Resuply ships (Full Version)

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Joubarbe -> Resuply ships (4/16/2010 1:25:00 AM)


Advisors harass me to build resupply ships but when I build one, my ships don't seem to use it. I order them "refuel at nearest point" but they choose planets instead of the resupply ships. This is very annoying because a resupply ship in a big offensive fleet would be a great advantage.
Is there a problem or a concept that I don't understand ?

FerretStyle -> RE: Resuply ships (4/16/2010 2:23:03 AM)

Resupply ships need to be deployed at a gas giant, and the appropriate type of gas needs to be present for them to be useful once deployed.

Wade1000 -> RE: Resuply ships (4/16/2010 2:29:02 AM)

Your fleet will refuel at resupply ships at your fleet if said resupply ship cargo has the appropriate fuel for the reactors of said fleet.

HsojVvad -> RE: Resuply ships (4/16/2010 3:14:09 AM)

It took me a bit to realize when Resuply ships are made, they are empty and you have to order them to fill up. To bad there isn't an automated order to tell the resupply ship to deploy and fill up with a certian type of fuel.

martok -> RE: Resuply ships (4/16/2010 5:06:19 AM)



It took me a bit to realize when Resuply ships are made, they are empty and you have to order them to fill up. To bad there isn't an automated order to tell the resupply ship to deploy and fill up with a certian type of fuel.

Sounds like something to add to the wishlist! I'll go do that now. [:)]

Ranbir -> RE: Resuply ships (4/16/2010 9:18:07 AM)

I remember I once sent one to a frozen gas giant, didn't work out well! Took me a while to realise why my ships weren't docking for fuel!

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