RE: Johan of Paradox basically says Western Civilization games are a joke (Full Version)

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Anthropoid -> RE: Johan of Paradox basically says Western Civilization games are a joke (4/18/2010 12:35:07 PM)

Of course you WCS and Matrix guys know I LOVE you guys, and your games. But I also happen to love some of Johan's and Paradox' games . . . does that make me a game slut? [:D] If so, okay whatever.

Never bought HOI3. Didn't buy my first Paradox title until last fall and in quick succession I got: EU Complete, EU HTT, EU Rome Gold, Crusader Kings + Deus Vult, Victoria Complete, then Arsenal of Democracy. About one Paradox game per month for the last six months.

I like all those games a lot and I've been impressed with the community and devs for all those games. Now granted, I came along LONG after most all those games (except AOD) were long post release and had lots of patches, etc., and I have avoided the one game that has had the most problem (HOI3). It is true that AOD still needs some balancing: at present it seems armor is overpowered; but overall the game works well. The other consistent critique I could make of Paradox is that they do a poor (you could say very poor) job with getting the feel for naval right. Naval just feels wrong in their games. It is a bit better in AOD, but still not quite right.

Now as to this "tactical in a strategy game" is a joke thing. I know that you WCS guys know me, and so I'll be completely honest: the two-level tactical-strategic part of FoF and Crown of Glory is simultaneously one of this engines greatest fundamental across-the-board strengths, but also unfortunately, in the long-run of gamer-learning curve and replayability, one of the engines weaknesses. I'm afraid this is just simply a reflection on how 'stupid' "artificial intelligence" algorithms are at this stage. I played FoF for a LONG time before I'd say I "mastered it" and I loved the game. I had a great deal of fun with the game, including the tactical part. But the AI just never learned (unlike me or you guys) and as a consequence, in the long-run the tactical part of the game became more and more of an 'exploit' than an integral part of the decision-making challenge process.

In short, WCS must be given the highest accolades for having taken this incredibly innovative step to incorporate tac with strat, and having achieved such a high level of success with it that Grogs (many of them anyway) and quite possibly other gamer types, get a LOT of enjoyment out of the design innovation.

But this is not to say that the Tac + Strat engine that you guys have developed is at this stage fully realized. It is still nascent. I'm not the only one of us here at Matrix whom I seen express this same sentiment. I've seen some guys express in very eloquent ways how they think that focusing on refinements to the Tac part of the engine could benefit the design tremendously, and I agree with a lot of those ideas. This is not the same as saying that "Tac + Grand Strat is a 'joke'" and dispelling the innovation entirely.

It is ironic that for such a highly intelligent and creative bunch we gamers (as a population) seem to tend toward these highly-opinionated polar standpoints. I think perhaps it is because our greatest fear is that we are not really as good at what we love to do as we think we are: learn and understand complex ecological processes (CEP). When we encounter another vision of how to represent a CEP, we sometimes recoil in fear, as I think Johan is doing (unconsciously) when he calls it a 'joke.' He is right in the sense that it makes the game much more exploitable, but that is not the same as making it into a 'joke.' There are LOTS of intrinsic features to computer games that make them 'exploitable' (restarts, editors, text and other database files) which a player can easily take advantage of to spoil the simulation, but we don't tend to think of those as exploits but rather as cheats. Likewise, you can think of the 'exploits' that you can engage in in the Tac battles in FoF or CoGEE as being 'cheats' of a kind. Play out your battles with some well-defined boundaries for how you will use your Brigades and the Tac battles are much less exploitable than if you simply maximize your God-like control.

I like to encourage innovation, and I see the Tac + Grand Strategy as being an innovation. During the early phases of innovations, they frequently do not work up to their potential, but without encouragement they may never develop to the point that they do. A poignant example of this was Ageod's WWI: there was great deal of innovation in that game, so despite the fact that it was so frustratingly painful to play it (even 4 months after initial release) I never ranted against it and tried my best to offer constructive feedback to Calvinus and the Ageod community. This does not mean I'm going to pay another $40 for a very large patch to have a properly oriented map and a game that actually works . . . well, MAYBE if I start to hear about how great it is after it has been out for a while . . . after all a slut just can't help hisself [:D]

ADDIT: just to comment to a bit more here, sense I pick up a bit of anti-Paradox in this thread [:D]


Also I'm not certain as I've only played HoI but aren't all their games the same??? are they bashing an engine to death?? Isn't it a case of lets use the EU engine for a game covering the victorian era....

Based on my (highly-selective) experience with the Paradox games I've bought as described above I would say no, this is not the case.

The basic mechanics of the EU engine are indeed visibly the basis for all their games that I've played. But the list of the titles I have bought takes that engine and morphs it into rather distinctive flavors. Crusader Kings DV (which is now quite old and needs to have an expansion) is much more about dynasties, characters, and a Medieval flavor. Certainly not a 'perfect' game, but then which one is. Rome is similar to CKDV. Victoria Revolutions (quite possibly my favorite game of all time) takes the basic EU engine and does the best job I have ever seen of simulating the importance of social class/demographic changes (growth of a middle class and consumer markets) ideological clashes and industrialization in 19th century history. It is one of the HARDEST games I have ever tried to learn, and it was only sheer doggedness that kept me from just quitting it and relegating it to the neglected pile. But once I started to figure out the trade engine and how the scripted events worked into, I had many many evenings of fun with it.

For me as a game slut who just wants to have the most fun, my strategy with Paradox is just simply not not buy something for about six months or a year after it is released and I can see by the dialogue on the forums that their patches seemed to have actually got it into good working order. I bought AOD right after release and I'm not totally upset that I did, but I can see that they do tend to release their games in a fairly early stage. If they make money (which it would seem they are doing) and their business is growing, who can blame them?

Fishman -> RE: Johan of Paradox basically says Western Civilization games are a joke (4/18/2010 12:59:24 PM)


ORIGINAL: JudgeDredd

Well we can disagree. I don't think it's a valid point. I suspect the people who would like a strategy game to go down to the tactical level are not expecting divisions to be mimicked. They are simply looking for a way to "get into" the battle and have some control over it.
Well, obviously, but that's clearly his point of view, and it's a legitimate point.


ORIGINAL: JudgeDredd

Rightly or wrongly, he said that and then proceeded to make one of the single most disastrous releases of any game I can recall being part of.
Does Paradox ever make a game that ISN'T a train wreck on release?

bbmike -> RE: Johan of Paradox basically says Western Civilization games are a joke (4/18/2010 1:10:39 PM)

I have no problem with Paradox games. I own a few of them myself. I can't wait for Victoria 2 to come out! But I think Hard Sarge was on track in his earlier post. Glass houses and all that rot. [;)]

JudgeDredd -> RE: Johan of Paradox basically says Western Civilization games are a joke (4/18/2010 2:06:18 PM)

I will most definitely hold off on future purchases from Paradox. I will never again pay full price for their products...they're simply not worth it.

Ron -> RE: Johan of Paradox basically says Western Civilization games are a joke (4/18/2010 3:53:30 PM)

This is kind of funny; the OP completely misquotes and misrepresents the context of the interview and the peanut gallery chimes in on cue! I agree with Anthropoid (excellent post btw), for supposedly intelligent wargamers to act like a typical talk-show audience seems a Paradox.

Paradox makes qualities games, perhaps not HOI 3 (yet!), as does WCS, partisanship can't deny that. I personally have played and enjoyed immensely products from both companies. I tend to agree with Fishman however, at a certain point the Strategic/Tactical games tend to breakdown because of the mismatch in scale and become poorer because of it. Games like X-Com and Jagged Alliance worked because they are at heart a tactical game with a light strategic layer; Imperialism I and II worked because they are a strategic game with a more simplistic tactical part. CoG/FoF/ and CoGEE are really two games in one, strategic and tactical, and both need to be very good without the flaws becoming too apparent. For me, as Anthropoid suggested, this aspect is both its strength and its weakness. There is a schism when switching between the two, and this is not even considering the lacklustre AI in the tactical battles which very quickly becomes an exploit with which the strategic aspect of the game can neither cope with or overcome. It's not surprising then that WCS will be releasing a standalone game covering the tactical part by itself. For all the clamour for a strategic/tactical mix, and I am one also at times, I fully realize as well a focused design is usually the better game and the ones that can pull off a mixture of the two seem to be the holy grail of wargaming.

jackx -> RE: Johan of Paradox basically says Western Civilization games are a joke (4/18/2010 4:41:41 PM)

If he was talking about technical and design difficulties in implementing fluid (seamless?) and true-to-scale transition between (grand) strategy, operational and tactical, particular in a RT enviromnet, he'd probably have made a valid point.

And, of course, by implementing the tactical level, if you're splitting hairs (which seems to be the foundation of a lot of internet debate :D), you no longer have a (pure) "strategy" game, so in a way, it is ruined/made into a joke... ;x

However, for me, what this blown-up argument really comes down to is some people liking and other people disliking tactical battles in a larger framework, and going out of their way to prove their preference "superior" by way of ridiculous argument. This isn't about accurate simulation, where factual discussion might be possible, it's just personal preference in the choice of entertainment...

(Company policies regarding patches/full-price-upgrades etc. is something else, but I don't see how (dis)satisfaction with a business model influences what one likes... it might influence what one plays, but that choice then doesn't need to be afterwards justified by bashing game design when the really contentious issue is elsewhere...)

V22 Osprey -> RE: Johan of Paradox basically says Western Civilization games are a joke (4/18/2010 7:07:59 PM)

When a strategy game has Tactical combat elements, the scale doesn't breakdown. It only breaks down in the total war series because think about it - The total war series is full of fancy graphics. They had to scale down the armies otherwise you would need the biggest beast of a computer to run it. Do you really think your computer can handle 100,000 men each with thousands of polygons with each of their own movement? Please.[8|]

If you look at WCS games, armies are still the proper size. Look at this AAR:

Notice this battle has what? nearly a million troops in a tactical battle? WCS are definitely able to keep the grand strategic scale from breaking down even with tactical battles.

bbmike -> RE: Johan of Paradox basically says Western Civilization games are a joke (4/18/2010 7:29:22 PM)


...and the peanut gallery chimes in on cue!


RyanCrierie -> RE: Johan of Paradox basically says Western Civilization games are a joke (4/18/2010 9:14:08 PM)

Games which Mix Strategy and Tactical Combat?

X-Com Series?
Jagged Alliance Series?
The Total War Series (They do it surprisingly well; just ignore historical inaccuracies)
Forge of Freedom (by Matrix and Western Civ Games)
Crown of Glory (by Matrix and Western Civ Games)
Master of Orion Series? (We will ignore MOO3)
Master of Magic
Heroes of Might and Magic Series (We will ignore the later ones)

So yeah, you can mix the two. You just need it to be TURN BASED for the strategy section, rather than pausable real time.

Arctic Blast -> RE: Johan of Paradox basically says Western Civilization games are a joke (4/18/2010 9:33:16 PM)

Are games that mix the two elements necessarily a joke? No. Are they rare? Yes. Why? It's hard to pull off in a way that doesn't result in a total disaster.

Ryan : I'm curious as to why would such a game NEED the strategic layer to be turn based? Just because one with a real time strategic and real time tactical engine hasn't been made yet doesn't mean it's impossible.

Also :

This is kind of funny; the OP completely misquotes and misrepresents the context of the interview and the peanut gallery chimes in on cue! I agree with Anthropoid (excellent post btw), for supposedly intelligent wargamers to act like a typical talk-show audience seems a Paradox.

The title of this thread was most definitely both incredibly misleading and needlessly sensationalistic. As for the reactions of other posters, I suspect that's a bit based on the fact that Johan has seemed to be a bit sensationalistic as of late, too.

RyanCrierie -> RE: Johan of Paradox basically says Western Civilization games are a joke (4/18/2010 9:57:37 PM)


Ryan : I'm curious as to why would such a game NEED the strategic layer to be turn based? Just because one with a real time strategic and real time tactical engine hasn't been made yet doesn't mean it's impossible.

Well, just about everything has a multiplayer backend to it now. It's just a lot easier to mix strategic and tactical combat in multiplayer if everything is turn based -- especially if more than two players are in the game.

bairdlander2 -> RE: Johan of Paradox basically says Western Civilization games are a joke (4/19/2010 12:10:29 AM)

I find some of the posters here funny the fact they hate PI so much but seem to own,play the games they pass judgment on.If I hated a publisher or developer that much i simply wouldnt purchase their products.I still think Johan was rsponding to the question re tactical games like Achtung Panzer elements being put into HOI series.Who cares.

Erik Rutins -> RE: Johan of Paradox basically says Western Civilization games are a joke (4/19/2010 2:04:42 AM)

Ok guys, I've asked before that we please not bash other developers or publishers here. Constructive criticism is fine, but I feel like we've been seeing a few too many threads lately that are largely just filled with criticism, rather than constructive criticism. Johan did not attack WCS or us, he made a statement of opinion (his own game design philosophy, I guess). You can disagree with it (as I do) without turning it into a Paradox vs. Matrix thing. Wargaming is a small enough niche, let's try a bit harder to get along.

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