Kaio23 -> Omaha Beach: My first succesful Scenario (7/22/2002 2:08:37 AM)
I usually don't go all the way through some scenarios, but Omaha Beach really got me compelled. THis is sort of a short-walk through of what happened, since I didn't think I was really going to get to the end. First, I set up some artillery strikes on various possible bunker positions, and some air strikes on Colleville, and Vierville. I sent the most forces to Dog Green, which had it's easiest way inland. Charlie sector, however, was supressed and suffered the most casualties, and was the second last up the beach. Dog Red got some resistance, nothing too shabby, and Fox Red was on the beach the longest, but eventually got up and easily captured the town. Vierville was captured second, after 5 turns, and then Saint Maurins. Colleville was one of the most interesting aspects of the scenario. After much fighting and bunker destruction, I had finally reached the core of colleville...however, when I was half-way up on the rest of the town, the game ended at about turn 28-31. Although the casualties were 452 on my side, and the germans 934, they still displayed it as a draw. Sometimes I don't get this game, any ideas why the game thinks it's a draw?