Curtis Lemay -> RE: Deadline! (7/21/2010 3:06:00 PM)
The Word Doc is 554K; zipped it's 401K The RTF is 8,655K The PDF is 609K The attachment allowances for the various sub-forums (for me) are: Main: 200K; gif/txt/jpg Scenario Design: 250K; gif/txt/jpg/zip War Room: 200K; gif/txt/jpg Opponents Wanted: 200K; gif/txt/jpg AAR: 500K; gif/txt/jpg/png Tech: 200K; gif/txt/jpg/zip So, the only sub-forum the zip file (only) would fit on would be the AAR forum but that one doesn't allow .zip. I could edit the file type to .txt and ask users to change it back to .zip, of course. But, let's see if Ralph or James will do it right for us before resorting to that.