Japenese Carrier Planes (Full Version)

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perkinh -> Japenese Carrier Planes (4/20/2010 3:25:19 PM)

Where the heck do you get enough planes to fill out the Japenese Carriers? They can carry more than i can find, so i know i am missing something as a newer player, but where are the dang planes.

Terminus -> RE: Japenese Carrier Planes (4/20/2010 3:33:03 PM)

They're not there. No Jap aircraft carrier EVER fielded a maximum-size air group for any operation, from Pearl Harbor forward. Not once.

Athius -> RE: Japenese Carrier Planes (4/20/2010 3:59:33 PM)

Use "resize to fit ship" to increase the size of your carrier airgroups

jetjockey -> RE: Japenese Carrier Planes (4/20/2010 4:26:31 PM)

You build them! [X(] This is the "Game within the Game!" You can increase the size of any of your factories; but beware! There is a delicate balance to be maintained. Each acft requires one, two, or four engines, (increase your Mavis production by one and you will need to increase the engine factory by four) and each change costs supplies, manpower, and/or HI. And each point of manpower used is now unavailable to hold a rifle, but if you don't build rifles... Expand your navy too much, and your air suffers. Expand your air too much and your navy suffers. Etc.

Small to moderate changes done every month or so seems best. Large changes should be generally avoided, but there are probably more opinions on this subject than there are posters to this blog. [&:]

Remember, the choices you make early will affect how you fight late. Have Fun! [:D]

Q-Ball -> RE: Japenese Carrier Planes (4/20/2010 7:00:26 PM)

Maybe he's talking about the CVEs, or CVLs that come without airgroups.

perkinh -> RE: Japenese Carrier Planes (4/21/2010 4:08:11 AM)

Thanks for the replies...i really was wondering how to fill out the carrier groups and carry full loads. The Marines on the ally side give you some options, but the Japenese dont have that i guess. The CVE's are whole different fustration, and i would really apreciate Q if you could give some advice on how to handle the CVE situation. I hate sending out a carrier that can carry 81 planes with just 65 aboard.

Nomad -> RE: Japenese Carrier Planes (4/21/2010 4:52:24 AM)



Thanks for the replies...i really was wondering how to fill out the carrier groups and carry full loads. The Marines on the ally side give you some options, but the Japenese dont have that i guess. The CVE's are whole different fustration, and i would really apreciate Q if you could give some advice on how to handle the CVE situation. I hate sending out a carrier that can carry 81 planes with just 65 aboard.

Read the info in this thread and see how to resize your air groups as Japan.

wdolson -> RE: Japenese Carrier Planes (4/21/2010 12:29:13 PM)

Japan does get a lot of land based Zero units (or units that can convert to Zeros).  There are also a couple of other land based units that can fly carrier capable aircraft.  Building enough to fill out the carrier units takes some effort as noted above.

In the real world, Japanese CVEs were mostly used for plane ferries, though I think most Japanese players just fly their units from place to place.


Q-Ball -> RE: Japenese Carrier Planes (4/21/2010 5:07:15 PM)

I don't have a solid answer on how to use the CVEs. Some players use them for ASW, but I am not big on that. I usually use them to trail KB; they can either throw up some fighters for LRCAP over KB, or provide a platform for pilots to land in the event of disaster. You might pair them with a slow Baby KB for extra punch.

As wdolson says, the one thing you don't need them for is aircraft ferry

Dili -> RE: Japenese Carrier Planes (4/21/2010 6:07:25 PM)

It is good when by default there aren't whole squadrons lost and dropping into the sea...[:'(]

perkinh -> RE: Japenese Carrier Planes (4/24/2010 3:41:51 AM)

Thank you for the help folks. I read the posts on how to increase unit size...that is a real eye opener. A 64 plane unit to split up, fills a lot of empty slots.

John 3rd -> RE: Japenese Carrier Planes (4/24/2010 4:17:47 AM)

My Allie in our 2x2 keeps telling me something about a game within the game (economics). Have no idea what he is talking about! I demand a Daitai of Fighters and they simply appear. RIGHT?

xj900uk -> RE: Japenese Carrier Planes (4/27/2010 12:33:06 PM)

Well I've put a small Daitai of 9 Claudes on the Taiho and they won't expand - been there for a month now even though they are set to 'resize to fit ship'

d0mbo -> RE: Japenese Carrier Planes (4/27/2010 12:40:04 PM)

Did you form a carrier TF with Taiho, fly in the planes, and then disband the ship into port?

should be resized the next turn.


xj900uk -> RE: Japenese Carrier Planes (4/27/2010 1:03:42 PM)

Still sitting in port as a carrier TF... planes are still on deck from when I flew them in...

d0mbo -> RE: Japenese Carrier Planes (4/27/2010 1:52:06 PM)

Disband, end turn, and presto.

erstad -> RE: Japenese Carrier Planes (4/28/2010 12:16:13 AM)



Disband, end turn, and presto.

Shouldn't even need the end turn. In my experience, the resize occurs at the time of disband.

Swenslim -> RE: Japenese Carrier Planes (4/28/2010 6:22:27 AM)

CVE are important ships. I use them all (exept Hosho) as training grounds for carrier pilots, you have few tiny 3 planes Babel torpedo bomber units and Val units that can be stationed there and expanded (by button - set to fit ship). There you can train noob pilots to good 50-60 expirience and 70 skills dive bomber and torpedo bomber pilots.

RUDOLF -> RE: Japenese Carrier Planes (5/1/2010 1:12:42 AM)


ORIGINAL: Terminus

They're not there. No Jap aircraft carrier EVER fielded a maximum-size air group for any operation, from Pearl Harbor forward. Not once.

hmm.. why not?

Tone -> RE: Japenese Carrier Planes (5/1/2010 3:24:17 AM)

It was mess. At start of war industry had stopped to product Type 97 B5N2 attack bomber. you call Kate. to build of new Tenzan attack bomber. but had no product of yet at war start.
Also Type 99 D3A1 dive bomber. you call Val. product of was changing to new Model 13 D4Y1 dive bomber . you call Judy. but was only production prototype aircrafts. Thank you.

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