Zemke -> RE: B-29... good investment or waste of money? (4/14/2010 7:05:14 PM)
Boeing built the first prototype in 1939, according to their web site. This tells me the US Army was looking ahead at several things, (1) A replacement bomber for the B-17 and B-24, (2) IF England fell, a way to strike Europe from North America. Like most weapons programs today, I don't think anyone really knew the true costs, and as always, proponents of a new weapons program will play up the capabilities and down play the real costs. We must also keep in mind the US Army Air Corps was focused on strategic bombing and like the RAF, thought it would be a "War Winner", (and we still have that mind set today, but that is another conversation). Anyway, as a US Army Officer, I have often wished the Army had it's own tactical air support like the Marines, as the USAF focus today is still NOT tactical air, but 200 million dollar fighters (F-22) with no one to shoot down, and 2 billion dollar B-1s being used in many cases as tactical close air support by dropping JDAMs, while the most effective close air support air craft, the A-10 is no longer even in production and is over 25 years old. Hell I would even bring back the old Sky-raiders, they could carry a huge payload, stay over the target for long periods and flew slow enough to really see what is taking place on the ground.........but I way off topic now, grinding my own person axe, sorry.