lostsm -> RE: Different size galaxies, what do you think? (4/29/2010 8:55:35 PM)
ORIGINAL: Davor I am just wundering, what people think in the size of the galaxy. I don't mean star density, but the actual size. It's bascially 10X10 squares. I would like to have some on a smaller scale, like 5X5 or 7X7. I like playing on a 100 star map, but I just find 10X10 is too big sometimes. I would like to have it on a smaller scale. Then I got thinking, do people want it bigger? maybe on a scale of 15X15 or even a 100X100? [X(] I don't like how every game is played on 10X10, but only the star density changes. I really would like in an expansion or what not if this will be able to change. (yes I already put this in the wish list thread. [:)]) i would love a smaller map as well. i use to play botf and in that game I loved small maps. in DW though 100 stars just doesn't feel right on the 10x10 grid, but 250 stars fits the bill, at least in a ring galaxy it would be nice to have a grid size selection, 5x5, 10x10, etc. I don't know about 25x25 (sounds really big!)