janh -> RE: Differences between WitE && WiR (4/17/2010 5:20:06 PM)
Ok, I see people discuss heritage, but I'd like to know now what it is about the new WitE, how it differs from any possible predecessor (i.e. what new/more features, functions etc I get and which I loose if I decide to switch). I'd like to know what I can really expect if I buy in, without being disappointed by say "having expected loads of new possibilities or a world different AI from WiR". So I'll try to summarize what I have gathered here, but please correct me if I have misunderstood any of the information in the various threads: To me WitE looks very much like the game core of WiR, with some differences but otherwise mostly similarities (kinda like comparing one version of Windows to another). In its core, it is still a campaign game on the operational/strategic level focusing purely on the Eastern Front. The map is more detailed (10mile quantization), but not larger in sense of extending to Murmansk (Europe, or Africa etc). Rail functionality is now more obvious with repair units. Rail heads and an abstract "motor park" for supply are clearly a new feature. Rivers seems to make a more measurable difference (giving rise to "crossings and bridgeheads", that appear in many war books as long discussions). Naval warfare remains abstracted. "Airfield type HQs" have been added as another feature. AI seems to be a lot stronger judging from the two AARs so far (which is the main "upgrade" that I see here, and the one worth by far the most to me). On the other hand, many old functions are apparently gone: Production is abstracted and can't be influenced directly; the role of the USAAF bombings is gone and included in resource production (not a real loss here); the italian and western fronts are gone, but units withdraw by historical timelines and you seemingly can delay the war in africa or france anymore by stripping your own units; And finally answering my own questions from the Q&A thread, it seems that unlike WiTP you cannot influence in technology progress here; resources are present in abstract fashion, including oil. Regarding moddability, I am not very sure, but I saw a unit/TOE editor screen, and some mention that initial targets of units can possibly be scripted. So map seems out of question, as adding new unit types ("ships"), or dynamic scripting of AI functions etc. And adding the full European theater (France, Africa) as well as getting the AI to cope with 3 fronts (in essence modding it to a WITP counterpart). So, how much did I gather correctly here? I think if the AI holds up to real standards and isn't just another PBEM preparation tool, this game may be quite promising, one of the highlights of this year. Particularly if there would be in-depth modding support added later (map, AI etc).