RE: now waw 6t (Full Version)

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bwheatley -> RE: now waw 6t (5/21/2010 7:02:40 PM)

War has started screenies coming.

bwheatley -> RE: now waw 6t (5/21/2010 7:23:36 PM)

War has been declared

Navy Deployment

We launched a 3 LBII air attack aganist the bridges around berlin but ran into 5 flak. Didn't lose any LB's but it was a close call.

bwheatley -> Opening of blitz into franch (5/21/2010 8:17:07 PM)

Today a horrendous blitz overtook the people of france. The english have guaranteed that they will stand by france who has also said they will never surrender to the germans.
But with in a month the nazi's are on the outskirts of paris. The french know their time is almost up even though they are prepared for war they have shipped out a few cadres of french military units to form the new french army once paris falls. People realize paris is going to fall but they will return.

I had played the no vichy card so my units were at full readiness but they still could not put a dent into the german war machine. I evaced some units to britian as well as malta and north africa. A few air attacks and counter attacks have killed some troops which is a small pittance.

Air Attack outside calasis aganist an SS Panzer Division

A ground suicidal attack against the same ss panzer division

Royal Navy AF got it's butt handed to them.

Maginot line troops counter attacked the south flank of the german advance

Asia deployments

If there is anything you guys want to see let me know.

bwheatley -> RE: Opening of blitz into franch (5/25/2010 3:26:39 PM)

Ok got the next turn lets see what germany had in store for me. I played the no vichy card so hopefully that will throw a wrench in his works. Screenies to come.

bwheatley -> France falls (5/25/2010 3:59:48 PM)

Start of the turn

Japan and China Wake

Boston is online

My navy holds their own against the german subs. Go boys!

Escape route cut. It looks like i've gotten out all the french units i will.

Destroyers get hit by some lucky arty and sunk

My navy has killed some supply and units going to norway that probably won't last now they they captured the production. I have to assess when i want to take bergen. I need to take it to at least help out the soviets. But right now Level bombers and fighter 2 air superiority are on my radar.

Killing his subs 1 & 2

We tried to isolate luxemburg from berlin and we almost succeeded.

German Coastal Defenses

Turn's gone to grumpy mel so hopefully he will update this aar too.

GrumpyMel -> RE: France falls (5/26/2010 3:46:48 AM)

June 1940, China.

Little news to report, as we are still in a cold war with Japan. We withdraw our forces from the more vulnerable positions on the coast to more defensible ground. We also setup production priorties, building mostly conscripts and mg's as this should be a good defensive mix. Will post pic's in a turn or two, when there is something interesting to look at.

bwheatley -> RE: France falls (5/27/2010 1:18:03 AM)

Start of the turn.

As we said the france will always remain a valuable ally and we shall fight by her side forever

When we tried to hit hamburg with some of our bombers we lost a staggering amount of planes. Ouch. Coastal Defense is a real killer

As you can see in our naval layout we're still blocking the open waterways from the german subs. We must protect our supply lines
We have been pushing out 2 DDII per turn. Along with 3 fighter 2 and 2 LBII.

Our med fleet has already started to abuse the poor ities in NA. If the germans do try to transfer anything i have a pretty nice AS presence in malta. Along with a nice assortment of troops and anti-air assets to deter invasion.

GrumpyMel -> RE: France falls (5/27/2010 3:34:12 AM)

July 1940 China,

The quiet before the storm. We are preparing for the inevitable Japanese offensive. We are building defensive troops, mostly conscripts and MG's and are preparing a defensive line inland. China's goal is simple, survive. This shouldn't be too difficult with the numbers of troops we can put into the field. The thing we have to make sure is to not allow Japan to knock out too many of our forces quickly and then steam-roll into our production centers. We want a war of attrition instead. This is why we pick defensible ground to make our stand. You can see our proposed defensive lines pictured below. Most of these positions should by in Flak range of our stationary AA as well.


bwheatley -> RE: France falls (5/28/2010 9:05:20 PM)

In this last turn the german navy tried to get out into the open sea but i hunted them down. My LB2 are still struggling to dent the production of the reich. We lost 3 bombers today.


My fleet after sinking his subs

GrumpyMel -> RE: France falls (6/1/2010 4:33:01 AM)

September 1940, China

A Major turn for the Chinese. After having finally saved up enough PP's we purchase Guns I research and build a factory to construct these new weapons. China is fairly limited in starting techs. Guns are the most versitile as they allow SFT's that can perform roles in Anti-Air, Anti-Tank and Anti-Infantry. Since I don't know what the Japanese are going to throw at me, this seems a natural first tech choice.


bwheatley -> RE: France falls (6/5/2010 11:40:34 PM)

There is a lot going on in the allies camp. Posting pics now.

bwheatley -> RE: France falls (6/5/2010 11:48:03 PM)

First thing we sea in the North Atlantic is the nazi subs are out patrolling. Once again they are too scared to attack the royal navy. Just to be safe though we have been building 2 DDII since turn one so we have quite the blockade going. We have every extra to the main body of the atlantic locked down.

We spot some carrier air moving in position to attack our other destroyer blockades

So we decide lets hit him. forgetting our new Fighter II are 1 hex out of range :/
So the battle was less then conclusive

Then we have some scout planes run along the coast we see the nazis have 4 subs based in norway we can handle that. Then our scouts show us 5 german fighter I in Le harve. We use our 14 fighter II and we get spanked by the enemy and the flak

We have finally developed Infantry II. Hopefully that will help our expedition in north africa meet with better success.

Our adventure in north africa. We should make contact with the ities in 3-4 months. Hopefully we shall suprise them. That is my favorite part about not allowing vichy he won't see any hex ownership change so it should catch him by quite a surprise and hopefully help our russian brothers take a smaller blow to the head.

GrumpyMel -> RE: France falls (6/17/2010 5:14:47 AM)

January 1941,

The Soviet Union finally awakens to the fact that the Axis have been playing them for fools and the Molotov-Ribbentorp pact is a worthless scrap of paper. Axis forces are massed on Russia's borders and the highly motivated (it's amazing how much a few MG bursts can do to improve efficiency) workers of the Revolution ramp up efforts to produce sufficient material to protect the motherland. For now, we are safe behind a curtain of snow...but the Spring will come all too soon.

Elsewhere, Turkey feels the weight of the Axis Blitzkrieg. Although Istanbul survives the initial attack, it cannot hope to hold. In a mini imitation of Operation Dynamo, the Turks use thier last remaining cargo ship to transport thier Grand HQ and all it's supplies across the straights. Though Istanbul will surely fall within the month, Turkish forces with the salvage of supply from the city may at least be able to hold of any invasion of Asiatic Turkey for some time and thus deny the Axis passage to the Black Sea. That is the best we can reasonably hope from Turkey given her situation.

In the Far East, China continues to prepare for Japanes agression.

bwheatley -> RE: France falls (6/18/2010 2:07:09 PM)

Yea i think turkey being attacked should cause it to somehow negatively effect the axis. Maybe put a small turkish production out in the hinterland so that german if it's going to commit to take it that turkey gets enough partisans to require germany to devote enough troops to hold the territory.

In my allied turns. The axis landed in the suez but was quickly destroyed. They must be playing us for fools. In North Africa i have 250 PP of infantry i'm sure it's going to take the ities by suprise.

GrumpyMel -> RE: France falls (6/25/2010 4:32:01 AM)

Feb. 1941,

Russia desperately struggles to ramp up her industry as she hides behind a curtain of snow that will not last. We hope against hope that winter continues into March. Stavka issues the following orders for the defence of the Motherland.

- Production is to focus on Engineers who will be deployed in detachments to forward areas to blow bridges along suspected avenues of Axis advance.

- All air assets to redploy to Leningrad, where it is hoped they will be safe from Axis air attacks while still counting toward border defence totals.

- Border infantry units spam out small detachments of border guards to cover as much as the border as possible. The idea being to avoid concentrating as easy targets for Axis air and artillery strikes and force Axis units to fight for each hex they might gain to slow the advance as much as possible.

- All units in excess of those neccesary to maintain border defence totals (e.g 75% forward deployment) to redeploy to rear areas in order to avoid destruction in the initial attack. Valuable assets like HQ's and Artillery/Armor get first priorty for redployment.

It is hoped these measures will provide some measure of defence, although we know the only real defence will be time for our industries to gear up for war.

Elsewhere, Istanbul falls to Axis forces as expected. The Turks will attempt to defend mainland Turkey as long as supplies hold.

Pictured is part of our defences in Russia


Josh -> RE: France falls (6/25/2010 10:40:51 AM)

My eyes must be getting old... [:)] but I'm having difficulty reading those yellow on white words [:D]
It probably says: Engineer detachments preparing to blow bridges.

GrumpyMel -> RE: France falls (6/28/2010 12:40:46 AM)

March 1941,

The snow has ended. No attack from the Germans yet, but they are massed on the border. I'm sure the hammer will fall next turn. Due to our limited production, we only had enough engineers to blow 2 of the 6 front line bridges that we wanted. Still it is better then nothing. We have redeployed our remaining engineers, along with those newly produced to the second line of bridges so that we can blow those before the germans advance. No sense in trying for the remaining front line bridges, the germans would kill our engineers before they could be blown. We must also be carefull to keep our staffing levels up on the border. I am putting most of my forces into the Leningrad I think it's not as likely they will be destroyed there. Now, little is left except to wait for the attack.


GrumpyMel -> RE: Barbarossa Begins (7/12/2010 3:32:42 AM)

April 1941,

As expected, the Germans launched the invasion of Russia this turn. So far my strategy seems to be working. Lots of troops lost but we slowed up the Axis advance pretty well. Best yet, casualties were pretty much all infantry forces. No valuable artillery or armor units lost, we even managed to salvage some of our front line infantry forces. Will run down the Action sector by Sector.

First in the Finland Sector. The Finns with heavy artillery support attacked the Mannerheim line on thier turn and through back my garrison. However, for some reason they failed to actualy occupy the fort hex. So I moved some conscripts and other forces back in to occupy it. I also moved the Lenningrad workers brigade in and was able to repair the fortifications back to about 50%. They'll have to waste another turn bombarding/assaulting it if they want it back. This time without any combat bonus.

My biggest play of the turn was the Soviet Airforce. I had based all my planes in Leningrad, hoping to keep them safe from assault. This worked out.... as an added bonus I sent them all out in one wave to strike the Finn Artillery, knocking out 3 of 4 guns with no loss to myself. That aught to take some of the teeth out of any offensive operations from the Fins.

Elsewhere I move some troops upto my 3rd line of defense, as I expect the Germans will breach the 2nd one. I do manage, however to do a nice job of blowing bridges up in the faces of the advancing krouts...and use strategic redeployment to get most of my engineers back out of harms way.


GrumpyMel -> RE: Barbarossa Begins (7/12/2010 3:49:50 AM)

Central Sector:

Most of my forces around Minsk survive as do the armor and artillery in Lvov. These positions are too exposed though. I decide to abandon these lines and pull my troops out. Establishing new lines centered on Smolensk in the North and the Dnieper in the south. All mobile units withdraw to these and then I use my HQ's strat movement to pull back the foot units. Everyone gets out and we blow the bridges along the river lines to help protect these new positions. We'll see if we are strong enough to hold the germans for a little while here.


GrumpyMel -> RE: Barbarossa Begins (7/12/2010 4:04:29 AM)

Southern Sector:

Axis forces lacked sufficient movement to engage my troops holding the Dneister. I breifly consider trying to hold the river and force the Germans to make an opposed crossing. However these forces could be quickly flanked and cut-off by German troops advancing from Lvov. Instead I decide to withdraw them to the Dnieper and hold there instead. My engineers have blown all but the southern most bridge on the Dnieper. Hopefully I'll be able to do that before the Germans can get to it.


GrumpyMel -> RE: Barbarossa Begins (9/1/2010 7:20:02 PM)

Bwheatley had to drop, so I've taken over the West for him and am now playing them and the Soviets/China as well. The game has been continuing, though I haven't updated the AAR. However, I've recieved a request for I'm going to do a breif update... can't really promise my posts will be as detailed as before, as I'm quite busy.

Here is the situation as it stands in Oct '41.

The West: I'm trying to string together a cohesive strategy for them. This is the first time I've had to take over a game for some-one in mid-stream and I've discovered it's a bit challenging for me, as we all have our own individual play styles and it can be tough to adapt to some-one elses setup. It really starts to bring home the kind of nightmare that a change in command in real life must be like.

With the Germans not establishing Vichy, Bill had a pretty significant commitment of Western troops to western North Africa as well as Egypt. The Axis player also seemed to commit pretty heavly to the Italians in Africa as well. This is something I'm not particularly used to as I've always regarded Africa as a bit of a side-show...other then making sure to retain hold of the Suez.

However with the level of commitment to Africa that was already in seemed a shame to let it go to waste.... and Bill had a very nice setup started in Algeria and Morocco for pressuring the Italians from the West.

The It's were pushing pretty heavly on Egypt and at one point were even knocking on the doors of Alexandria. But as Bill predicted the appearance of US troops in Tunisia put a bit of a dampner on thier plans and combined with a stiffening defense in Egypt has got them into retreat mode.

The real fly in the ointment here has been the Regia Marina. The key to Africa is control of the Med... and we simply didn't start with sufficient assets in Theatre to challenge the Italians for that... which has allowed them alot more freedom of action then is healthy.

In part, I've addressed this by bringing ALL British naval assets from the Pacific and Indian Oceans into Theatre. This serves to help protect those assets from the Japanese who could simply decimate them with ease...and to begin to challenge the Axis for control of the Med.

That alone though, only brings me rough parity to the Italians...which is not good enough.... it means I could loose that fight. I needed to bring some naval assets over from England...unfortunately the ships there were in a horrible state supply I've had to rectify that first...and am only now beginning to move those assets. However with the US in the War now (yay!)... I have access to more naval assets (The Atlantic Fleet) and can draw on those resources as well.

So ships are on thier way to the Med. I think in general, Africa is turning my way. We're in a bit of a dangerous phase now because my naval groups are seperate and moving in from different directions. If the Regia Marina's timing is lucky, they could catch and engage one of these groups before they have a chance to combine and do some real damage....Once I'm able to combine them though...the Italians ambitions in the Med and hence Africa should be quickly crushed...and I can shift focus to more critical Theatres.

GrumpyMel -> RE: Barbarossa Begins (9/1/2010 7:39:13 PM)

The West, Northern Europe:

I inherited a huge bomber force in England from Bill, which I'm sure he was using to good effect [:D]. We didn't have much fighter cover in England, which had me a little concerned...but the Axis hasn't seemed to try to take advantage of it yet. The real problem was that these bombers were eating up a ton of supplies... which I needed for the navy.

What I did was moth-balled (put on zero supply) most of this force...and all other non-critical units, so I could get the navy supplied and send what I needed of them down to the Med. I've kept a smaller bomber force active, and these have enjoyed some success... hitting distant Axis production centers...and switching targets to make sure they are hitting the enemy only where the defenses have been lite.

The enemy has started reacting to this and has really started expanding his Flak defense... so I doubt this strategy will continue to work for much longer...These guys have done what they needed to though...which is draw Axis production away from the East (either through bombing it...or forcing it to be used building air defense).

Really not sure where to go with England from here. I've got the choice of stepping up air assets against an increasingly stiff defense...and trying to shift focus away from attacking production to attacking/degrading the air defense network. I think I'll really need long range fighters for that though.

The other option is to try to forgo that and rush to build up ground forces to put boots on the Continent while the Germans are still tied up in Russia. That's going to be a challenge though...until Africa is wrapped up.

GrumpyMel -> RE: Barbarossa Begins (9/1/2010 7:58:32 PM)

The West, Pacific:

The real area of concern is here. The Jap's just declared War...and they managed to hit us hard, fast and everywhere [:(]. Thier also quite close to thier VP totals...which is a real issue.

There are some bright spots though, they took an unexpected number of naval losses at Pearl Harbour... and I managed to salvage my bomber forces intact from both Hawaii and Manilla. I also haven't lost Halsey's carriers yet.

I honestly don't feel confident about my defences anywhere in the Pacific..even India is not as strong as I would like it. I'm going to have to come back at the Jap's hard and decisively... but I'm going to have to wait to do that until I've built up forces...which will take time. Until then I'm just going to have to hunker down and hope to weather the onslought as best I can.

I'm definately going to need to preserve Halsey and as much of my fleet as I can. The nice thing about the Jap losses is that they can't afford to replace them, like I can.

One thing the preservation of my bomber forces allows is the ability to bomb the resources that the Japs do capture...starving them of gaining use of supplies/resources from thier conquests. I think that will be an important issue. Though I think it also points to the need for long range fighter...for scouting and to help deal with any CAP the Japs might throw that likely should be my first focus.

GrumpyMel -> RE: Barbarossa Begins (9/1/2010 8:21:00 PM)


This an area I'm actualy feeling somewhat decently about. My strategy here from the start was to delay the german advance as much as possible and bleed them where I could.... and I think I'm begining to see the fruits of this. With Winter just around the corner, I still firmly hold the big 3... Leningrad, Moscow and well as the Caucusses.

The Germans have been advancing a pretty large force toward Lenningrad...and they are getting close to the city..but I don't think they'll have much luck against it in the Winter. In the center, I've got a firm fortified line of defense based from Smolensk through Tula...and have already rebuffed an initial German advance and caused them to withdraw.

In the South they seem stalled in Rostov and I still hold the Crimea. I've made good use of blown bridges everywhere which the germans have been slow to rebuild. Last turn I made good use of my partisans and managed to cut the lines of communication/supply between Germany and all of AGC & AGS.

Unfortunately the Krouts have been making good use of thier own Level Bombers for deep raids and my Flak, though in position...hasn't been performing well. They've done alot to isolate parts of the country and cut my own supplies. Fortunately, I at least partialy planned for this by building autonomous commands in each region and having them get and use local production. This has limited the value of the Caucusses they are all supply and not much production...but I'm doing the best to rectify the situation with engineers.

Force wise...things aren't too bad for me. I lost ALOT of forces slowing the German advance...but the vast majority of these have been cheaply built conscripts. I've managed to preserve most of my valueable, artillery, armor and air assets...and I think I may even be close to parity to the Germans in numbers of these. Unfortunately, the krouts have invested quite a bit in Tech and have a good edge there...which I'll need to address.

The good news is, is that I think I've really bled the German Army during it's air arm has been particularly valuable here. The Germans have lost a ton of armor to these..and some counter-attacks... as well as some artillery...and I think they are mostly an infantry based army at this point.

Winter should be interesting....If I can get enough supply....I may try some counter-attacks...if not at least I can strengthen my defences. I'd really like to push the Germans back a bit up North, away from Leningrad. Elsewhere I'm feeling pretty good.

The Spring of '42 will likely be critical. With the losses they've suffered so far...I'm really curious to see what depth the Germans have to thier forces.
So far, they've seemed to have pretty massive numbers...but I don't know what kind of reserves they are able to keep up.

GrumpyMel -> RE: Barbarossa Begins (9/1/2010 8:28:55 PM)


Not a huge amount of action here. The Japanese have ALOT of ground forces commited to China....and they've been making some attacks...and although they've gained some ground here and there, I'm not feeling seriously threatened. China after-all has a huge number of foot troops to call upon. I've augmented these with Artillery and some Armor from Tech's I've researched and a Factory I've built....though he hasn't given me good opportunity to utilize these yet. I'm reasonably happy with the amount of losses I've inflicted on the Japs for the territory he's gained and damage he's inflicted so far. The conflict really has just the course of it really is still up in the air. One thing to note is that he has been very carefull to maintain his garrison levels so far...and really hasn't given me much opportunity for partisan activity yet.

So all and all...things are a big question mark in this Theatre so far.

GrumpyMel -> RE: Barbarossa Begins (9/4/2010 4:42:07 AM)

Dec '41

The West: Our Naval Task Forces from Europe and the US begin to reach the Med. Italian subs seem to be going down in droves to our air groups. The Regia Marina continues to bombard/blockade Tunisia. If he stays there for a few more turns....he'll be caught by our fleets.

We start to push Westwards from Egypt... this will be a slow process, as I really need control of the Med before we can push hard the Italians still have significant forces in Africa.

Of more concern is the Pacific as the Japanes have exceeded thier VP total...and I have a scant 18 turns to stop them. Impossible from my perspective given the fact that the US is production has just come online...and is only begining to gear up. More imprtantly the US does not start with that large a Navy....and ship's take time to build due to the ship hull mechanic. With the number of VP's strewn all across the map and the scant number of turns on the timer, I think that Japan is basicaly unbeatable in this scenerio. 36 Turns would probably be more reasonable for thier timer.

I feel rather confident on the other hand about my chances against Germany. Due to thier slow progress in Russia, they are not even close to thier VP's. This will do me little good, if Japan holds onto there's which I can only see a miracle preventing at this point. Perhaps I should try to capture Berlin before Japans VP counter runs seems more likely.

In any event, I purchased Fighter III Tech this turn, as I think Long Range Fighters are my best investment at the moment.

GrumpyMel -> RE: Barbarossa Begins (9/4/2010 5:38:27 AM)


The situation is going much better here. We are bleeding the German Army white and continue to have supply routes blocked off to AGS & AGC while we build up our own forces. The Germans are attempting some attacks and air raids during the Winter which are costing them dearly due to the combat penalties. Meanwhile my own forces are growing stronger, and the defences in most of the country are strengthening... as we are building far more troops then we loose each turn. Our engineers are also having some success in reconnecting the disparate parts of the country.

Unfortunately the readiness penalties of Winter are preventing us from taking full advantage of the situation to stage our own counter-offensive. Although I may have a surprise or two in store for the Krouts before the Winter ends.

This was the screen that greeted me upon opening my turn. You can see here the results of an air strike against Lenningrad that decimated the well as the Supply loss the Germans are suffering trying to route supplies to AGS & AGC through the Black Sea, which my fleets control.


GrumpyMel -> RE: Barbarossa Begins (9/4/2010 6:10:30 AM)


The Japanese are advancing slowly while conducting a Winter Offensive, but they are paying a brutal price in manpower for the little territory they gain. Factoring in my counter-attacks. Thier kill ratio is worse then 1:1 and most of my losses are cheap conscripts...while many of theirs are mortars due to my counter-attacks. I wonder how long they can sustain this pace. I can tolerate such losses far better then them...still, I must be carefull not to allow them to gain too much ground. As I don't want them capturing any of my cities.

I have a surprise or two in store for them, however. Here is the picture of the situation at the end of my turn.


GrumpyMel -> RE: Barbarossa Begins (9/10/2010 9:02:13 AM)

Jan 42:

West - Slow progress being made by the Brits in Libya. US forces holding in Tunisia against Italians while awaiting naval presence in the Med. Europe quiet except for some French partisans. In the Pacific, ANZAC forces fighting in New Guinea take back one Japanese controled port in minor action. Air Forces operating out of India not having much luck.  US & Australian subs now operating in the Pacific.

GrumpyMel -> RE: Barbarossa Begins (9/10/2010 10:09:56 AM)

Russia:  Readiness loss from Winter is limiting our options somewhat but has allowed us to build up a decent number of fighting forces. We engage in a small offensive north of Vitbsk to cut the supply lines for AGN. Lenningrad is being threatened by large numbers of forces from AGN & Finland but should hold till Spring...after that bets are off. We generaly hold our positions and continue to cause attrition to German forces through Air and Artillery attacks. Axis long range bombers are continuing to be a pain in our side though, through the destruction of bridges...our Flak seems to be ineffective at stopping them.

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