ComradeP -> RE: ATD2 Soviet AAR - no Squatter (4/23/2010 12:25:19 AM)
Turn 7 Axis: (Permanent) Soviet casualties: two Rifle Regiments of the 179th Rifle Division (they had died before and are now permanently KIA'ed), the artillery regiment of the 233rd Rifle Division, 19th Army engineer battalion, 14th Tank Division AA battalion and Motorised Rifle Regiment, two Rifle Regiments of the 152nd Rifle Division, two Tank Regiments and the AA battalion of the 18th Tank Division, a Western Front AT battalion, the artillery regiment and the recon battalion of the 127th Rifle Division, the AT battalion of the 144th Rifle Division, a 19th Army artillery regiment, the artillery of the 24th Rifle Division, a Motorised Rifle Regiment and the AT battalion of the 1st Mechanised Division, two Airborne Brigades of the 4th Airborne Corps, a Rifle Regiment of the 167th Rifle Division, a Rifle Regiment of the 148th Rifle Division, a Rifle Regiment and the engineer battalion of the 108th Rifle Division, a Rifle Regiment of the 151st Rifle Division, a Motorised Rifle Regiment, a Tank Regiment and the recon battalion of the 50th Tank Division, a Tank Regiment and the T34 battalion of the 104th Tank Division, the AA battalion of the 69th Mechanised Division, the engineer battalion of the 232nd Rifle Division, a Motorised Rifle Regiment of the 55th Tank Division, a Rifle Regiment of the 61st Rifle Division, the AT battalion of the 102nd Rifle Division, a Rifle Regiment of the 187th Rifle Division, a Rifle Regiment of the 137th Rifle Division. [image][/image] Not a lot of action in this part of the map, the Germans are killing some units that had already died once but no significant advances are being made. [image][/image] The front at Demidov is quiet aside from a counterattack. The forces retreating from Vitebsk will soon be pocketed. [image][/image] Not much happens around Orsha, but the Germans get across the Dnepr West of Smolensk and kill most of my counterattacking forces next to the German cavalry division. [image][/image] Pretty quiet, nothing special. Turn 7 Soviets: Axis casualties: 2nd Panzergruppe MG battalion, the 3rd Panzer Division Pionier battalion, the 4th Panzer Division Pionier battalion, a Panzer battalion of the 10th Panzer Division is now KIA'd for the rest of the game, 12th Panzer Division recon and Pionier battalions, 20th Panzer Division's light FlaK battalion, 20th Motorised Division recon battalion and artillery regiment, 137th Infantry Division Infantry Regiment and recon battalion, 5th Corps Pionier battalion, 3rd Panzer Division Panzer battalion, 10th Motorised Division Motorised Infantry Regiment, Das Reich's Deutschland Regiment, 17th Panzer Panzer Grenadier regiment. [image][/image] Soviet forces counterattack, almost killing an HQ in Velizh. The counterattacking forces are exposed, but the damage to German forces in the area is pretty bad. [image][/image] The forces withdrawing from Vitebsk are trying to evade being pocketed, but their rear guard is too weak to stop the pocket from forming. Luckily, they're in the middle of a marsh so they probably won't be crushed in a single turn. Many of the forces that crossed the Dnepr West of Smolensk are dead or forced to move across the river again. Sadly, the recon units are still there and there's a German pontoon unit on the Southern bank. I knew he'd bridge the river on turn 8 if I didn't kill them, but I couldn't so he bridged the river and hit the forces in the area hard. [image][/image] Some counterattacks, nothing too special. South of the screenshot's edge Soviet forces killed an infantry regiment and another battalion.