An ammunition Collier / supply ship is nothing more than a refeuling point essentially.
If the computer understands refueling it could easily be made to understand reloading. (with a higher safety margin probably)
Aurora is the only "game" / "VB-spreadsheet" that has this functionality as far as I know but it would be great to see in DW as well.
This could for example show the distinct difference between ammunition based and energy based weapons (if introduced)
-Ammunition based weaponry relies on supply delivery of ammo. (collier ships)
-Energy based weaponry rely on fuel / energy and thus delivery of fuel. (refueling / tanker ships)
It would add strategy as well as racial / tech path distinction to the Universe.
Do you focus on ammunition or energy based weaponry?
Distinctions could be:
- - - - - - - - -Ammuntion - - - - - - - Energy
Fire-Rate + (-) - (+) :Rate of Fire is usually an ammunition based advantage; some weapon forms differ. (pules, rail gun etc..)
req-ammo + - :Ammo requirement to fight
req-fuel - + :Energy / fuel requirement to fight
Range - (+) + (-) :Range is usually an energy based advantage; though some weapons differ. (rail gun +, pulse laser (-))
Speed - + :Projectile / Beam Speed is (? usually?) an Energy based advantage.
Damage + (-) - (+) :Overal Damage per second is usually a projectile based advantage. Some weapons differ. (rail gun +, pulse laser (-))
Accuracy - (+) + (-) :Accuracy over vast distances is an Energy based advantage. Some weapons differ. (Missiles, guided ammunition +, pulse laser (-))
How would the AI handle this?
Well there would be several weapon types & strategies that the AI would have to incorporate in its ship design and strategic / tactical decisions.
- An energy based combat vessel is by default (long) ranged and thus prefers to keep its distance.
- A Projectile based combat vessel is by default medium ranged and prefers to close in because close distances vastly increase accuracy when using Projectile based weapons.
- Guided Projectiles negate accuracy & range malus on guns.
- Energy based warfare is fuel / power intensive. Fuel for maneuvering & fighting is limited. Refueling ships a nessesity. (tankers?)
- Projectile based warfare is ammunition intensive. Ammunition must be supplied
- Projectile storage is more efficient that fuel storage for weapons consumption.
Thus this would allow us to conclude:
Energy based weaponry is more Expensive but (usually) confers a range and accuracy advantage.
Projectile based weaponry is cheap but (usually) confers a Rate of Fire and damage advantage.
Which also implies that if Fighters are introduced:
- Energy based bombers are very effective if they can keep range.
- Projectile based fighters / interceptors are very effecive because they have RoF & damage. (need to get close though)
- Energy based point defense is not as effective as projectile based point defense versus many fighters / swarms of missiles. (Rate of Fire & medium range VS slow, accurate & high range)
I'd love to see the combat system deepened somehow.
Just giving an idea!