Spooky -> Help : UV Strategy Guide / FAQ (7/20/2002 7:43:50 AM)
Hello In order to help the UV newbies ... or even not the newbies :D, I think it would be interesting to create some kind of UV strategy guide/FAQ. However, it could only exist if we can merge all the tips & tricks of the most experienced players of the UV Community. So if experienced UV players like Dgaad, Mogami, U2, Sonny, Brisd, Sabre21, Didz ... and all the others could share their tactics & strategy (or at least some of them ;)) in this thread - we could begin a very useful doc. Some of the aspects would be : - ASW strategy - Sub strategy - Mining strategy (Dgaad ?) - Japanese strategy in May 42 - US Strategy in May 42 - What are the factors for a successful invasion - ... And of course all the UV tips & tricks Thanks for your help Spooky