software, but I enjoy the plus time I don´t need to solve unnecessary problems anymore. But no grief! It will take same time but (unreasonable) DRM will kill itself [8D].

jomni -> RE: Just got my iPad! (4/11/2010 1:48:10 AM)



And the market is flooded with grognard-level games on other PHONE platforms? Gimme a break.

As for the ipad - it would make a great platform for those kinds of games. I wouldn't hold your breath though for any titles coming out. These guys are lucky to sell 10000 copies on the PC platform . . .

You're right. Come to think of it, mobile apps are cheap. Developers won't make so much from a highly-limited grognard fan base. I own a Windows Mobile phone and there's no serious wargame to play with. Anyway, I'm just stating my requirements for mobile computing. So looks like I'll settle for a netbook at that price range.

Crimguy -> RE: Just got my iPad! (4/11/2010 3:07:19 PM)

Just to show I'm not a total fanboy, I just read something that everyone here should be concerned about regarding Apple. Apparently they are limiting the tools you can use to develop software on the iphone platform, which in my eyes is nothing more than a power play to prevent killer apps from appearing on both the iphone and, say, Windows Mobile 7 or Android:

This is pretty bad stuff. Unfortunately I don't expect Jobs to back down. He's too much of a control freak.

He could also drive devs away from the apple platforms. Nice move.

ilovestrategy -> RE: Just got my iPad! (4/12/2010 6:30:09 AM)



The iPhone is not just an overpriced and stylish cell phone, but a computer for the shirt pocket. Once you got one, you wonder how you could live without it for so long.

I'm usually in the boat with Apple haters, but this device it the most versatile tool I ever acquired.

I've been using them ever since they came out. I use that thing every day. *hugs iphone*

As for as the ipad goes, I bought a $500 laptop that plays Lord of the Rings Online(which is a graphics intensive game) with no lag, big hard drive, multi tasks for basically the same price as the ipad.

Too bad that my commanding officer(AKA The Dear Wife) took it so she can play Farm Ville on Face Book! [:(]

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